What's your opinion on Ireland?
inspire pubs which aren't septic white pokie shitholes
not a fan
Haha Irish are subhuman
haven't heard of her, does she have instagram?
Pretty negative before meeting a cool Irish dude at my work.
...but it turned out he's actually English and just lives in Ireland, kek.
Sorry lad.
shall be visiting in a week
hope they are friendly
Angos in denial. Basically like scots, only slightly less delusional. Nice dialect though.
my ancestors:)
It is the only country beside Poland I could die for.
That's Ivory Coast though
irishmen are way superior to englishmen
they are ALPHAS
Finns are just Swedes in denial
we hate jews so i'm glad you only have bad experiences with us
No. Finland is like the opposite of Ireland. The language of the foreign colonizer belongs to a small minority, whereas almost 100% of irishmen speak it as their first language. And I say this as a swedish citizen, and someone who hates finland.
I love u guys, pls gib some redhead irish girl. I'll trade you some blonde Dutch girls.
no one hates jews here apart from impressionable teenagers who frequent Sup Forums
• shit countryside - deforested, flat hills and basically just farmland
• shit urban centres - one city and then some big towns pretending to be cities, all full of low rise """buildings"""
• average IQ of 92 and high functional illiteracy
• can't even speak our own language
• weird sporting culture where people support foreign teams in sports ahead of local ones
• people voting for weird shit like gay marriage and abortion as a backlash against the Catholic church, like a child rebelling against their parents
• very little achievement in terms of inventions and the sciences
• Palestine sympathisers
• shit night life where the nightclubs close at like 2am
• crab bucket mentality
• shit weather
• ungrateful - we look down on Irish-Americans even though they've done a lot for us
• Our country is only like 87% Irish
• barely existent cuisine
• drug problem among young people that the Guards turn a blind eye to
Ireland is a failed state. Every day I pray that Cromwell, Trevelyan and Mosley simultaneously rise from the dead and genocide us
I've liked Ireland for some reason. I was kinda obsessed. maybe because their nationalism seems generally wholesome to me unlike ours.
I was also attracted to Irish literature especially poems about nature. I know it's kinda gay but still.
I'm fucking poor but I will visit there one day.
I want to get drunk with my irish friends
Good country.
Retarded abortion laws.
Haha Irish are subhuman
Love it, my parents own a house there and I'm 50% Irish (moms side).
bleached Italy