Is it bc y'all can't get any Muslim girls? Brown guys easily get white girls. Seriously maybe you'd stop the whole right wing anti immigration hate shit if you just spoke to some Muslim girls...
Why are Europeans so Islamaphobic?
You do realize they aren't allowed to do that. I could easily if Muslim guys didn't try to jihad me for doing so. For that reason I don't like Islam.
>inb4 just convert bro
>Why are Europeans so Islamaphobic?
Trucks of peace
>Brown guys easily get white girls
They don't. Usually uggos
>Muslim girls...
Don't need no mutt children.
Hope you'll get deported btw
The general public in Western Europe doesn't care about Muslims, it's just that this site is full of right wing extremists.
Just like the general public in US wants Trump impeached but this site worships him.
muslim girls don't sleep with non-muslims
Lol. Beurette slags in France fuck blacks like it's going out of fashion.
They do. Believe it or not but most people don't like Islam at all, but they still believe there is hopes in turning Muslims into functional members of society.
I see plenty of WM-Arab qt couples on the street, but actual Muslim women aren't allowed to date whites. Most get shipped off back to Morocco/Turkey to marry their nephew so he can come here.
Europeans are some of the least islamaphobic people in the world.
blacks are muslims
>Just like the general public in US wants Trump impeached
i think most don't care, and a lot will even support him after they get their tax returns
I saw a white dude holding hands with a muslim qt wearing a hijab coupe days ago. she'd probably get killed if other muslims saw her
You couldn't be more wrong my whole normie family dislikes muslims
He said Europeans.
I have yet to meet a local that doesn't hate Islam.
Back in 1950 about 95% of my country was religious. Today nobody but a few dinosaurs still are.
A lot of people believe the same can happen to our Muslim population, and once they got rid of Islam they become good people.
In short, they hate Islam but don't equally hate Muslims.
sorry to burst your bubble but no one likes islam
currently talking to an emirati/turkish girl and an egyptian girl in my classes. i want to ask one of them out on a date considering the semester's about to finish
any tips muslim bros on Sup Forums? both of them are kind of fobs but been living long enough in canada. they also laugh at my dumb jokes. i only really talk to them on campus or text them when we have school stuff to do. how should i talk to them about non school stuff without looking thirsty
A look at France should prove that this will never happen.
Muslims cannot integrate. It's not possible.
>Muslims never integrate
Well it's more like. 70% of them actually become somewhat okay members of society. The other 30% becomes very radically anti-society.
How do you know the white guy wasn't a convert?
>a convert
it doesn't work like that. You cannot 'just' convert and then suddenly Arabs don't get pissed when you fuck their women. They are very tribal people.
Yeah and Sweden third world by 2030. Go fuck yourself, naïve little girl.
[citation needed]
What kind of citation do you want? I never said that having 30% terrorists is worth the 70% non-terrorists. But it's untrue that none of them integrate or at least aren't a burden on this country.
Unemployment rates among for example Turkish people are maybe twice that of Dutch people. It's nowhere near the amount of unemployed blacks or Somalis.
oh ha ha ha ha ha ha
holy fuck i've never met anyone so wrong on this site
I live near a city of ~200.000 people and apparently about 10-13% of the population is muslim.
I have encountered quite a lot of Turkish chads roaming the city at night, but I haven't met a muslim girl even once.
You sometimes see muslim women walking on the streets, but most of them are 50+ or at least look like it.
So either Turkish girls are actually white or they all get married off when they're 12.
muslim girls are thots like any other they will just be more discreet because of family disapproval of thotery
Or their culture pretty much forbids Muslim girls to go out all day long like their male counterpart.
I see groups of Muslim youths everywhere but you never see a gang of Muslim girls hanging around outside.
their culture forbids young women to go clubbing ETC, this is why you pretty much see only white women with muslim men and white men with muslim girls
yeah i think its mainly black and brown guys getting white women easily while they cant get ANY type of girl. that pretty much the entire premise of Sup Forums that why they ( and the rest of Sup Forums) is so obsessed with black cocks
Actual Muslims don't go 'clubbing' they go to Shisha lounges where there are only blacks and Muslims.
