Any wh*teoids online? I wanna kick your fucking ass!
Any wh*teoids online? I wanna kick your fucking ass!
Fat faggot
Kick this
Dios mío...
la cretura
Me VS non whites.
but they are all asian
I’ll slap your punk ass back to last Thursday
Your race is being genocided
And your race is a disgrace.
Hell, even the niggers don’t like you spics
Go back over the Rio Grande
why are americans soooo fat
Fuck off wh*teoid your race is dying
It won't survive the century
I'm taking back my land of aztlan
Nah. You are too white for this. Not white enough to be white, though.
You as one of the extras?
What the fuck does that mean?
You look like a non-vegan(fat) kripparrian.
Hopefully you're tall
It means that you should seek identity in something else than race. Preferably something you actually have some sort of control over.
Bet you work in retail
No lol.
Ok. Stay where you are. We are coming to you.
Fuck off you cringe Arab cum-baby faggot
I am a proud chicano bull
imagine begging for attention of int of all places, aint you got real friends to talk to pablo ahahah
so you've finally stopped LARPing as white, based
The black one is beating all the wh*tes though
Donnie Yen is WHITE!
aren't you the creep who posts about wanting emma watson to shit on your face in /brit/?
i think you once asked an african to fuck your sister too
Yes my brother. Kick whitey's ass. Soon the real nonwhite Europeans will conquer the earth.
Oh don't worry wh*toids, your women will be safe but the men? Slaves or dead as I see it.
:'^) the future is CHI
goddamnit i promised myself not to cry tears of joy
Dios mio...
based 1% AMERINDIAN brother
>Not gonna be a war when we're all brown
These people are genuinely delusional. Whites fight whites, nigs fight nigs, asians fight asians, arabs fight arabs. The colour of your skin doesn't matter, there will be conflict regardless. Everyone having the same colour skin will not magically fix all the worlds problems and usher in an era of peace.
Your right unironacally
Peruano is pathetic
chicanos are so fucking ugly holy shit lmaooo