
2)Do you like fried chicken?

Fucking hate it, tbqh. Everyone thinks I'm weird.

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Never had proper fried chicken

Chicken is pleb meat

it's wog food

nah only americans eat that shit.

I love fried chicken

it's the healthiest meat though (but not when fried)

Yep, people who dont just cant cook it properly or ate it in shitty fast food "restaurants"

I don't like chicken at all apart from the breast.

Great (aren't all deep fried foods after all?) but not worth-being-fat great.

same but i love fried fish

fried chicken is for wogs and poortherners


I am Welsh and like it

I only eat chicken and fish

Of course, especially in this fast-food restaurant, I sometimes go to eat fried chicken here.

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1. flag
2. yes

Because it has low fat? It's usually ridden with anti biotics and all that. Not exactly healthy.
Not really. It's almost always low quality trash food. I suppose if done right I could love it, but I have yet to find a place with good fried chicken.

>It's usually ridden with anti biotics and all that. Not exactly healthy
to think these are the people calling americans stupid.

lmao fuck off kid. When I live in London it was full of KFCs and you disgusting FATTIES ate that shit by the pounds everyday.

Zipperheads are crazy about it.

Europe has tight conrols on food production. Meat is perfectly safe unlike Am*rica

What kind of people do you think even live in London?
How so?

no. i like smoked chicken. or marinated and grilled on fire


I admit it. I'm a nog because i like fried chicken.