
The Jewish gf edition

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I dont think its healthy to breed with aliens

nah us GAYreeks are clearly racist towards albanians because were afraid of their pure ilyrian seed, we felt threatened

Albanians ruined this thread beyond repair

would rape once again in roman fashion


how about this?


I sometimes forget the Greeks are just another softer version of Servs.

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if ikibey didn't kill balk, a deluded albanian roleplayer won't do it too

What if by massage she really means massage?

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It's ready


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You'll probably need to be a regular if you want to get included in the special clientele list


btw no passwords needed, just join

would try it out of curiosity tho

time for Greek masseurs



>be albanian
>get brain damage at birth

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Ask me about my day, frenlos

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>maqekar internet


that's more like it, but you could do better

Their local AFC won't allow free Wi-Fi anymore

But your kid would get high IQ..ever considered that?

Why do normies do this? "My day" lol

>tmw i play with bugars and they call me brainwashed
>they dont know albanians exist in mk

they banned me


the normies think the brown subhumans are our "allies"

Because we are not trapped in Groundhog Day

Nobody cares about your shqipe power, why do you have to spam it all the time
There's a difference between bantz and being a total retard all the time, just like the 15% of the macedonian population who happens to be albanian.
I am noticing a patter here, woah

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Excuse me?

do it again bomber clark

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>I start to jerk off to porn
>I find a good scene, right like it should be
>Suddenly brain goes on autopilot regime and I drift away
>I start to think
>I think about my ex girlfriends but not in a way you should think about when you're jerking off to them
>I think who they're with now and how many liters of sperm they've swallowed since they were with me
>I contemplate my recent and far future and wonder if there is something to hope for
>I think about what it would be like to take a haircut tomorrow when it's sunday
>Do people who hang with me are honest friendships or is it all internet-age adhd friendship because people have no better options
>Is my day-to-day when I have 60 years going to be different than the present moment (spending 80% of time on comp and similar)
>I realize my dick has been flaccid for 5 minutes

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why did you share this
this will be used against you forever now
do you not know where you are?
t. screencapped and will use forever

what happened to you, fulgrim?

>I start to jerk off to porn
so you didnt rape tranlo eh? fag

I know those feels desu

Found your problem

>start to jerk off

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come shkije

Guys I feel bad for the Lithuanian poster
Just went to /Balt/ and holy God it was full of weebfag gay erp and no actual discussion. Totally ruined
I tried to shrug it off but then I remember Lithuania's suicide rates, even though probably most suiciders are weebfags

wait I created with powerball map


pass: musaka

Easy troll faggots, just transated this post from ex-yu

fulgrim strikes again

i get that
stop watching porn

Albos with erase an*me and nuke japan until no life form can inhabit it.

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so you didnt rape tranlo eh? fag

so albos will inhabit it?

>he made me empathize with a serb

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Well played, idiot

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are u supposed to wash under your foreskin only with water or with shampoo too?
read somewhere only with water is better.

>f*romian internet

pull it back and wash the penis head with a little soap

>like the 15% of the macedonian population

fucking maqekars, ruining macedonia

tatars help
do bulgar girls tend to report if theyve been raped?

who the fuck uses shampoo on their dick
holy shit you shqips are literally braindead


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Water should be enough. You can even wank it a bit to get it polished. Soap can cause irritation and inflammation and you don't really gain anything from it.

isnt half of your shithole albanian? some albo posted birthrates and nearly half of them were albos and yours were actually even lower

>having foreskin

now now...

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Already discussed this in prev threads a week ago, you can check the archieves

or maybe you can quote or link me that shit because im not wasting my life for that
the census in 2002 or somewhere there was 35% anyway, its only logical to assume there has been an increase

33% of births are Albanian and estimated 40% of the population is Muslim (but there are also Turks and Bosniaks in that country)


ajde shipo vlagaj nema pass

>he's cut

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this fucking faggot is gathering upvotes over my poorly-translated misery
fuck you macedonian scum

I just found out the servians are organizing in this discord.
As expected of them, always hiding in the corners and plotting

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ah shit 25% i thought it was 35 and 45 now because 10% up of the sum in like 15 years topkek

The slavoid must be stopped, hitler was right.

No, the population in 2002 census said that it was 25% which was blown out of proportions, their real numbers then were around 18% just like they are now.

For more info go in the archieves

i lowkey regret that we didnt recognize kosovo as an independent state

Fuck off shqip, I'm gonna whoop you in haxa

That scared like a scarejump wtf

literally who gives a fuck, you are hands down the most irrelevant country existing at the moment

pay the fucking debts




yesterday they were 20%...

by the end of the month you be short on albo percentage and you will have to import some

>tfw in reality there's 40%+ albanians in FYROM

>it was blown out
like your mother was by albanian terrorists

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pls respond

I just discovered the most smug place in all Bulgaria

tell me tatars, do you know anyone from this school and just how smug are they?

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>under your foreskin

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>of Sofia
isn't the American college in Blagoevgrad?

the people that i know and studied there are well educated and broke, desu

fucking baitlord reeeeeeeee

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>the people that i know and studied there are well educated and broke

sooo. like real americans?


majority of the real americans are not always well educated, but pretty much yeah

i dont think this is an actual college, i think this is like a special highschool type school from grade 8 to grade 12(5 years) that gives out american diplomas, it's all gated and shit, super elite

i guess you're just not elite enough to have heard of it

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you are already reported, Stavros
i hope you like melanin rich gorillas, because that all you will get in the bulgarian prison

>implying melanin rich bulgarian gorillas aren't what all gayreeks secretly desire

oh right, that's the college
the one in Blag*evgrad is a university

getting african'd tomorrow @ night, senpaitachi

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shes not in bulgaria though shes an exchange student here
actually i could use that as an argument, tell her that because shell move back to bulgaria she wont be able to report it as bulgarian law will have no effect/jurisdiction here


Their real number now is around 20% +/-.
The 15% is for the bantz, you get a lot of (you)'s from butthurt shqips

>rape is not a crime in gris
o-ok, friend-o

sure thing buddy, you forgot to mention they are also decreasing to keep the delusion at level

raping women shouldnt be a crime, correct
why be punished for showing an animal its place