
Action Man edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


I really appreciate that we have Stephen Fry in the world

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had an action man toothbrush when I was a wee lad
came with a fancy car shaped holder for it too

had an action when i was young
cut off his fingers with a scalpel

y'all ain't about this life

really enjoy writing and turning in essays lads
uni is quite fun

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yeesh toxic masculinity much?

baffling post

anyone know how much nose jobs cost?

probably get my chin done too

literally gay

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good lad

>this is the absolute pinnacle of european """"""""""""supercars"""""""""""""


@ 87305883
don't ever reply to me again virgin freak

any radcen man in

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lmao at the shadow

give me one example of when this happened
i've got all night

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*splashes action-man in the bathtub*

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Did you cut yourself?

>don't ever reply to me again virgin freak

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childhood is idolising action man
adulthood is realising Dr. X made more sense

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>buying European """cars"""

>now in the centre
when was this

the aussie in the thread right now is low key one of the worst posters i've ever seen

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2 years ago

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there's 2

GOOD lad haha

this is tulle
say something nice about her

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used to have those Lego adventure sets as a kid and act out my autistic plotlines with them


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are you a virgin

the absolute state of 'jeet

next time he needs to go a bit deeper so he can't post

disgusting freak

cut yourself you little freak

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tunisia is a poor shithole


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hehe. . . alri lads?

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so is England

>germany existing
fucked it




the name's monica, bitches

business idea:

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business idea: communism but unironically

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>only 270mph and 288mph with state of the art technology
pic related was nearly thirty years ago

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might do 1000ug, hit ego death and forget about the 6,8/10

plot twist

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this next post is a game changer:

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>specifically built for the Bonneville salt flats

once did that in victoria 2

jewish hands


I kept being treated as "the bad guy" and no one could see I was a victim too, that I was suffering

So I cut myself to express my pain, I guess


this next post made me die of hypothermia:

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ah yes an east asian flag post, certain this'll be a corker


>b-b-but it doesn't count!

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This next post gave me cancer:

Attached: Bonnie Lou Nettles (nÊe Trousdale; August 29, 1927[1] – June 18 or 19, 1985.jpg (750x1053, 79K)

United republic of Ireland and britain looking great lad

just do dmt dude

>wanting to finally end the k*aut menace means i'm jewish


good post

only brainlets cut their arms or thighs so boring

Ok, but what does cutting yourself actually do though? Never got it. You're not aiming to kill yourself. Did you go around showing people your cuts? Genuinely curious here, not trying to be a Saffer.

literally you

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The next post was disappointing to say the least:

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US has such diverse geography its actually ridiculous

makes our boring shithole of a country look pathetic

no the next post did not do anything to you you repetitive cunt

is this a nofap image

the pain and adrenaline makes them feel normal instead of emotionless


Come on, comparing road cars to race cars isn't right

*cucks your shitbox*


yeah actually

this next post did something to you my cunt

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god i can just hear the mincing southerner voice right through the screen

why not just do drugs lol

But was she emotionless before cutting herself? I mean, she was depressed, stating that she was suffering - on an emotional level.

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injury to me from when a John Lewis High Wycombe supplied Velux blind fell on me during fitting it .. picture by and of me Timothy James Byrne in my rented flat in High Wycombe on the 24 March 2018 ..

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benzos have done me very well so far

how do i open this file?

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pain is the natural state of the human

i don't know that's just what they always say
poor or dumb?

fuck off hun apologist, the eternal germ has tried to destroy europe countless times and must be stopped

benzo dependence is no joke lad. be safe

pain is just weakness leaving the body

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borderline freak


Absolutely adore these women playing the role of the 50s housewife in training and reeing at liberals