In a near future, the planet will be more matriarchal and nothing can stop it

In a near future, the planet will be more matriarchal and nothing can stop it.

Women will have more freedom to choose the semen and cuckness will be a normal thing.

How do non-whites, brown-eyed manlets and ugly men feel about that?

Attached: 20180322_122918.jpg (1473x1452, 1.02M)

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Womens rights are a 1st world thing.

In 80% of the world women lack even basic rights.

i have seen some pics of white Sup Forums americans
you are that kind of "man" that would run away from a nigger

Mad because no one wants semen from Asian "men"

You live in a bubble. Feminism is spreading like a virus. Not even Saudi Arabia is free anymore.

Attached: blonde boy.png (739x839, 588K)

This. Makes me wince seeing feminists in the west whinging about how hard they have it.

>fake article
lmaoing @ your life

galton wanted to encourage eugenics so people could breed with high IQ and gifted individuals and have smarter kids. instead modern femoids want sperm donors with what traits? blue eyed and tall? this is fucking ridiculous. also galton's ideas are considered evil while roasties making dumb chad babies is perfectly fine.

Attached: 2018_03_25_12_16_09_Tall_Dark_and_Handsome_What_a_Woman_Prefers_in_a_Man_and_Why_PairedLife.png (527x674, 70K)

Attached: 2018-03-25 12_18_09-Women attracted to dark and brooding men because they want to find a mate - Tele (582x870, 246K)

Why not 6'5?

Handsome men with this height is not that common

What do you mean by handsome?

It's a Jewish article against the reallity

>Not even Saudi Arabia is free anymore.
He is unironically right.

It's not anymore

sorry for spreading this to the rest of the world guys

looks french
is this proof that once again we are the best ?

I'm dark and brooding and can attest to the fact that this does not attract women in the slightest

Turkish diaspora

(X) doubt

Attached: pepe3.jpg (248x189, 18K)