>Ukrainians are disgusting subhumans that nobody wants in Russia
>Ukrainians are just Russians in denial that should just unify already
Which is it?
Ukrainians are disgusting subhumans that nobody wants in Russia
Hey you. Yeah you. Stop bullying Ukraine
I feel sorry for Ukrainians. Russia and EU both want them on their sides, but both also treat them like subhumans.
First one. Only retards like putlers think that Ukrainians are sane. They are churka tier people
both desu
fuck off back, andriy
extremely rude. Seriously.
Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk - Russian cities.
Lviv to Poland, Uzhgorod can be taken by Hungary.
But first only because of the second
Ukrainians are polished russians (eastern poland)
EU treats them like subhumans? They tell them, get your shit together and welcome to Europe. But they are unable to. Because they are as shitty as the Russians at anything other than self destruction.
literally 30% of Russian citizen are Ukrainian-descent, how can they treat them like subhumans?
Oh yes, we do.
So his he larping his Tatar heritage? Slavs can't into horses, even the Poles had to be taught by Magyars to effective horsemen with their Winged Hussars.
1 ration ticket as been mailed to your apartment good job comrade.
>>Ukrainians are just Russians in denial
No. He LARPing Zaporojie cossak
Ukranians are basically slav-jews. There are a lot stereotypes in Russia which portray an ukraninan as a greedy bastard.
Nowadays it's popular in Ukraine to hate everything that more or less relates to Russia. While doing that and hating Russia they act dumb and aggressive, this also works against Ukraine.
Ukranians are the Brazillians of the Old Continent
Leave Ukraine alone, back off bullies!
>dat Australian
They are ok people
das racis
Fuck off Ros
They're dumb subpeople who manage to be more corrupt and incompetent than gypsies.
Ukraine is like a free circus.