Why cant soyboys handle black queens?
Why cant soyboys handle black queens?
Why does he look sad when woman's ass is shaking in front of his face?
>implying they can handle any woman
Not a subhuman j*p
Hippos shake their asses to fling feces everywhere. The guy just doesn't want to get dirty.
If i was in that situation i would grab her waist and give her the lapdance of her life!
Why cant Black men handle Black queens? They would rather be with a 600lb fat White girl than a Black girl who looks like this.
Well more black queens for me and less 56% mutts in the world.
you people are weird
I agree with the Dutch
why cant black bois handle WHITE MEN in love with BLACK WOMEN ?
This is what Finland and Nubia looks like.
He looks like a sandnigger
meanwhile in real life
white guy - east asian girl
most common interracial pairing
You look like a virgin cuck.
he does look like an arab
This is happening in your country.
Good post
>earring in gay ear
This is staged.
this is what's happening
ban me soyboy mods
nigresses do this while the male coons steal from your pocket, careful
Is this also staged?
>Tfw i just had sex one nubian girl last week.
Literally the best sex in my life i hope she got pregnant for me when i cum'd my load deep in her.
Why do I get the feeling that whoever made that comic is a virgin neckbeard faggot?
Shes fucking hot
>expecting me to click on a video you didn't post as a webm
Sure thing, Arto.
I can send it to your email too.
How all land whales should be treated
t incest baby
fucking hell this is hilarious
this is how I imagine Sup Forums and Sup Forums
What the hell is happening in this video and why? Is this a culture thing?
Are you a virg? That's how people get laid IRL
Not in my reality
G*rman facist """""""""""'reality""""""""""" doesn't matter. IRL this is how you get laid
>that ankh tatoo
>t. virgin
this is how alphas get laid my friend
you've never dropkicked, tackled, or wrestled a female to the ground? lmao dork
kara boga + mongol horde?
you guys are going to create the most powerful humans on earth