what keeps you going
What keeps you going
poo poo pee pee lol xd
Dreams and self-deception
Shitposting memes
Nothing, I'm basically just a robot that fulfils the capitalist system. I depressingly wageslave to pay bills and a lot of my free time and money is spent wanting to consume or consuming shit.
Nothing. I'm dead inside.
I often want to get off the ride.
Chemical reactions
Society isn't fair for people who are not interested in having a family and raising kids. Their social circle also dwindles as they age because of this reason as well. I am not sure what the answer is, but I would imagine bettering yourself by learning new things, taking up different hobbies, traveling and experiencing new situations etc should be in the top of your list.
drugs and prostitutes
I idea of starting a family and buying some land in the bush away from all the garbage. It's the only goal I've ever had in life. Every woman I have dated has been a basic materalistic whore and I'm nearly 25. I just don't know where to find traditional women who aren't brainwashed.
That I haven't achieved my goals yet. Problem is, you think way too often on a larger scale, you think too much in terms of 'society' and 'the world' and you ask yourself questions like "what's my purpose if I can't contribute to society". You need to learn to stop that and think more as an individual, think about what YOU want. Society benefit will come on its own.
suicide is unnatural and kind of cheating.
if my worth is low, then i should let people better than me consume my existence.
not being a cuck, but naturally i shall not rob my superior's rights to use my existence
My parents are still alive.
Talking to qt's in shitholes/not so shithole countries online
yea that’s a pretty cucked mentality
I wanna get killed by accident.
Alcohol and daydreaming