What does this picture imply? Sweden is a woman who just sucked black cock?
What does this picture imply? Sweden is a woman who just sucked black cock?
yes. she also got aids.
This can't be real.
wtf. I love the future now
"sweden" is a black woman, look at her nigger-curls
Just as Hitla predicted
>"sweden" is a black woman
And that's supposed to be a good thing? TOPKEK
don't post the belgian one, please
He did it.
Post the Belgian one.
Who the fuck in the PR manager for this? What do they have in their heads? Don't they see that this is even contrary to what they want to achieve? Lots of people will complain about it and will make them more racist, due to the fact how they will be fed up with this.
maybe that's their intention, subconscious counter propaganda
Only racists would have a problem with this image.
You aren't a racist...are you user?
>tfw you'll never be sweden
I'm not a racist. But lots of people are getting annoyed here in Germany. If there is a black super model winning in TV and it was obviously staged. And there is this constant racial appreciation bombardment getting everybody, even the non racist people, tired of it. More and more people believe that something is fucked up. Why do they use two black persons and not just normal persons? Or at loeast just one black?
why is it never WM BF on these pictures
What do you mean? It's an AIDS awareness poster. What do you think it's trying to achieve?
best one
I'm sure you could find a black cock to suck if you want Espana
why do you want to get BLACKED
Stereotype. Woman is always lighter pigmented than a man.
why are they using blacks to play in football teams then?
are blacks okay to be used in football but not on posters?
What? Everything is fine
hope there isnt one for france
i've never heard of that stereotype
>superior genes
I change my mind. Was expecting same thing but a Belgian girl.
But I don't want it to be only black, it must be black and german!
who doesn't? an entire continent can't be wrong
Testosterone makes man's skin darker than that of a woman, even if they're the same ethnicity.
White woman and a nigger is more prominent though.
More relevant than ever right now
> AIDS awareness poster
>Literally features niggers,gays and russians
>Testosterone makes man's skin darker than that of a woman
> I'm not racist
> why do they use blacks and not just normal persons
Geh Dich ficken.
And that Germans are niggers.
>bis in den tod
Yes, it does. Due to bigger bloodflow. You look nice on that picture btw.
I didn't know HIV could even spread orally
I like how not only it shows her as very submissive, but also both of them are negroes or half-negro mutts (blonde afro?)
>Make love, not war
What do you think that implies, Pekka?
She looks Swedish when it comes to her facial structure.
>Yes, it does. Due to bigger bloodflow.
I'm just stating how it is. People are moving more towards parties as AfD, if they get fed up by this.
Why is there no lesbian in this shitty ad?
>AIDS awareness poster
>features demographics where AIDS is more of an issue
That's how these sort of things work, user.
I get that you're a retard, just like majority of Scandinavians.
Why are you like this?
is there a response?
His mouth kind of looks like A FUCKING LEAF. Is this doctored or coincidence?
The more the time goes by the more I start believing Brazil has a chance of becoming the world's biggest superpower
The fagottry will be the same though
But why are people not fed up with blacks and other races playing in their football teams?
And why would that be okay and posters made specifically for Euro 2014 featuring minorities not be okay?
I haven't watched german tv for 10 years. Please tell me how things have changed. Is there alot of leftist propaganda on tv nowadays? I guess ProSieben and Sat1 are the worst.
Two black models won in the last 5 years at Germany's Next Top model and one even has some Syrian ethnicity. They aren't even looking this good. It's just forced and people notice that, it's self-defeating.