Weird traditions of your country

Share some interesting traditions still going on in your country

> Once a year
> Making an old ugly woman dummy
> Get accused of something bad
> Carried around the city
> Fake public process
> Condemned and burned at the stake
> [In same places] While burning priest throw holy water to eliminate the evil.

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Every year in October we dress our kids up like monsters and send them out into the neighborhood to beg residents for candies.

Live in Russia.

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Cities get abandoned, people dress up, get drunk and dance like frogs around a giant penis.

no traditions here anymore

Best time of the year!

You beat me to it.
This, if you don't like midsummer you ain't Swedish.

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>dance like frogs around a giant penis
why is sweden so gay?

Come on Finland, we know you like it.

To put a kid inside a giant egg and watch how he is being descended

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We regularly get attacked by terrorists.

midsummer solstice. get drunk, dance around a fire, jump through the fire to purify yourself and also swing which is also purifying and go to sauna which is also purifying. then send the young ones in pairs of male/female to the woods to search for a little worm that glows in the dark and also a flower which everyone knows doesn't exist with the point being the male inserting benis in the female somewhere in the woods lamo

Midsummer for the WIN!

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Also in a nearby village people throws goats from the church tower (in the past they did the same but with frenchies)

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>jump through the fire

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>throwing frenchfags down a tower

spaniards are literally muslims

if you're from a rich family you get to pour molten silver into water to tell the future. if you're a poorer fag like me you can use tin for that purpose.

do you jump over bayonets too?

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haha lol no. seems fun tho :DD

Midsummer is pretty strange but Valborgsmässoafton (walpurgisnacht) is also pretty strange.
Basically thousands of giant bonfires are lit all over Sweden, people get really fucking drunk and watch it burn followed by fireworks and more bonfires and people waving around burning torches.

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During summer, some village feasts organise the gostra. This involves a long wooden pole covered in grease and hanged over the sea.
At the end there are several flags, each with a religions meaning. To win, the contestants must run up the pole and grab the flags.

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the pole should be vertical dude, its too easy like that

we set up bonefires and jump over them to gain protection against witches and demons, it's not uncommon that some drunkard fall into them and die

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and i think you also do this "night of ancient fires" stuff on the coastal areas during the last saturday of august? this is a more recent thing tho. from 90s

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>Beginning of spring
>Still tons of snow everywhere, but it's not as freezing
>Go to cabins in the woods and have maple syrup themed foods, including one desert where we literally pour hot syrup on snow to make taffy

Sounds like fun. We have Valborg which is similar but no jumping through the flames.

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I think we had something like that which was organised during the Carnival but I forgot the name.
The pole being greased makes it difficult though.

here they jump with the horses to protect both of them against the diseases

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We burn crosses on people's front yards and dress up as spooky ghosts.

same. we call it 'krnjo'.
t. splićanin

It is, usually we go to the countryside to the house of a friend, make the bonefire and get drunk while eating sardines. Pic is in A Coruña were thousands of people celebrate it on the beach.

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fuck yeah, palo della cuccagna

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In a village they have this bear that "rapes" people by smearing mud on their faces during carnival


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another pic

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That's it! the Kukkanja! We'd have meat products and live animals hanging up there. Not sure if
it is organised any more, or at least if it is, it is done without meat and live animals.

Chasing a large cheese wheel down a steep hill

Sticking with the theme of burning shit, we'll have Sächsilüüte (6 o'clock toll) coming up pretty soon in Zurich.
Is where we bid farewell to winter by burning a snowman effigy atop a stack of wood. The snowman is filled with explosives and the time is measured until its head explodes. It is said that the quicker the head explodes, the nicer of a summer it will be.
There's also a lot of marching and music by the guilds of Zurich before.

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On the first day of March everyone gives writs bands or various other shit made of red and white threads to their co-students, family, co-workers and so on.

So for a couple of weeks at the end of February and the beginning of March everything everywhere is red and white.

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We celebrate Saint Martins Day in November. It's about Saint Martin of Tours, a roman soldier who became a monk and his legend being that he shared his cloak with a homeless beggar during a snowstorm to save him from certain death. It's mostly for kids who create their own lanterns in school, walk around the town with a marching band, watch a play of saint martin sharing his cloak, eat a pastry modeled after a human with a pipe and afterwards go around the block to sing at houses and get candy as a reward. This holiday is the reason why Halloween has no chance over here. We got our own with a nicer tradition.

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BASED enlightenment

we have this strange way of dancing where you dress up in traditional clothes, jump around and kick hats off sticks

>dance like frogs around a giant penis
That's a myth.

good post

That's a slavic tradition too

>the point being the male inserting benis in the female somewhere in the woods
HNNNNG why wasnt i born in estonia WHYYYYYY

>dress up as these devil things
>accompany saint Nicholas
>run around and beat the shit out of people

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we bought the woman for wedding.

Did you insert benis into bagina?

we pour beer in our shoe and drink out of it
no one knows why, but we all do it

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