Are skinny people made fun of in your nation, Sup Forums?

are skinny people made fun of in your nation, Sup Forums?

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Honestly, there's nothing we don't make fun of.

are you middle eastern or soemthing

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>tfw no pale skinny skellington gf



thats a tranny



not a tranny I swear

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Who is she?

prove it


>the Tessaleaf

not any worse than Sup Forumseaf and feelsleaf, but still abysmal as far as posters at large go


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Depends, guys who are like 6'4+ and bone thin catch flak in my town.

lol how's the air up there

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is she American with Czech ancestry?

yeah, if you don't bench at least 100kg you're bottom bitch.

Don’t have any

if you're too thin, people made fun of you. Honestly i don't know what people *don't* made fun of, probably just good looking people don't get picked

I have never seen thin shaming here online or offline. The only close thing to it is when fat landwhales writes on facebook how some *attractive slim qtie* isnt attractive because men want CURVES.

However fat shaming happens all the time both on internet and real life.

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>tfw no sticc gf

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