So powerful as Muslim

So powerful as Muslim..
Imagine how strong they'd be as a Protestant..

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*blocks your religion*

Attached: mustafa-kemal.jpg (480x325, 92K)



That's the father of all turks.

I'm the father of all Turks

>Doesn't know Ataturk

The american "education" is really this low.

he is a literally who in world history you subhuman mongrel

>greatest leader of all time
>"literally who"

Attached: Ataturk_in_1923.jpg (360x465, 22K)

If you don't know who Ataturk is, then you don't have enough knowledge about Turkey to be able to judge it desu.

I refuse to worship a cracker on a stick

lmao I know about Ataturk but I don't know any Norwegian leader. Fucking countrylets.

Attached: flusha.webm (1280x720, 573K)

Jesus wasn’t even white

he's a prophet in islam you know that...

he wasnt the greatest you turkish shitskin

a subhuman

Why he looks so European? T*rks elected the whitest guy in the country in order to make other countries think that t*rks are white?

it is always the light skinned ones who rule the dark mass

imagine being a retarded wh*Te sub-human like this lmao


he wasn't elected you retarded wh*Te subhuman

i want to break your bones

Are you autistic? Have you ever been to Istanbul before?

>being this butthurted about some stupid bant
You guys really have some inferiority complex.

Ataturk wasn't even turk, fuck him

I am Greek

It's shooped

Attached: 1514902834802.jpg (646x644, 38K)

this was actually a neutral post
whites dont know who he is

>i-it's just bant

i'm sorry wh*Te boy.

but you colonized an entire continent for years.

it's just bant amirite xD


>denmark calling others irrelevant
That's cute



french turk subhuman
forcing telegram meme on tr
and failed every time

What this norwegian says is true.

In turkey there are even the terms ,,beyaz türkler'' and ,,siyah türkler'' which means white turks and black turks.

It goes back to ottoman times. Upper class and educated turks usually married with europeans and therefore had more european looking offspring while the poor and uneducated peasants, such as anatolians and kurds remained brown.

This is entire forced Kara Boga bullshit makes no sense at all, in fact its mainstream to call blacks zenci in turkey, which literally means nigger.

>such as anatolians and kurds remained brown.
Anatolians have pale skin ooruspu, not even joking

Anatolians had
turks dont

all the turks i know are from Ankara and they are 99% paler than Istanbul scum

is it maybe because giant cities around the world attract poor subhumans??

beyaz türk and siyah türk is not about ethnicity you retarded almancı

He probably had some Slav bood.


We only worship KARA BOĞA here.