>Meds talks to me
>Have to stop myself from laughing because he's 170 cm at best
Meds talks to me
Other urls found in this thread:
>new worlder start talking about his ancestry
this is a shitskin
the shitskins pretend to be westerners lately
much more than before
I'm really enjoying the butthurt following the wake of Fernando Martinez
He is unstoppable...
but frogs are manlet too
>french talks to me
>can't understand his afro-asiatic gibberish
>nice facial features
>has a nasal voice of a little bitch
Alain Delon is a med manlet, and he also wanted to get ass fucked by Amerindian Bull Carlos Monzón
Lithuanians are a bit taller than us from my experience.
Calling bullshit on Swedes.
let's be honest
average man here looks better than everywhere north of the alps
>Med manlet
>born in Île-de-France
no he is not a dirty southron
>black facial hair
>thick dark eyebrows
>eyesockets set deep
Whoa, how could this happen.
>French, Corsican Italian (father)
he is a dirty southron
alain delon ancestries can be tracked back to the xvth century, hes as french as your brown cheeta
he had 1(one) corsican ancestor and that was his grandmother, which explains why he's only 177 cm and not tall like the average trufrench
still a handsome lad unlike you swarthy meds
The barbie
he's only handsome because his G*rmanian mom has preferd the BMC
>he's only handsome because his G*rmanian mom
He would be one ugly son of a whore because of that though.
>alain delon
>italian ancestry
lmao kill yourself
based AMERINDIAN superiority
why so butthurt
it's preety much a fact even americans know that
>why so butthurt
>he's the one exposing his hatred toward France
I don't think Frenchmen are taller than Italians.
There is some overlap between Italians and the very tall people of former Yugoslavia.
I would rather make a Basketball or Volleyball team with Italians than French"men".
>t. Santiago Romano Ferrari
Tall Italians are Venetians aka Slavic mutts.
>appointed facts
>hurr durr why hate France?
I'm actually 172 though
hahahahaha can't make this shit up
good one Federico Federichetti
the only fact you provided is an outdated height map, everything else is subjective butthurtness
>Napoleon was Italian
>Alain Delon was Italian
It's really quite sad how Italians wish they were French;
Damn it feels good to be Italian
I'm 181 and feel very average. Immigrants are often manlets though
why dont you say it in your language then, oh yes your 1/64 italian part dont give you any rights but being a mockery subject for us.
All these fucking manlettes.
You seem...upset
you seem...stupid
he's right, kill yourself you wop subhuman
What's bothering you so much my fellow multiculturalist?
that your larping dog under a cucked flag
You are right. If only I could be a true Frenchman like these strapping young gentlemen.
better than american ghettos tho
Sure thing Abdul. I'm sure that French Ghettos are places of refinement and taste.
not really, but they are way better than american ghettos thats for sure