The Muslims you see in nightclubs are usually 3rd generation Moroccans or Turks that drink bacardi cola because Allah somehow cannot see that.
Muslim men get less pussy than the average white basement dweller. It's why their entire race is pretty much Sup Forums tier.
>The Muslims you see in nightclubs are usually 3rd generation Moroccans or Turks that drink bacardi cola because Allah somehow cannot see that.
I definitely see a lot of those driving around in their BMWs
>their BMWs
Yeah monthly payments + living with your parents gives a lot of room for a big vroom vroom
>wanting your countries to stay the way they've been for hundreds of years somehow comes down to pussy
Muslim intellectual everyone
He said western Europe
and that BMW is ticket for a white woman
that's a man btw
The amount of sandniggers with a white woman are really low, and the few that have one tend to be higher educated and completely cucked into western values and all that.
You use the BMW to persuade the family of the Muslim girl you're forced to marry that you are a succesful male that can take care of a family.
see your anecdotes don't mean anything
That maps says literally fuck all about 'do you like Islam'
>one graph about saying mean things about islam is the same as people living next to muslims
so this is the power mutt education
>Is it bc y'all can't get any Muslim girls?
Y-yes.. I dream of the day when I'd have a muslim gf which would finna make me a man
We're okay with being against a religion. Otherwise the PVV and socialists parties would be illegal.
That just shows that Europeans are ok with anti hatespeech laws.
In realiy quite a lot of people here rant about muslims in private conversations, but only a small minority displays their hatred in public.
it was a private poll though
the only muslim girls I've seen were fat somalis dressed as the phantom blot so idk if I want some of that
Minority groups that come from poor socioeconomic backgrounds are hated everywhere. It's not about their religion and it never was, that's just a meme the right wing has been pushing for a while now.
>A foreign, imperialistic religion which our civilizational identity was designed to oppose is disliked by the natives.
Who would've thunk.
>Minority groups that come from poor socioeconomic backgrounds are hated everywhere. It's not about their religion and it never was, that's just a meme the right wing has been pushing for a while now.
You are right, but I feel that the events of the past 20 years have made hatred against muslims especially a lot more mainstream.
My dad is a casual racist like many of his generation, but over the last 20 years his opinion on muslims developed to outright hatred and he is definitely not the only one.
That's just human behaviour and propaganda influence. When you're taking in refugees, you're not exactly taking in the best people from these countries. Sadly, these people act as an outlier for what an 'arab person' is supposed to be, and many people over there start to think that's what the average arab is supposed to look like, act like, dress like, talk like etc. And with populism being pushed down people's throats constantly and warning people about the 'Muslim invaders', everyone has a negative opinion about these people by now. I don't doubt if I went to your country and started reading the Quran in public I'd probably get eyed and bad looks either, so I don't doubt you that the average person hates Muslims. If we had the same Muslims you guys had in your countries here, we'd hate them too.
Just dropping in to remind you that White Men are the statistically most desirable race
>everybody hates niggers
Hapa nation when?
That's not how it works nigger
>Brown guys easily get white girls
like half of blacks in france are from muslim countries
black alpha males conquer all pussy anyway
I really don't know why euros are butthurt over muslims
Why do you think right wing parties are on rise everywhere in Europe? lmao go to dailymail read any news about muslims and see what general population thinks
>muh dating stats
social stigma, social class and racial stereotypes all make a direct impact on people's choices
do you really believe asian women are more desirable than white or latinas purely by looks? their increased popularity is all due their perceived submissiveness, asian men live among then and as such are aware this isn't real and are more prone to pick a different group
Even if we would pretend that is why we dislike islam, there are only a few muslim girls among all the refugees. They're men. More than 80% of them.
both Turkish girls in my former school class grew beards earlier than I did
Turks can keep them
>Why are Europeans so Islamaphobic?
Because talking to a trash bag is impossible.
The reason ISIS claims all the terrorist attacks is not because they sent their agents and planed it but because its a useful jewish tool to keep the goyim under the impression that ISIS is not true Islam therefor Islam is absolved of all responsibility while its ruining the Europe.
Its an escape for normies so they can call it an ISIS attack. The responsibility lies with all muslims. Don't let them trick you.