golden dragon of rhun edition
/v4/ + orcs
why does the time change have to happen during the weekend, this is not fair.
I accidently DEL my Titan in AoM
kill me
there is a time change?
starts tomorrow, one hour forward, so one less hour during sunday
we americans had it 2 weeks ago, suck it up and move on.
such a nice day spent inside
What the fuck. I could spend one less hour at work
does user hate women?
fags hate women
straight men are attracted to women
>tfw never hug a latina to death
kill all women, genetically engineered monstergirls when
>if dubs everyone ITT gets a gf this year
>if trips some user will get married
if dubs I drink kakao
at his time?
its not easy being cheesy
roll for luck
>1-2 nice loving gf
>3-4 argie
>5-6 ottoni gf
>7-9 no gf
If dubs ottoni will make love to you in your sleep
If trips you wont survive it
well if your work hours include 2-3 am then yes
if dubs every girl from v4 dies
you had 1 job
if dubs or more everyone from v4 suicides toghether
damn I wish
rolling for 1-2 or 7-9
im an orcmerican
hello v4
reroll then
/ex-ussr died
/ex-yu died
who is the next?
ding ding ding, die in hell argie and femvak
Fuck that'S tomorrow? I thought it's next week, I have to go to sleep early today to not feel like piece of shit in the work
/brit/, can't have those cheeky wankers practicing free speech on the internet without proper license
Nice!do I get two now?
u got dubs because she weights like two :^)
I had a revelation yesterday. Friends friend had a birthday party so we went to a club with a bunch of other people. I didn't know anybody there, but i thought that i'll make new friends, no problem. And as i was sitting there, drinking my beer and looking at all the people around me, those clubbing types, girls with lots of makeup, straightened hair, guys in tight shirts and with caps with flat peaks, i realized that there is literally no point in talking to them. They can't tell me anything interesting, they can't surprise me, they can't amuse me, they have nothing to offer to me. I realized that most of the people there are literally useless to me. Actually most people everywhere are useless to me. I feel like i inspected every social bubble, met with people from every backround, heard all the opinions and there is almost nothing out there that might have a contribution to my life. Whenever i go somewhere, whenever i meet new people, they are going to be useless to me in 95% of cases.
Just warn us when you decide to shoot up your school or workplace buddy
do you expect me to read this
No, i don't hate those people or anything. Its just that i tried to be friendly and meet new people my whole life and just yesterday i realized the futility of it. Suddenly all the sarcastic bitchy unfriendly types of people make sense. Why make new friends, why talk to new people, when you know they just can't offer you anything?
two what?
How would you explain "comfy" to a normie?
mah niggas
SUVs of course
bully out all v4 w*men when?
if dubs I become a male hooker
now, hungarians do your job
Pole that wanted to play BF1, are you here?
I need feminism and soy in my life
somewhat managed to trace back some of you folks, but I actually feel bad for the ones I've found
you're too miserable to be bullied
Send feet pics if you have traced me thanks
Should I play FNV again?
you should kys nigger
no I'm a european on an extended vacation
>I'm a european on an extended vacation
that's what I said
rerolling for you
why would you do this to yourself?
>that violin
good shit lad
thinking about it too.
So many games so little time
max payne
killing floor
is fallout 4 any good, if you tried it?
That music makes me want to kill myself
I love it
>killing floor
yes good goy pay for what was a free fucking mod for UT
>get new high end PC
>play fallout 4 for a while, finish RE 7
>go back to old games and WT like always
Nice, that was most def worth 40k
yeah you must drink bleach
fo4 got broken by bethesda when they released the creation club update
I had mods installed when that happened and my game just broke
>implying I paid for this game
it was free on humble bundle lmao
some pepik posted this quite a while ago
it was quite comfy at the start but by the time i managed to get halfway through deep feelings of shame and regret were flooding in
legitimately made me want to commit suicide
>be pepik
>be a stupid fucking nigger and suck cock because you're a faggot
Sometimes it feels like you're not even trying anymore
what do you think of kf2?
sometimes it feels like there is no point in trying to wake up either
modern games suck desu
czech modern games are great
No thanks that would hurt my tummy
how to have sex with a grill
why is that? I personally enjoy both, feel like combining them could make out a better game because each have something the other doesn't
just be yourself bro
be pretty dont be ugly.
yeah im but i just dont meet grills :(
leave the basement then?
i am pretty
because i dont have anything to do outside