How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan...

How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world than Japan? Every asiaboo I know loves Korean culture, food, fashion, m.usic and movies while only fat weebs and other social rejects have the same open love for Japanese culture. Everybody talks about when they're going to go to Korea now, despite the constant threats of war. Korea just seems so much cooler than Japan.

Is there a reasonable explanation for this?

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I think it's because of the recent increase in popularity of kpop and korean fashion. mainly girls are attracted to that, therefore given off the impression that korea is cooler.


*giving off

sex sells

Are you not tired of posting this, Kangaroo?
Everyone knows who you are by now.


Korea is a shithole disguised as a first world country.
It has no culture of its own

My only exposure to Korea is gangs of sexy as fuck asian girls. Way better than gay japanese cartoons and raw fish on rice.

denmark's gdp is lower than nigeria's. kill yourself danenigger

>korean fashion
what is so unique about it? to me it doesnt seem too different from western\japanese fashion

Koreaboos are normies n have noie interest like koreans.
Japs and e autistic as hell and always seen as weebs are gonna be wierd

>Koreaboos are normies

Attached: K-Pop.webm (581x729, 368K)

Serious question. Do you guys actually think Korean "soft power" will last?

Korea's influence comes from Samsung and Kpop. Kdramas have declined a lot by now, and one day Samsung will no longer be in the limelight. What lasting impact will Kdramas and Kpop have on the rest of the world? I don't think there will be any. Kpop is the brainchild of Japanese pop industry and Western pop music. Pop is by nature ephemeral, and soon normalfags will lose interest in it. What else will be left of Korean influence?

>How come Korea is becoming so much more culturally dominant in the world
Korea is original and awesome
japs are losers with shit in the teeth

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But they are at least the female ones.

>Be Japan
>Import western goods and try to use industry standard designs for some products
You're honestly retarded, Germany.

-language and language elements stolen from (pre communist) china
-culture stolen from (pre communist) china
-religion stolen from korea
-law system stolen from prussia
-inventions and technology stolen from england, germany and usa

"traditional japanese" is fake doenst exist. japan is a plagiarist and hasnt invented not even a stick

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It isn't. Dragon Ball Super finale was more watched than anything Korea has ever done

How are you preparing for the Korean century?

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>What else will be left of Korean influence?

Comfort women.

>American Music Awards
>Gooks singing in their gook language
Kek, how much further will we fall?

Steven Universe

>havlavh valhvhav vhavlvahva halvlavl vlavlaha
we have no time for your daily gibberish, mutt
go play leafs and stones under the bridge as you always do

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How does your comment have anything to do with mine? I expected better from Germans.

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>there are people on Sup Forums who STILL reply to this spammer's lame threads

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The average person hasn't even thought of south korea since gangnam style

>zainichi gooks again

Attached: Zainichi Korean in Japan.jpg (500x299, 41K)

>@jap slave

K-pop conquered the US music scene
Ariana grande, Justin Bieber, all shits!

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oh no no hahahaha

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dios mio...

>-religion stolen from korea
That’s something I never heard of

Koreans aren't as autistic or xenophobic as Japan so they can actively export their culture worldwide.

they are available all major cities in japan/us/aus, etc

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>Japan doesn't export its culture worldwide
>What is Sony, Yamaha, Honda, Nintendo, Kyocera, Anime, Manga, Suzuki, Subaru, Multiple extremely popular musicians, video games etc etc etc

lol faggot
They managed to do so WHILE being xenophobic.

Japan > Korea
If you think otherwise there's a 90% chance you're a fag diaspora

Lmao enjoy your plastic gooks with AIDS while we are taking jomon nip qts

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>nip qts lol
but those are zainichi gooks with ps
look at the pic of korean sex workers here

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There are more Koreans living in the US than Japanese, so it would make sense that your average person would be more exposed to Korean culture and entertainment through Korean friends/co-workers.

>muh zanichi

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All the Korean transfer students at my school are anxious spergy fags that speak to nobody except other Koreans including the ones that can actually speak English. I've never in my life heard anyone say something positive about Korea that wasn't Korean themselves.

>korean girls hate 6cm penny of korean men lol
why are there so many korean women in japan?

Attached: arrested sexy K-girls in raid.jpg (380x213, 32K)
Huh?? Cuz i guess they make easy money in Japan lol

Don't worry Japan, you're still cooler than Korea over here.

