Too much interracial propaganda pushed me out of Sup Forums and into here The tipping point really was when I thought about how in reality - in my state that's just 1.8% black - I almost never hear any talk bout interracial whatever, yet on Sup Forums it's constantly bombarded.That is to say, I only think about interracial bullshit when I come here, so why would I want to continue having those thoughts in my head?
ANYWAY, all in all, I got a lot of out of that board, though. The Paul Joseph Watson, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, all the alt right youtubers..Everybody I got from here. I got a solid appreciation for a voice that the mainstream media doesn't report on. I thoroughly appreciate that.
I'll still be on Sup Forums, but it'll be largely Sup Forums and other hobby related boards - which I think is OK when you just want to focus on self improvement on all that...I'm 28 years fucking old. I don't need any unwanted defeatist anxiety in my head. I need to start making power moves to start a family and shit.
>Too much interracial propaganda pushed me out of Sup Forums and into here The tipping point really was when I thought about how in reality - in my state that's just 1.8% black - I almost never hear any talk bout interracial whatever, yet on Sup Forums it's constantly bombarded.That is to say, I only think about interracial bullshit when I come here, so why would I want to continue having those thoughts in my head?
>ANYWAY, all in all, I got a lot of out of that board, though. The Paul Joseph Watson, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, all the alt right youtubers..Everybody I got from here. I got a solid appreciation for a voice that the mainstream media doesn't report on. I thoroughly appreciate that.
>I'll still be on Sup Forums, but it'll be largely Sup Forums and other hobby related boards - which I think is OK when you just want to focus on self improvement on all that...I'm 28 years fucking old. I don't need any unwanted defeatist anxiety in my head. I need to start making power moves to start a family and shit.
pol is too much of an echo chamber for there to be rationale discussion. The posts are all cycled and the same themes come up every 2 days. I learned everything I had to about their ideology and now it’s eh. I still go there sometimes but just when a major news event happens to get a contrarian viewpoint and juxatpose it with what I read in the media and online. It’s great for that.
Not to mention some people there are very young and immature so they legitimitely get anxiety and depression from the Sup Forums worldview
Caleb Powell
>I learned everything I had to about their ideology and now it’s eh.
OP here. Exactly.
And I appreciate that too. Legitimately, it's cool that I got an understanding from a viewpoint that isn't unheard in the mainstream, you know. The cool youtubers and all of that was pretty exciting too.
But yeah once you get that out of it, it becomes worthless to regularly browse there.
If I occasionally see something crazy in the news I could see myself posting a thread or something, but I'll never regularly lurk there. Stick a fork in it.