This is Andrés Manuel "El Peje" López Obrador aka AMLO, Mexico's new president until 2024

This is Andrés Manuel "El Peje" López Obrador aka AMLO, Mexico's new president until 2024.

Say something nice about him.

Attached: amlo-candidato-960x500.jpg (960x500, 36K)

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will he paid for the wall?

who is that? the commie?

He would probably order the army to fire artillery at it
The dictator wannabe

Explain his political positions.

What will he do with the Narcos?

He is the only candidate we have that will attempt to pull Mexico out of its misery.

The other candidates are a PRI puppet, and a corrupt soyboy with no idea of what he's doing.

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Can't WAIT to fight in the Second Mexican-American War

>He would probably order the army to fire artillery at it

And what is Vicente Fox doing now? big guy great mustache

Waiting for weed to be legalised so he can farm it
He is a bit of an idiot but based

>He would probably order the army to fire artillery at it
How to start war 101

Why do you call him "the fish"?

Went back to his rancho to smoke weed, much like Bush

Can I vote if I'm a CHI?

amlo CACA race

He is from Tabasco, a state with a tendency to go underwater

Why do you have a state named after a hot sauce?

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Only faggot countries have 6 year terms

t. Doesn't even have a president

Only cuck soy countries have prime ministers.

Only faggot countries have foreign queens as head of state

You named a sauce after our states?

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>Edmund McIlhenny (/ˈmækəlhɛni/; 1815 – 25 November 1890) was an American businessman and manufacturer who invented Tabasco brand pepper sauce.
>Born in Hagerstown, Maryland, in 1815, Edmund McIlhenny moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, around 1840, finding work in the Louisiana banking industry. He was of Irish and Scottish descent, his great grandparents immigrated to America from County Donegal. By the eve of the American Civil War, he had acquired a small fortune and became an independent bank owner.[1]

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>he would probably order the army to fire artillery at it

that's nice but Tabasco has had its name since the XVI century.

Hopefully he wins so we all have meme leaders

He has tried to win the elections since 2006.
This is his last chance, and by the looks of it, he's going to win this time.

Current president has left a huge PRI distrust in the country, and the PAN candidate is pretty irrelevant. AMLO has been rallying people and getting support all over the place.

>He would probably order the army to fire artillery at it.
I just cummed myself. Based

El atrocidad...

Gee, why don't you ask nigel to smile at the camera... Brexit boi?

Did not learn a single thing from 1846 I see. Tsk tsk.


AMLO is winning all the surveys everywhere.
His campaign about pandering to the poor people is going to work.

At least we won't haved the doubt of what if....
If we lose the country then there won't be much to do.

>impying that worked for last 12 years

Sadly this i want to believe but he would probably get robbed just like the other times.
The pig face of miados will win, sadly.

I would tolerate anyone but Meade

EPN won because he bought votes with Soriana cards and $500 pesos coupons.
There's no way he's going to lose unless he gets robbed again, and there will be a shitstorm if he loses by 1% like he did against Calderón

Yeah, i know.

catching pokemones

Do candidates in Mexico kneel to narcos?

some do others get killed others turn a blind eye but must do

So you're telling me Narcos are actually in charge?

No, it's just corruption.

Sponsored by foreigners, mexico does not produce high quality weapons, cartels are getting them somewhere.

yeah basically this

USA amirite?

Is this the White Sharia Party

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it literally is
guns flow from the US to mexico, not the other way around

So the US state through CIA and whatever runs drug trafficking., and Mexican and SA cartels are sponsored by them. And through them they can basically control the states of these countries as well, or at least have a very strong "lobby" group in that country. The Mexican elite sold themselves, and you guys are living under that shit. Fucking surreal.

Everyone who was strong and intelligent emigrated from Mexico by now, only the poor inbred trash remain.

Poor inbred trash are the ones jumping to the US.
The educated people in good economic situation remain here.


>Say something nice about him.
He will not feel pain when he receives the shot.

>he wants to remove the educative reform

Why does people praise this idiot again?

I unironically hope he wins
because the banter between him and trump might be real funny

Because it's fucking shit?
Just like the energetic reform.

