Who was the greatest leader in your countries history?
Who was the greatest leader in your countries history?
44th President of the United States Barack H. Obama
I'll never forget the sheer volume of white conservative assblastedness that he caused
William of Orange or Thorbecke.
Pic unrelated
thomas jefferman
The Jews.
Napoléon III was pretty good
shame he had to go so soon
Frederick II Hohenstaufen
Mark Rutte. the rest are hundreds of years old and hard to quantify or Soc*al-Democrats or christcucks
>Mark Rutte
Nobody will remember him.
Sophie Scholl. I would have followed her into hell and back.
I hope you know he's going to let Kim annex you right?
That's what the upcoming meeting is about.
Germans only follow their leader to hell. But never back.
Queen Elizabeth II
The United States has never had a good leader. The only responsible way to lead the most racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and genocidal empire in the history of white supremacy would be to disband it and form an armed force composed entirely of non-whites to go around slaughtering the pigs who think that some scribbles on a shitty piece of scrap paper from 1776 have any relevance in the 21st century.
Getulio Vargas.
If you ever insult George Washington again i will personally slit your throat
That slave owning pig deserves a posthumous execution.
Trump is second best, Washington is in a league of his own
Lukewarm bait, but Sup Forums would be retarded enough to fall for it
4/5 bait but only because you actually are 80 % right.
this guy in alternate universe where Stalin was spanked to death by his mom
Which says much more about our previous "leaders" than it does about Rutte
unironically hitler. we have a pathetic history and hitler was the only one who really risked something
Unironically Gorby. He's not the smartest guy on this planet, but we owe him a lot without knowing it.
>in your countries history
American education, everyone.
Alexander the 2nd
>Лyчший пpaвитeль Poccии
Probably this guy, Tage Erlander, prime minister from '46 - '69. He managed to lay a firm foundation on which our society has stood strong since. I guess that's what that sort of continuity get you. Second would probably be Axel Oxenstjärna, who oversaw much of the creation and management of our empire in the mid 17th century
Unironicly Benjamin ((((Disreali))))
all the post war ones are shit
Nobody was.
Probably Benito Juárez or Lázaro Cárdenas. Plutarco Elías Calles is also an option.
Norway hasn't really had any "strong man" type of leaders in modern times. Probably for the best, honestly, that mode of governance only ever leads to oligarchy.
I honestly don't know if I can answer this question. If you name any prime minister, there is some area of the country which will immediately become assblasted at the mere mention of their name.