>all our problems will be solved once we build a white enthnostate
All our problems will be solved once we build a white enthnostate
>all our problems will be solved once we blend all human races together into one indistinguishable brown-skinned global slave mutt caste for the jews
>Jews and minorities are the reason why wh*Tes haven't prospered in the last century
Contain your autism bernd
Da Jews are responsible for all my personal problems
Why is this greentexted?
>we can pay all the non-whites to leave our country!
>ethnic cleansing can be peaceful
>celebrate shitty tanks that get absolutely BTFO by Shermans and T-34s when they aren't defeated by their own faulty transmissions
only a fool believes this. the truth is that the eurasian race must come to fruition and and inaugurate a new age of accomplishment and prosperity.
no one thinks that
They don't actually believe that. They just say it so as to not frighten away normies. They admit as much when they're in their private echo chambers.
Richard Spencer and his legion do.
Same with Matthew Heimbach, a prominent neo-nazi and cucking enthusiast.
grug sees brown grug with grugette
grug smash inside
That's why I added a brainlet
Some tigers were killing 8+ t34s a day during the battle of kursk lol
>muh tiger aces
>be German
>spend all of your money building ridiculously expensive, high-maintenance tanks and retarded super weapons to fight a war that ends in the most humiliating defeat possible
>be Soviet
>sensibly allocate funds build solid, functional weapons and vehicles that carry you to the gates of Berlin
How was their defeat humiliating at all?
don't think tigers were all that great but they were hardly steamrolled like the muttoid suggested
standard deal in war innit
>non-browns are people
And there were 20 more T34's to replace them, your point?
Because Germany literally stopped existing, they got split in 3 , West Germany, East German and Austria, everyone who was in charge was under trial, all their existing influence went away and to this day their army and navy are shit tier. It's far more humiliating than say, WW1 where they got off easy
And not by Shermans since americans rarely encountered them but they were still meme tanks that couldn't cross a hill without breaking down lmao
Are world war 1 and 2 actually one war?
>your glorious crusade to crush bolshevism ends with a red flag flying over your capital and half of the country going communist
That's pretty damn embarrassing.
>one race, the human race
>UMM, NO SWEETIE! *wheezes from the tiring physical activity of typing* RACE IS REAL! *sweat drips down from his tits onto the cumstain on the floor*
i don't like nazism because
1: they want to destroy the race that birthed people like einstein, bohr, and steve reich
2 :their racial feels are very inconsistent , one day they will say muslims are based and slavs are bad, and then the next they will say they're bad. It's based all on feels so it change pretty fast and end up badly depending on what tribal demographic you personally belong too
3: they want to destroy christianity and all other abrhamic religion and replace it with twig-worshiping soulless neopaganism
4: they only care about the opinion of the majority, and in america's case, that means evangelcals
5: they want to ban a lot of art and religious options
Like, who would support nazism? I never got why so many people on this website, especially mutts and slavs who the original nazis hated, now support it. The majority of these people don't want to move to eastern European which is conservative and is a very lite version of the government they want to create
>all our problems wont be solved once we build a white enthnostate
>You must be either completely mhlticultual like new York or you have to kill everyone else there exists no nuance and no middle ground
>all our problems will be solved once we build a jewish ethnostate
>Im a le radical centrist
>the country going communist
when will this stop? east germany was never communist, the russians simply forced a planned economy on the people and that's it
it's like you don't even know that people went on the street protesting against the state and celebrated the end of this oppression