Post enemies
Post enemies
we love poland
best place to buy whores and liquor
I could fuck your shitskin mother if I wanted kike.
Ill go to israel and buy a couple of your kike sisters
t. triggered Bobby Pulaski
>Post enemies
I love everyone :)
Enemies? You're just a fucking fart. Nothing worth to consider even a shit on the sole of a boot.
We could have you in 1 hour, but who the fuck would bother: population of one Polish city, no resources and land that's impossible to defend.
Ps. Cut along the river, not across, you subhuman weebshit. Some day, I will stalk you out and beat the shit out of you. I live close to Lithuania, so it won't take long.
Calm your weave jacek
Nah. I'd legit bash this motherfucker. Ask him if he still likes his 2d images, while I punch his fucking face into his monitor.
Butthurt is what that mean samogitian user expects from you, just ignore him, like most of us do and carry on
What about the good old days?
you mean when Lithuanian was nearly wiped out and Lithuanians got polonized?
no thanks
Back when you were a partner in one of the worlds most relevant kingdoms.
>one of the worlds most relevant kingdoms.
We are going to ban shechita, it will rise prices of food in Israel 2x, thats our revenge for treating us as if we were your bitch
>t. bydlo
And there, he's laughing as his own history. Retarded inbred that can't kill himself in a proper way. Patethic fucking coward.
>one of the worlds most relevant kingdoms
*Calls to itself in Russian*
More relevant than shithole inbred backwater known as England.
That's true though. Through 1400-1600s England was a shithole where people used to eat dirt cookies.
Poland was objectively a very rich powerful civilized realm compared to dirt cookie haiti tier England, Poland was more literate and wealthy with much more science, organization and wealth, germanoid russoid partitions were a mistake.
Pic related germanoid serving polish master
If poland conquered russia the world would be a better place with no subhuman bydlos
Mideval english were lived worse than free bantu tribes, if it werent for renaiscance enlightenment and rights of men Englabd would be africa tier as isaac newton came from peasant caste
BASED post
that would be ukraine or russia
Honestly some of the worst posters ever on this site
Coś ty o mnie kurwa napisał,ty mała biedna kurwo? Wiedz śmieciu, że skończyłem studia oficerskie z najwyższymi ocenami i od razu po nich przyjęli mnie do GROMu, brałem udział w misjach w Kosowie, Nikaragui, Portoryko, Iraku, Afganistanie i Pakistanie i mam ponad 300 zabitych terrorystów na koncie. Jestem doskonale przeszkolony w walce partyzanckiej i jako snajper - dostałem odznaczenie dla najlepszego strzelca wyborowego Wojska Polskiego. Jestes dla mnie po prostu kolejnym celem, któremu mogę niespodziewanie rozjebać łeb z 800 metrów. Zmiote cie smieciu z powierzchni ziemii z precyzja dotad nieznana na tej planecie, slyszysz chujku? Myslisz psie, ze mozesz sobie pisac w internecie co tylko zechcesz nie poniesiesz za to konsekwencji? Blad skurwysynu, gdy to czytasz moi kumple z Agencji Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrzego we wspolpracy z CIA namierzaja twoj adres IP, wiec szykuj swoja dupe na jesien sreniowiecza. Jestes juz kurewsko martwy, szczeniaku. Moge w tej chwili byc gdziekolwiek, ale i tak gdy tylko najdzie mnie ochota moge cie rozjebac na jeden z siedmiuset sposobow a i to tylko golymi rekoma. Poza doskonałym przeszkoleniu we wschodnich sztukach walki (znam kung-fu, karate - czarny pas, krav maga i zloty medal w jiu-jitsu) znam sie rewelacyjnie na broni, a tej mam caly arsenal i uwierz mi, uzyje jej tyle, aby z twojego marnego zycia nie zostal nawet najdrobniejszy atom . Gdybys wiedzial gowniarzu co sciagasz na siebie swoim "madralinskim" hejtem pewnie zesralbys sie cztery razy w gacie i pisal gdzie sie da, ze zalujesz chocby samego pomyslenia o tym. Ale nie mogles tego wiedziec i teraz suko zaplacisz za to najwyzsza cene. Jestes pierdolonym trupem.
butthurt polakk shizo
Why do Poles and Lithuanians hate each other but not Austrians and Hungarians?
In AH all Hungarian classes were proud of their Magyar ancestry, and viewed it as at least equal to their Austrian counterparts.
In PLC Lithuanian nobles saw Polish culture as more superior and civilised, therefore adapted it and became Poles, leaving bitter peasants alone with their shitty village folklore. To cure their nationalist insecurities, they claim Lithuania had nothing to do with Poland and that they wuz dukes and gówno. That's why they tell themselves that hating Poland makes you more "Lithuanian".
The polish-lithuanian Commonwealth was a juggernaut in terms of military, cultural, and economic might though. It invaded Russia, saved Europe from Islam, and blobbed big time. It was both of your countries at their hight of power, even if modern relationships are poor at least acknowledge that it was a good time in your history.
haha, how much is this money in total?
few thousand dollars? so miserable
looks like this belt gives you some butthurt XD