Is Kosovo Albanian? (Honestly don't know shit about the area)

Is Kosovo Albanian? (Honestly don't know shit about the area)

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kosovo is austrian clay!

>kosovo banned protests because it could strengthen anti-state sentiment in Syria
We've come full circle

also they're wannabe turks just like albanians

stolen American clay, and the correct name is Arkansovo

Kovoso is almost entirely Albanian in demographics.

Yes, all evidence points towards it. Serbs claim it to be their holy land although they only migrated into Kosovo around the 12th century AD and had took control over it around the 13th century AD before losing it in the late 14th century AD. Despite Serbs being in Bosnia, herzogivna and the Montenegro and rascia area since the 7th century AD they never ventured into Kosovo for another several hundred years.

Moreover, in contrast to Serbs who are 1/2 Belarusian/Ukrainian Slavs paternally (R1a and I2a1), Albanians are vast majority native Balkans having paternal Haplogroups that have been in the area of the western Balkans since the Bronze Age. Pic related.

When Serbia gained its independence from the Turks in 1882 they developed the myth of Kosovo for their nationalism efforts and falsification of history, and in the myth included the famous battle of Kosovo which was glorified despite it being a defeat and leading to immediate vassalization of Serbian kangdoms.

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>Albanians are vast majority native Balkans having paternal Haplogroups that have been in the area of the western Balkans since the Bronze Age. Pic related.

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guy on the far left looks russian

Кocoвo je Cpбия!

Albania is a country made up of mutts, mainly with Turkish admixture because they bowed down to them before everyone else began fighting. They then started to fight after victory was secured across the region

The only people who don't dislike Albanians are Albanians, period. It's really that simple. Albanians want you to think everyone who shit talks them are serbs/macedonians/greeks but the reality is they are the asshole of the continent

Not to mention Kosovo would not exist if NATO had not illegally intervened and won the war for them

Yes, Kosovars are just a subdivision of the Albanian people. Think something like North and South Korea, both are ethnically Korean but separate countries.

>being this much of a coward to greentext comment and not bother (you)ing

Stinky mutt.

>albanian diaspora calling others a mutt

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Fuck no -- it was an Ancient Serbian homeland for centuries prior to the Ottoman invasion of that area as the Turks conqered the region now known as "Kosovo" with the collusion of fucking Albanians.

>History, for the Serbs, started in the early 7th century, when they settled in the Balkans. Their power base was outside Kosovo, which they fully conquered in the early 13th.

>What is true is that they ruled Kosovo for about 250 years, until the final Ottoman takeover in the mid-15th century.

Enough said. Pre-Ottoman invasion Kovoso was Serbia -- give it back to Serbians. Albanians are are just Ay-rabs who landed on European soil. Kick them out back to Pakistan where they belong.

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>mystery meat

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Why are you posting pictures of Albanians, m8?

I'm 110% Finnish, Mohamad Hasan Naser

>250 years in Kosovo
>migrated in 12th century AD
>ancient Serbian homeland

Typical gypsy mentality frankly. This is how gypsies unironically think - everything is their homeland. Just like Serbs.

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Yeah and prior to the 12th century who inhabited it? No one -- Serbians were the first to settle there so give it back to them.

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>mystery meat

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>no one
Albanians did>give it back
Go and take it. I'm not even from Kosovo and I dislike kosovars. However Serbs are horrible people for the most part.