My fucking sides.
Brazilians are becoming full edgy tier and literally throwing eggs against socialists.
Brazil soon will be a fascist tier country JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
My fucking sides.
Brazilians are becoming full edgy tier and literally throwing eggs against socialists.
Brazil soon will be a fascist tier country JAJAJAJAJAJAJA
I thought Brazil was already fascist tier. Don't they have death squad and extreme levels of government corruption? Maybe I'm confusing Brazil with another South American country with a violent reputation.
What is happening?
>Brazil soon will be a fascist tier country
I hope so.
finally leftshits are getting BTFO'd of latam
yes, colombia
I just checked and the description fits for basically all of the continent aside from Chile.
Vote Bolsonaro
>larping as integralists
Edgy fags aren't shit
I heard the socialists in Brazil are very corrupted, so this may be justified.
Integralists larped as nazis but ran away as soon as a communist appeared. They'll run away again.
>PT is socialist
>Throwing eggs is threatening
South America was a mistake.
Please, start to kill socialists. Just imagine the worldwide butthurt.
Please do it faggot.
Are they reaching this level? If yes, I will start to respect Brazil more than any euro country.
Our ex-president Lula (who is a commie) is parading around in the south of the country, because he wants to get elected again.
Thing is people hate his guts there, so they are trowing eggs (sometimes stones) at his bus when it drives by. First town (Bagé) there was some fighting between Lula's followers and his haters. He had to skip the last town he was going to in the state because people blocked the road.
I will, but I'm worried because his campaign is literally "make Brasil great again" and making guns easier to get. He doesn't say anything about infrastructure or the public health system, both of wich are failing hardcore.
> believing this only applies to us
> believing Brazil isn't more violent than Colombia
So they will continue being a brown impoverished shithole?
Nothing is more cringe than leftists. Nothing
I'm pretty sure they will have a great future now since socialists are our biggest cancer
Every politician in Brazil is corrupt
>I respect a third world shithole because we share political views
You are a subhuman then
Yes just like Argentina with 30% inflation and 21 pesos to a $. Rapidly rising debt.
>right wing
No progressive and leftist country deserve any respect, my dear wetback.
That doesn’t mean Brazil, a total shithole, deserves any respect.
>no true conservative
>aside from Chile
I would respect more a fascist country (even in Africa) than any souless progressive shithole like Sweden for example.
>Voting for Rinosoro 2018 and not for Lulão
Brazilians are apes plain and simple.
Fokin Based
>people literally throwing eggs in this communist
>thinking he has a chance
Lulão is the Red Phoenix and we he shall rise from the ashes once again, mark my words capitain...
Also dont generalize, since 2015 the country is deeply polarized the last election went 51%-49%
Soon we'll have an Integral State.
Il Fascismo passerá!
>arming the average Brazilian
worse than arming our teachers, desu
In the Battle of the Praça da Sé we expelled all the anti-fascists. The men who ran away were those unarmed and in many cases with their families who were cowardly attacked by you.
i bet i'm whiter than amerifatto...
Then you are clearly a pathetic mentally ill subhuman
A few retards != entire population
> I want the Military Police to "correct" those who throw eggs
But the Police weren't fascists? I don't understand these fucking leftists.
2nd largest population in south America and were small somehow, aight. Anyway, that doesn't change the fact of Brazil being more dangerous than Colombia
wait what's wrong with throwing eggs at communists?
hes not saying that he wants any brazilians or africans there , but having more countries alligned with your politcal beliefs increase the chance of them being implemented in you cunt
HueHues look like the gypsies you see begging in london
>liberdade de expressão já
>bandeira do integralismo
>”everything I don’t like is le socialism boogeyman XDD”
>inb4 they spam me with the incorrect definition of a fallacy
>”haha why don’t we just le kill the pepol who disagree wid me??”
>”LatAm was le white and and based and first world until le Cold War SHOHOLIZSMUS!!”
This is why the Americas are a shithole and will remain a shithole until the U.N. decides to intervene.
this, there's literally no good guy
really? tell us more
They are desesperated, especially this one with American flag who is probably a Brazilian too
My fucking sides. No one will receive this corrupt commie well, monkey.
Nigga, fuck off. No ones need to be white to hate communists. This game will not work anymore