this is what the avarege brazilian looks like
how does the avarege person from your country looks like?
This is what the avarege brazilian looks like
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wtf i love race mixing now?
Why is his eyebrow flawed?
wtf why do you have a picture of me???
Please, someone explain to me why some people shave stripes into their eyebrows like this. Why do people think it looks good? Is it meant to look like scars or something?
its a scar
it IS a scar, you can see the line continue past his eyebrows
That's the fold of his eyelid.
Dario Moccia?
Looks qt af
whats with the faggot eyebrow. dumbass get himself scratched by a cat
it's trendy (meaning lots of favelados do so) in brazil
>this is what the avarege brazilian looks like
>how does the avarege person from your country looks like?
It looks faggy as hell
>let me tell you about your country
>implying all brazilians are chad IRL
The guy is a beta as fuck(possibly homosexual).
Like this man
>This jaw
Show alpha.
i think i can tell better than you
millions of millions of people here look similar to him
me and my ex-gf looks pretty average in this part of the country
You see.That's a frequently asked question
RARE. How's life in Somalia?
That is, no joke, how the average Brazilian looks like
For your standard of living is too good.
>how someone looks
>what someone looks like
>how someone looks like
Happy to help!
You have photos of your streets?
it looks cool
That thread is frequently created by the infamous homosexual American poster, a guy who claims all Brazilian men are closet homosexuals.
We are subhuman, do not prevent us from distorting English.
Thank you, thank you. I get them confused sometimes since we use how in portuguese
where you from? Hargeisa I bet.
We Brazilians are the alphas of Sup Forums, we cannot afford to commit mistakes.
he looks like a big guy
like this
only in the subhuman bahia
here in south b*zil, they look like this
whenever i see a brazilian post on Sup Forums i picture it being this guy
younger brother did this and fucked 8 different girls already, he's 16
Brazilian women will fuck horses if they feel like it. Not hard to get laid here m8. In high school there was a girl who would ""jokingly""" masturbate by rubbing her asshole on the door knob. She was like 14 years old.
Nah it's pretty hard, I never had sex with non-prostitutes and most guys fucked 8 girls by the age of 22~
youre a chuby chaser kek
He is mostly white but you can see some black features (lips,nose and little tan) definetly your average brazimutt