ITT: former leaders of your country whom you hate the most
ITT: former leaders of your country whom you hate the most
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why? Because he lost the war and didn't listen to the advice of his generals to attack Moscow when he had the chance?
Bush or Hoover
>Not hating "stimulus package" Rudd or usurper Gillard, or even the walking talking hypocrisy coalboy Turnbull more
''Charles Salinas von Gortari''
>if Hitler took le Moscow he would have won le war
please stop memeing
None of those were as bad as Howard. K.Rudd was good as a person, only his economic policies were bad.
He would have been able to negotiate a favourable armistice with the Russians from a strong advantageous position.
The previous one was worse than this cunt
>good person
>literally abused all his staff to the point no one wanted to work with him
By previous one i mean Taft
Only works that way in your vidya, Bruce
t. history brainlet
Stalin even sent peace feelers out to Hitler during the period. Hitler wanted a "final victory" on the eastern front, something that would decisively help him negotiate a favourable peace, he hoped to achieve that at Stalingrad and later at Kursk, but it never came.
the backstabber was julia, not K.Rudd, you gina rinehart ruper murdoch shill.
Back to /gsg/
Men imagine if teddy won against. We maybe now would have 3 parties.
>was good as a person, only his economic policies were bad.
Wow, it's almost like all you need to be a good politician is be of good character because fuck policies, budgeting, law, legal ethics, legislation and everything that comes with being a politician.
Let me guess, Hawke was your favorite because he chugged a beer.
both your pic and mine aren't even jewish, not ethnically or religiously
he was an austrian
corrupt fucking asshole
both were in the wrong
turnbull is ethnically jewish, he converted to christianity at some point
>criminal who destroyed the US Constitution and states rights and waged an illegal war on fellow Americans
Traitor who got what he deserved.
He was arrogant, probably corrupt, fat and enabled Merkel. In general he's overrated and the only reason for him being remembered is for the german re-unification, which I am sure would have happened under any sane politician.
I'm so glad he was gunned down and got what he deserved.
Fucking socialist piece of shit.
Don't forget abbot the onion eating fucktard. Literally the only good thing he ever did was get knifed by turnbull and even that instantly devolved into a fucking shitshow.
>freed the slaves
the worst president ever .
Source on Turncoat being an ethnic Jew?
There was no way for him to take Moscow.
Abbot was pretty good during his very short time in office, in that he did nothing wrong really. SJWs love to bash him but the only thing he really did wrong was eat an onion with the skin on.
Sadly, like Rudd, getting backstabbed has turned him into a malevolent spirit of hatred and now he's doing more damage from the backbench than he need be. As a former Abbot-supporter, it pains me to say the best thing for him to do now would be to quietly disappear.
>hating Based Schroeder
tfw no Russia-Germany dreamteam to conquer europe and btfo the kikes
He is based, our president's best friend, too.
I thought your president was a degenerate lesbian feminist?
>former leaders of your country whom you hate the most
Everyone from 1991 till now needs to be burned alive
I hate this moron so fucking much
It's funny, because people here like him and see him as some kind of angel of freedom.
No, she's a prime minister just to trick the annoying eu, she has zero power and is totally submisive to Mr. Based (our president Vucic).
Reminder that when the Far Right try to fuck Turnbull over when he gets to the magic 30 newspolls they'll get prolapsed so hard they'll wish Cory was still relevant
>Far Right
I don't think far right or far left exist in this country. At least not as anything more than pathetic hollow memes for uni students to roleplay in as a hobby.
Ferdinand VII and Francisco Franco, both wrecked this country and made sure it would stay wrecked in the future. The worst part is that they died in bed, both should have been blood eagled.
Yeah people in the West and the Butthurt belt think Gorbachev and Yeltsin were some kind of champions of democracy and world peace while Russians think they should have been hung from a lamppost.
Pauline Hanson's IQ is abysmally low it's painful to hear her try to speak. Meanwhile look at New Zealand's far right populist, Winston Peters, speak eloquently and make subtle intelligent remarks. And he's not even white, so much for white supremacy.
With a passion
Abbot is literally, not metaphorically, the reason your internet is shit right now. He fucked us so hard we will still be getting fucked by his decisions 20 years down the line.
he did deserve it
he was based
Yeltsin was actually worse
I don't hate any of our ex presidents. Trump needs to get impeached ASAP though.
he was shit but 20 years is a stretch. what did he do that was that bad? the net won't take 20 years to fix
schröder is a corrupt asshole, specially his hartz IV reform was a disaster for a lot of people here.
>when the Far Right try to fuck Turnbull over
The non-existent far right in this country dont have to, Turnbull is already fucking himself over literally every time he opens his mouth or does anything but breathe
>"25mbps is more than enough for the average Australian house"
>Proceeds to jump the NBN connection queue in his suburb and pays for the highest plan available
>Constantly talks shit on renewables and batteries and how all we need is "clean, reliable coal"
>Has solar panels and even has a battery installed
t. mergle
Think this is universal 2bh
>the net won't take 20 years to fix
believe me when I say it will, it'll be years until we get anyone with the political balls to un-fuck the NBN and that will takes years more since the whole thing will need to be dug up and re-laid as fibre to the premises.
The whole clusterfuck up until this point can be laid squarely at the feet of Tony "telstra deserves the taxpayers moeny" Abbot, who not only ended the in progress FTTP installation in order to switch to the current and unbelievably shitty FTTN installation, but then leased telstras own copper network for 100 million dollarydoos only to spend a further 100 million fixing it because surprise, surprise telstra had run it into the ground and the whole FTTN thing was just a way of getting us to foot the bill for their raging incompetence.
>former leaders
what's this?
I get something called FTTC tho it's apparently meant to be better. Also I didn't know that you had to get rid of the existing fibre to lay more fibre. It's also funny how every second australian understands how the different types of internet work now lol
Would you like to take a free ride in a helicopter?
Fibre to the Curb (FttC) is better than Fibre to the Node (FttN) but not as good as Fibre to the Premises (FttP).
I take your point about not needing to rip up existing fibre to lay new stuff and counter with the monumental levels of incompetence displayed on literally every level of this project. Do you really think they wont?
would you like to get a backrub from a tank?
>be on the wrong side of history
>still making threats
I guess delusions are what drives commies forward
He's unironically the reason we're a shithole.
don't people learn from being idiots? if not, who can we trust to fix it
Hrushcov. Only reason why we were in space race were inetiatives started with Stalin.
>who can we trust to fix it
Probably no-one desu, but I live in hope that this whole 2 party system will collapse one day and we'll get some minor parties in who are willing to do the hard yards and finally fix our internet.
Niciodata n-am stiut motivul, eram prea tanar
De ce e blestemat de tot poporul ?
Pentru ca a instalat un nou regim comunist dupa ce a cazut comunismul, numai ca era mai rau si corupt, si a omorat oameni in strada cand au protestat.
Trudeau II is just a stooge of the Liberal party insiders, he runs his mouth a lot but I doubt he is really allowed to make any decisions and he will not really change the status quo in this country. Trudeau Sr was different, he was smart and decisive enough to be a real threat, and he negatively changed this country in ways from which it will never recover.
t. sossebög
looks like it will, lot of people are starting to dislike them