Why isn't Portugal a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world, and they were historically always one of the major powers of Europe. What happened?
Why isn't Portugal a rich country? They once had the largest empire in the world...
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Yes, we are poor, we are very bad, don´t come here, we are full of crime too, germany is good they give money go there spread the word to your countrymen.
Even though we're poor by western europe standards, we're still way richer than the large majority of countries. For such a small country with no meaningful natural resource i'd say we're doing OK.
They top tier food. That's all I care about lol
Low IQ
Tell me the countries in europe that could fit the rich category
Because some buttblasted portuguese chose to make us a colony again because they were too upset we became the capital of their global empire and them just a forgotten province. And that butthurt costed them the whole empire.
>the whole empire
That's why we lost our last colony in 1999.
Also our monarchy lasted longer than yours.
>Angola, Timor Leste, Moçambique, Macao
Literally all of those are nothing compared to us
Angola is going to be the richest country in Africa.Macau is Hongkong v2,timor leste will be singapore v2
relied too much on the gibs from the colonies, invested too little too late in competitive companies
>Angola is going to be the richest country in Africa
>,timor leste will be singapore v2
Portugal is not poor at all you dumb gook
Their purchasing power is about the same as Poland and only slightly lower than Czech Republic
yet literally all of your population came historically here than the other colonies. We are richer than all of them together, and we have a chance of becoming a global power. As D. João VI said we are the future of the Luso Empire whether you like it or not. Europe is the past, but yeah we liek yu :3
We had some disasters along the way, being annexed by the spanish for 60 years and getting embroiled in their wars vs everyone else, a earthquake razing Lisboa and the whole napoleonic wars. But also what you said, yes.
ofc tyrone,that's why you are always behind us.
>We are richer than all of them together, and we have a chance of becoming a global power.
Not until you sort out your endemic corruption.
>timor leste will be singapore v2
It is going to end, sooner or later. To the point people are wanting Monarchy and Traditional Catholic values again due exactly to degeneracy and corruption being rampant. People want an Emperor again, or someone willing to moralize the population
My question is why is Worst Korea so poor?
>It is going to end, sooner or later.
Says who? And why?
>Portuguese and Brazilian autism colliding again ITT
You people never give up do you?
I will offer myself to be emperor.A portuguese man must be emperor.
Dude no one cares, do you think we care something about brazil, we want only distance that. You are talking to us, about a tiny part of our history, Portugal has such deep roots and glory it's even pathetic to debate any of that with you. You are talking about colonies or empire, how many colonies had brazil? Portuguese empire was the first global empire on the planet earth and the last to fall only in the 70's and like the other dude said Macao only in 1999, gain some fckg notion and don´t embaress yourself.
fuck that tax haven
Because they're dumb. They turned a tropical paradise filled with kuruminhas into an african shithole. All nations should come together to nuke this arab shithole and thus increase the world average QI
Because the current political/mediatic status quo has been unmasked and people realized that all parties are basically leftist parties willing to sell our country to either American Globalists or the Chinese/Russian. People want us to be independent, christian, respected and western as we once were.
Funny part is that 25% of the Luxembourg population is portuguese
not if we have anything to do with it
You're kidding right? Brazil is degenerate because Brazilians love their degeneracy. Look at Brazil's porn browsing habits, how Brazilians worships the whore, the homosexuals, the transsexuals.
Fuck off,stop stealing timor leste's oil(which in turn is ours)
ITT: Brazilians and Portuguese fighting again because both can't admit that they're shit, each one of them in their own standarts.
Brazil is degenerate because we have lost our way, because society is crippled and the one and only moral agent we had is forever gone and corrupted. Becoming a republic literally destroyed the traditional values we had and made us become the degenerates we are nowadays.
The brazilian monkeys chimp out again.
You are an independant country for centuries, why are you even talking with us monkey? go debate with Peru, or Venezuela
You must fight with them then.
>that pic
the same thing happened to spain x100
Coping with Loss, the post.
Portugal is one of the countries in the world with best quality of life, don´t speak to us, and don´t project your own problems into the northern hemisphere
>Portuguese calling anyone a monkey
The real Europeans don't want to talk with you, only other monkeys
They did not know how to administer their colonies and riches, ending up losing their hegemony
>this is what brazilians think of us
Good job, please keep telling your countrymen that. Portugal is shit, do not come here, stay in your favela jungle.
My accent gives me eternal legitimacy.
If I can't be then this kid will.
He is the descendant of the brother of Pedro IV of Portugal(Pedro I of Brazil)
>posting a caucasoid dude
>claims he is a monkey
This is the brazilian ape education
>The real Europeans don't want to talk with you
More projections and delusions, the same old inferiority complex. Portugal has the best relations with other euro pals for decades, specially spain, france, england (oldest alliance in the world), germany and all the other's,not only because of trade, brotherhood,but because of NATO, EU, OCDE
>projections and delusions
I never see anyone praising Portugal for anything other than being a nice vacation destination for old retirees
We received an invitation to join it, and turned down because we have no interest at being slaves of Zion
The same picture of a (( )) journalist. She is like you a non white,not native projecting his own condition on other's, that is happening all over europe, butit will end soon, you are just making the process faster (far right will dominate all europa again)
Your opinion on any subject is irrelevant since it's biased by inferiority complex (wht yu brazilian call complexo de vira lata).
try harder immigrant
look and this is french people ROTFL
>complexo de vira lata
Indeed, one of the many things we inherited from our colonizers
>more projections
We never had any of that, our history speaks for itself
I want you to stop killing the Portuguese threads. It's not even entertaining how you spam the words 'of course' and post the same memes.
Please fuck off and die, Armando.
Salazar was an idiot.
Fuck off and die you scumbag cuckhold, who kills the portuguese threads are always and always brazilians, that came to speak ridiculous stuff whitout any context And im not even the other guy above.
Como é que tens o descaramento de escrever isto cabrão, quando do nada estes é que vieram escrever algo nada relacionado com o tema:
és doente mental ou basciamente apenas paneleiro?
They only bait because they catch you, you know?
Então não te queixes que mataram a thread
Ao menos arranjem imagens ou links novos, foda-se. Já bem basta o colhão dos suevos.
This threads are cringy af, dunno why brazilian keep creating them, you might trigger one-two dudes, portuguese want nothing to do with your kind.
The brazilian race-bait is hilarious because your mtdna is 60% african/amerindian
No industrial revolution,small country,
portual is the proud nation that alongside with africa gave birth to the Ultimate country we all know as Brazil. Respect our origins. Oi pai ! :D