Daily remind

Yea looks better than us

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protip : anime is for kids.

all made in korean for kids

Kim, the truce is ...

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they actually do, you just don't know it because they it doesn't sell.
k-wave is basically nignog culture, the industries only adopted it because they're already popular

neither of these countries was ever remotely culturally dominant in the world

It is a fake hollow materialistic culture subsidized by gook government. All fake, like their plastic surgery girls.

Nothing comes close to OTAKUBANZAI japan so don't worry nipponese

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>softpower is about substance and originality

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Their commercialized pop-culture panders with western pop-culture, and market so well it would be a weird thing if it didn't start to dominate and push off the bit more quirky and outlandish japanese pop-culture.

TLDR: They understood that sex, flashiness and overabundance sells.

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Mainly because korea is full of westaboos that spreads its cancer culture

>measured by different standard
>hurr durr your dick is too small

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>there are people on Sup Forums who STILL reply to this spammer's lame threads

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You will always be number one for me, japbro. Korea got nothing on you

japs can't do shit but denying fact

Korea has own culture, but no any interesting own culture as like Chinese culture or anime, ninja, samurai, katana, Kyouto, judo type of Japanese things.

kpop is just copy of jpop

fuck off monkey.

fuck off from here gooks

Jap monkey. Korea is better.

Never happen

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they seem to be more western in mind

So you can't say "different"

>western in mind
Is that good thing??

Japanese employers in Slovakia (Sony) - intelligent, respected, polite people.
Korean employers in Slovakia (Samsung) - beat their workers, don't even allow them proper toilet breaks.

Western, lol, the Koreans were literally Africa tier when my dad was a teen. They have far more third world and fascist mentallity.


Because Korean men are more masculine and energetic than Japanese men. Japanese fashion and music are so outdated. Their hairstyle still remains at mid 00s. Korean dance is way cooler than Japanese dance. Japanese variety show is so cringe.

>Korean employers in Slovakia (Samsung) - beat their workers
And they still manage to have employees? How do Slovaks allow gook apes to beat them?

She needs to get bred by a Korean bull

Just rangeban Korea and Japan already.

They look very androgynous.They have no element of masculine.Where did you find their masculinity?


>leave it to a fucking HUE to not understand what culture is.

Experienced both cultures and the introvertedness of the Japs is grating after awhile. Koreans are generally nicer and more willing to not act like they have autism when engaged.

It's because of K-pop obviously. It's more appealing to Westerners than Japanese pop culture.
Korea isn't bad but something about them seems very superficial.

>but those are zainichi gooks with ps
every single time anyone brings up the fact that Japanese girls are obsessing over Korean guys left and right, the fucking netouyo brigade swoops in with the "THEY ARE ZAINICHI YOU CANNOT PROVE THEY AREN'T" shit

you are actually pathetic tbqh

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hey jobless gook
there are tons of both north and south koreans living in japan, so nothing wrong about their obsession with korea

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it must hurt so much that your pure Yamato maidens would rather marry those dirty gooks than a nice guy like you, right?

I sincerely hope that this actually drives you mad and you end up killing yourself.

No, Sane Japanese woman never marry Korean. Korea is one of most male dominated country on the earth.
South korean aborted baby girl until their government ban gender choice abortion.this is why south korean above 35 years old have unbalanced man/woman rate.

>danish culture

bacterias have more culture than your shithole country

lol japanese monkeys eternally btfo

Korean,you are shameless parasite.Do you know how many Korean orphan adoption went to Scandinavia?Your country is producing 40% of the world's orphans.
If your government has money investing in K pop, its must invest in welfare

>does not address any points made about Japan
>starts shitting on Korea instead
literally your every response in this thread is like this.
are you too stupid to realise that we are not Koreans, and we are talking about Japan?

pay debts you inefficient monkey

because korea keep advertising cute girls that make my pee pee go hard

>korean fashion
It just looks like they're dressed like Americans from the 90s

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How you say this?We have not borrowed money from other countries.You owe more borrowed from other countries

Even Koreans hate that shithole

nukes on SHITREA, NOW

>There are people who unironically boast about the popularity of bands made of pretty girls/boys that sing cheesy pop songs that pander to teenage girls

Korea fucking sucks.



because being attracted to japan/weaboo is extremely looked down upon, only the fat weebs and social outcasts are okay with it