>This is what CHIs think

He's just a priista. He won't change shit.

Mexican presidents are just different flavors of the same shit.


which candidate is closest to his ideals mexibros

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His coalition also is set to win a majority in both houses.

He's literally the total opposite of a PRI puppet.

then priistas shouldnt be worried, but still they are, why?

>implying we won’t use the NSA to hack the mexican elections


I wouldn't mind another six years of PRI desu.

Yeah, lets go back where corrupt sindicates give the jobs to their family members and not qualified people. Sounds about right to me.

I agree.
Based PRI devaluing our coin even more to the ground!

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Both of these are true at the same time

Temper your hopes. Mexico cannot be saved by the will of one man. He’s the best of the three though.

>tfw corrupt shit is better than alternatives

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Didn't say he's a puppet. But his politics are those of a 70's or 80's priista. But since he didn't gain relevance in that party he left. Then after the election of 2012 he did the same thing because he knew PRD was about to colapse.
Yes they are worried, because now El Peje is going to do the exact same thing they do but this time PRI is not invited to the party. PRI is worried about they are no longer going to have the power, not about AMLO's politics.

>15. Garantizar el derecho al estudio y al trabajo de los jóvenes mexicanos. “Todos los jóvenes que estén cursando el nivel medio superior tendrán una beca mensual y 300,000 universitarios de familias de escasos recursos económicos recibirán un apoyo de 2,400 pesos mensuales. También se contratará a 2 millones 300,000 jóvenes a los que despectivamente algunos llaman ‘ninis’, y se les otorgará un sueldo como aprendices de 3,600 pesos mensuales. Estos jóvenes recibirán capacitación para el trabajo en talleres, en empresas, comercios y otras actividades productivas en campo y de la ciudad. El Estado no se olvidará de los jóvenes nunca más. Becarios sí, sicarios no”.

And Mexican right wingers wonder why nobody supports them anymore.

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Forgot to say the alternatives are corrupt shit.

so, the general population should be worried, since it will be more of the same but with a different group of people in charge

In Mexico syndicates are just corrupt nests and dom't give a shit about actual workers. If you want to get a job, you literally have to have a recommendation from a family member of said syndicates or be friend of the family.

you should have a look at (((mexican sindicates)))

Oh, fuck off with your ((())), we are not usa keep their terms to them.


Yes. And maybe even more since, even though PRI is corrupt as hell and responsible for most of Mexico's current state, they are a impressive machinery and they know perfectly what are they doing. It's the "Perfect Dictatorship". On the other hand, imho, this new group of idiots conformed by the most part of actual socialist is going to blow up the contry.

(((user))) god job they shouldn't worry about invisible hands


>PRI has bots working even on Sup Forums

maybe thats whats needed

>you should vote for us because we are blatantly corrupt and want to repress you for the sake of a small elite
This definitely a platform the mexican right should rally around.


What is the percentage chance that Mexico continues being a corrupt, impoverished, brown shithole?

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The only people getting richer and richer are americans while mexico is getting worse and worse, and you are telling me americans are innocent?
Enjoy another trump term my friends.

What's up with these anti AMLO posters? Remind me of when old people used to tell their children and grandchildren that they had to vote for the PRI because a change was bad.

Okay then why does it really matter who is president?

95% of how a country functions is based on how the people function.

Mexico is a corrupt, impoverished, brown shithole because it is full of people like that.

Hence why your people continue harming the USA despite all the education and economic support we give them.

>usa are the good guys



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aweeee cawwwn xD somoz la nuea isquierda joven reboluzionaria :3 pinche avuelo puto chinga tu madre tu i tu pri. nozotros zomos los que si ban x el canvio de a deveras ×d puro pinche pako ognasio taiba i poniatyouska vamo a salbar a la tierra

I mean, look at the USA.

We are rich and powerful while having all the trappings of a first world nation.

Yet our people drag us down into this third world cesspool society filled with inequality, racism, and degeneracy.

I’d assume Mexico is like a poorer version of us. So fix the people and the society, and you’ll make far greater changes than whatever your politicians can do.

>while having all the trappings of a first world nation
