Best national leaders as of the current day
1. Xi Jinping
2. Putin
3. Macron
Meme mention: Trump
Best national leaders as of the current day
1. Xi Jinping
2. Putin
3. Macron
Meme mention: Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
They are all memes
What are you doing
>our passports are made by the french
>our threads are made by australians
So you're happy to sit in the corners or behind the goal?
Just want to live in a Germany led by Gregor Strasser, Ernst Junger and Ernst Niekisch lads is that too much to ask
do you have the one he threatened to kill me
in awe at the full blown 'tism of this lad
Notice how that post and poleaboo's post are exactly 30 seconds apart (the cooldown for a pass)
Simple innit
And now this one popping up at (you guessed it, 30 seconds)
lol why do you care so much?
never had a racist though
unbelievable tekkers
They may have been the bad guys, but they had a good sense of fashion desu
May or may not have reported you for spam x
US is basically the bank for the world (some economist said this)
Was a proper nice guy to a girl a few weeks ago but then I realised how embarrassing it was and stopped talking to her and a few weeks later she asked me out. No idea how "dating" works tho so this will end horribly.
>Fascism is an extremely broad Brush
its not unless you're a dumb wanker who reads the Independent.
sure things like Autarky are common fascist tenants, but its not like every state that preaches ethnic solidarity, or self sufficiency or whatever as national ideals is Fascist exactly.
the only government today I'd say is even close to fascist is North Korea because of their heavy emphasis on spectacle and the illusory nature of reality in the face of collective will.
China is close but much less so, Xi Jinping strikes me as being very close to a Fascist leader, completely alien in comparison with the equally autocratic Mao who was almost comically deconstructive and more of a poet than a demigod
>Sw*dish thread
sad to see the lad he's replying saying he'd commit suicide there
hope he didnt do it
you're browsing /brit/, the most psychotically autistic general on Sup Forums
Go on swede post your thread again, it's funny haha
>why do you care that a literal nonce is roaming the streets
hmm i wonder
when people constantly go on about how terrorists etc were known about before the attack but nothing was done about it, this is one of those cases
reminder that pakiboo is a:
>child molester
>islamic extremist
>white supremacist
>labour voter
>anime watcher
Obviously you haven't been to any of the smaller generals like /ausnz/
a lot of the threads on /vg/ are worse
reminder that no one cares
Visited the holocaust museum with me mum earlier this year.
wtf I hate Germans now
kinda agree desu esp when his behaviour continues to get more and more deranged such as the stalking trial, faux-racism and general ridiculousness
Read The Coming Revolution
just witnessed a fox in broad daylight for the first time in my life, just chilling by the side of the river
was quite the surreal experience desu
Len Goodman is a paedophile
>heavy emphasis on spectacle and the illusory nature of reality in the face of collective will.
What does this even mean
I agree with you about Mao though, he was in some ways pretty anti materialist which is the opposite of what a Marxist revolutionary is meant to be. More like a successor to the Taiping Tianguo than Lenin, peasant collectivism vs industrial socialism
>>labour voter
paki enabler
>Went to the polling station on my way home, went to one desk, was asked my street, was then told to go to a different desk, I told them my street and name and then my name again. Got given my ballot paper, unfortunately there was no UKIP candidate standing, possibly due to the large student population here. Greens were not standing either, I like the Lib Dems but I don’t feel strongly enough about them to throw away my vote, decided to make a serious vote (between SNP and Labour), went with Labour since I don’t like the idea of the SNP winning all the seats in Scotland.
he means that the government acts as if the people are united on issues regardless of whether this is actually the case
Put 'Poleaboo Lore Expert' on my CV
loving this highlight reel of what a mentaller poleaboo is
>unfortunately there was no UKIP candidate standing
>Perfidious Albion’s passport
>Made by France
Super kek
Put 'Poleaboo Lore Expert' in my WC
in your toilet?
Hardly, there are no posts from 2013-14. That's when he actually lived with the polish girl.
