>europeans don't have tomorrow off
Europeans don't have tomorrow off
Bitch all my days are day offs
>he doesn't have a national holiday Friday and Monday
>he's not a NEET
point and laugh at him
>americans unironically don't have a public holiday for Easter
yes i do you dumb fucking negro.
Is tomorrow a holiday in the US ?
I hate this whole week off
Well thanks anyway Catholics I appreciate the week to be a NEET
r8 my upcoming work schedule
would off myself
feels good to be a neet
>Work for a “christian” company
>we don’t get good friday off
You shouldn't have brought up holidays, muttboi.
is there something going on this week?
what the fuck are those times?
For what? Navratri?
I hate it because my daddy doesn't give me money this week ;-(
>he takes a day off for a papist holiday
closing shift grocery wagecuck
I do, this whole week and monday of the next
Easter's next week tho
I have alcohol, gym and MLP to fight my depression and frustrations. I manage.
Off yourself you fucking piece of shit.
I mean, if you're a depressed autist, then MLP is perfect for cheering you up. You just have to accept that you're never going to be a normal, well-adjusted person ever again.
Nice try, faggot. Barbie shit that is EqG will never be better than horse cartoon.
What's tomorrow?
>Implying I'm care about anthro
Nigger I don't care about your cartoons just grow up
>all bronies are outspoken about their autismž
It's not that I go yelling on the streets. Don't own any merch, don't go to cons. 2 best mates know of this and that's it.
What are you doing tomorrow, user?
I'm not sure. A holiday or sorts, perhaps?
in Spain it's the thursday and friday (and monday in catalonia)
Thursday is a half-day, Friday and Monday are days completely off.
I'm going skiing and snowmobiling.