nothing on this planet worse than being indian/paki ;_;
Nothing on this planet worse than being indian/paki ;_;
But your a proud descendent of Romans :^)
pakis think they wuz greek not romans
This Indonesian woman I used to talk to now has an Indian bf. There is hope for you.
Gib Priti Patel gf
>Priti Patel
Is it true she is a PM candidate?
But they're all mujahirs (indian migrants)
Haha, gay
nah, she pissed of most of the establisment of her party
The right-wingers hate her for being brown.
The leftists hate her for being pro-Israel.
She will never be PM.
theyre all punjabis, cope
Why are Muslim engineering students always extremely conservative Muslims?
she is honary white
No this is in karachi you get mujahirs
>those british teeth
At least you sound funny
Not like there's any difference between the average north Indian, Punjabi, and Sindhi
>nothing on this planet worse than being indian/paki ;_;
Not really. You just think too much about roasties.
This gives me hope for the world
She should have used the loo
Sorry for an autistic question but as someone interested in linguistics, what are your native languages? I know India and Pakistan have a shitton of them
How does this make you feel?
kek they're punjabis you dumb paki, that picture is in islamabad, so is this one
Then theyre mujhairs living in islamabad mog.
Not at all? You posted Slovenia, not Slovakia.
Being a tripcunt is infinitely worse than being born any ethnicity.
Which country came first? Does it trigger your people to know another country is trying to steal your identity (or you trying to steal theirs)?
theyre punjabi
80-90% of punjabis look like poojeets ffs
I knew this slovenian chick named irena in my teen, she played call of duty and liked heavy metal. Why are slovenian girls so based?
this was the "Joke"
These sound like the names of cheap Hungarian confectionery.
>do milk
Interesting request.
There's not a single decent looking guy in that picture holy shit.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Paki delusions are the funniest thing in the world. WE WUZ MUGHALZ N SHEEEIT. WE WUZ CENTRAL ASIANS N SHEEEIT. No, Abdul. You're South Asians. As dark and short as the rest of us.
What do pakistan pakis think of diaspora pakis?
Leaf education.
Our word Slovák (a Slovak man) is derived from the word Slovan which means Slav, which is derived from the word slovo (it means word). The native name for Slavs basically means "those who speak words", vs. Nemci, which is derived from the word nemý (mute) which is our name for Germans. Old Slavs just like old Germanics lacked a modern nationalistic identity and divided the world into "those who we understand and those we don't". Slovenes also derive their name from the same source. Nobody stole the other's national identity.
What we have in common with Slovenes is that we both are Slavic ethnicities, we both speak a Slavic language and both ethnicities were under nonslavic rule, which meant their language defined their identity. This is why Slavs who had their own state in the middle ages, like Czechs, Poles, Croats ... adopted different names while our ethnic identity stayed basically "Slavic" until the national awakenings in the 19th century defined our names as particular to Slavs living in certain territories as opposed to all Slavs (Slovák refers to Slovaks only now while Slovan means a Slav in general).
He is handsome
The joke's on you as both pretty much mean "Slavic".
>Not like there's any difference between the average north Indian, Punjabi, and Sindhi
But there is. Pic related.
thats an afghan on the left
pakis love to claim they are descended from iranians/afghans/turks/arabs
but the truth is 99% of pakis/punjabis/muhajirs/indic subhumans are hindu subhumans ethnically
\we are the lowest race, much of our admixture is abbo
It depends on what tribe/ethnicity you are. Most Indians speak Hindi. I’m Punjabi/Kashmiri so I also speak Punjabi/Kashur. If you’re say Tamil you will speak Tamil and if you’re Gujarati you will speak Gujarati. So it depends on who your ancestors were/are. However, everyone knows Hindi except some South Indians.
Um nah but you’re right that most Indians (by population) look like the ones in the pic above. It’s mostly because we self-segregate so much that those of us say (say 5-10%) who “don’t look Indian” almost exclusively marry within caste/tribe so the bloodline stays pure I guess. You should come to New Delhi and hang out in the rich Punjabi communities and then go to the streets. It’s like 2 different worlds.
Which ethnicity is most similiar to original Indo-Aryans? The Kalash people?
being brazilian
Yup, you’re right. The Kalash are so little in population and so isolated though it’s useless to consider them. They also practice ancient Hinduism which our pagan ancestors brought to India from Eurasia. In India the highest percentage of “Aryan Blood” is in Kashmiris followed by Punjabis/Sikhs. Then everyone else. My mum is kashmiri and has pale skin, green eyes and dark brown hair. Features that are almost non-existent in most Indians but fairly common in Kashmiris.
pic related
Punjabis are mix of Aryan, Dravidian and Yamanya
Pretty cool, wish they’d kept the old civilization sites instead of paving them over. Rajasthan did a decent job in maintaining their culture and architecture, but that’s due to the royal family not government.
Where are you from?
>Punjabis are mix of Aryan, Dravidian and Yamanya
Punjabis are mostly native indian, very little aryan admixture in them
its ok youre aryan