I voted brexit but honestly prefer the colour of that passport rather than the blue one
>went with Labour
rate the start of my next song lads
pooing and wanking
online banking
this lol why do people want a worse colour
if he voted for Labour in an election then he's literally a Labour voter
he can't escape his Paki nature
seen one lurking about in my back garden
i think he's got a den in the neighbour's unkempt bramble jungle garden but uses our garden as access to it
very mixed feelings about it to be honest
they make a racket at night, screaming like a banshee, and i worry it'll eat the local cats
but then again it's a novelty to see a fox
dont care
foxs fucking suck
t. from the country
don't really get people who vote labour and ukip
Still better than 90% of Pakis
fack off back to wayols inni you taff twat
i thought you were working class mate
why are you mocking the working class then?
lad from work messaged me asking if I'm OK because I didn't come back from lunch, complete forgot he had my number
scared to open whatsapp now even though there's 100 message in the group chat
saw one sprinting across a field once whilst on a walk. The one and only fox I've ever seen.
working class lads aren't racist
always larping on about being working class yet you post this
fuck off you pseudo tory cunt
how can you be so wrong
Bit of a reach to claim all working class people are like that
basically weeping and crying for toilberg to give me a job
hallo hallo hallo
how are we all doing then
are we all yamagucci
I saw a pair at night once. Ran back inside to get a spare chicken breast to feed them, but the stupid creatures just stared at me and ran away.
I see skunks and deer almost every morning lurking around here
can't believe there are people on Sup Forums
in /brit/ no less
who reply to, and even discuss the lives of, namefags and tripfags
not one of you sad bastards is my friend
fuck off to /soc/ or reddit or tumblr or wherever that shit is acceptable
it's a cruel caricature of the working class
someone who is of that class wouldn't find the caricature funny
yes we are, you're from fucking Swansea you nonce
dare you to come to my brum and see what's happened to the working class here then try and tell me I shouldn't be racist
I'll smash your fucking head in
tarquin is a compliment right?
agree it's so neurotypical to get obessed with these uninteresting twats as well
yea partially this and partially more philosophical ideas where if you enforce a specific "ideal" or form or archetype or whatever you want to call it on a society from the top down, you can change the way people perceive the world around them and in effect "change" reality. little things like changing what words or symbols mean through constant almost viral repetition, to big things like grand ritualistic spectacle and of course the extreme attention to detail when it comes to human living space since our habitat effects our mentality.
if you read the Golden Bough Frazer talks extensively about how in the past people would practice these rituals in order to both re-intact myth, but also make the myth real and give it genuine power, thus myth wasn't just a story as we see it now but part of the fabric of their reality.
Plato talks about this too but ultimately he believed underneath all the myth and illusion there was a genuine truth. German existentialists and others however disagreed which is where Fascism comes from. eventually you are so immersed in the national myth that there is no reality beyond that.
Communist states do this too but under the guise of anti-myth or deconstructing myths, though in effect they just create new ones (or else leave behind a society devoid of strong myth like modern Russia)
t. rorkequin who larps as a propa working man
Looks like a nice girl, cheers Scotland x
It's a fucking joke mate don't get your knickers in a twist
it's like "posh". Strictly speaking it is used disparagingly but at the same time it is inherently complimentily
dad's a lorry driver
swansea is full of racist proletarians anyway don't know why he would make such a baffling comment
it's the lower middle class (the Corbynista class) that hates racism with a passion
bit tall
cannot fathom writing a fucking essay on Sup Forums with the word "Plato" in it and not having a word with myself
how fucking disconnected from reality do you have to be
> Working class
> Tattoos, bald head
In Russia it is traditionally represented by old men retired - those who came to the plant in the times of the USSR. They looks like this.
it's the young middle class labour voters who have that kind of disdain for the working class
girl here just think as me as one of the other anons
You can already hear her talking like shes gargling marbles
t. Scottish grandparents
Story time: when I was 15 my sister's 13 year old friend sat on my lap in front of everyone and kept moving around to provoke me.
Didn't even get hard (such was my self control) but the horrible bitch made out like I did.
The 'rents still laugh and mock me about it to this day. Think she wound up getting pregnant at 17 or something so Jake's on her.
is anything beyond key stage 2 English a struggle for you then?
any Kanon or Clannad man in?
She'll be gargling marbles alright ahaha
any wot m8
jog on