Are you racist int?
I'm not but I really really dislike levantine mutt subhumans.
Are you racist int?
Yeah, I hate spics. Live in the southwest and after awhile you just "get it".
*drones your house*
yahudis and arabs are levantine mutt subhumans
Of course
Only an idiot wouldn't be
I'm way too sexist to be a racist.
I wish Denmark gets nuked
I'm only racist to other racists
Stfu kike
I was joking, I actually dislike you mongrels even more.
>55% yemeni
>20% sephardic
>10% mesopotamian
>10% central asian
>5% ashkenazoid
>100% degenerate
Legit kill yourself abominable mutt ass bitch
Fuck all of Africa.
Fuck some of Europe.
Fuck some of Asia.
Fuck North America.
Australia's alright.
kek stay mad achmed, war coming soon
pissrael will burn yahudi scum
you have to go back abdoul
i only love myself and hate the others because i'm not a cuck
I'm not a mutt, I'm pure Ashkenazi Litvak warrior
literally whiter than you muhhamad
No, I'm not.
>i only love myself
how many times a day?
Yes. I fucking hate all races, including mine.
Also fuck you pajeets and ching chong
go back to hell yahudi
90% of Ashkenazi yahudis are of Greek origin
nothing about you evil creatures is pure
Disgusting akkado-jew eldricht creatura, enemy of the White phoenician man since day one
fuck off n*rdoid, Litvaks are the true Aryan master race
everytime muslims slam their head
La ramera de babilonia..
ayyrans are ugly indo gypsy sandniggers in iran
you went too far
The nukes are on their way, fuckboi
fuck off already jewmutt
*turns your merkava into scrap metal with $15 fire cracker*
see you in july :)
>two ugly misshapen mutts looking out for eachother
Nothing new here jewish gremlin
>living in the middle-east while not being Jewish
You should get that checked out.
>treat illegal intruders like any human who asks for shelter from war
>they're not permitted to be here, but man, come on, I'd make a run for it too if fanatic lefties/righties started going full rampage in my home
>as a thank you, they give me the finest values of their exotic society:
>raping the women I call my sisters, murdering the men I call my brethren, rising drug trafficing, hindering productivity with lack of morale and competence, and dismantling Human Rights
>alright, let's just peacefully explain to them that that's not how we tick
>wow, after giving them money, food, a home, and safety for free, this is the answer. Government, will you do something about this? Anything we call "civil" or "tradition" is being actively attacked.
>fuck no, I condemn fascism and the holocaust, I only wanted to say that I'd like to preserve what we call "peace and liberty"
>but I- [this content has been removed because it does not align with our community standards.]
I'm a patriot and libertarian of heart, a great defender of dialogue, debate, freedom of speech, and violence EXCLUSIVELY used as a means of protecting oneself from a real, nondisputable danger such as a rifle's barrel resting on your forehead.
And yet, these days makes me wish SS Paramilitary troopers would roam the streets and show no mercy.
My grandfather was born 1946, he spent his childhood rebuilding my home, paying for the debt NatSoc has caused us.
He agrees.
Social caretaker for my handicapped mum should be a bleeding-heart libtard.
But no, he agrees.
Welfare-receiving, handicapped mum who identifies as an anarchist should throw a fit.
She agrees.
Why? Because you go to jail if you talk about it.
Because we had fascism already, and we're living under one again.
If jews are Greek why are they so smart?
Greeks are among the most intelligent humans
Your people have no home, you have been nomads and defiler of women in secrecy.
Judaism and "pure" are opposites.
Judaism thrives by assimilating intelligent and charismatic people REGARDLESS of origin.
The purity meme is just so you can apply nationalism to Israel because you kikes need propaganda and lies just as much as any western nation does to excuse genocide and conquer.
It is so you can put a distance between jews and gentiles. So it doesn't feel like you're killing your own potential allies and brethren, but like killing "infidels meddling with things that are none of their business.". Same shit with Jihad, NatSoc, Communism, and American "DUHMAWKRASSEEEEE!!!1".
If Kain had stated that Abel, in his artistic nature, had been to curious and was tempted by the dark arts of the devil, he would've been a hero instead of a traitor.
It's not about who to kill.
Call your own brother a "traitor to the cause" and you'll be celebrated for killing him.
Yes. The lesser races should be exterminated like cockroaches.
t. converted khazar
More like among the most angry humans. Holy fuck, I've never seen a nation of more pissy and extremely irritable people.
go back
Autism rates are high and many of you take anti-depressants, which makes you to boring low energy people.
So it's normal for you to be afraid of high energy Greeks.
Oh le war we barely even took part in. This only showcases levantmutt incompetence and does not anger me one bit Baruch.
If our army wasn't sanctionned as fuck by even syria itself we could literally finish hitler's job in a couple of days, with enough time to hunt you rats all the way to Evropa
>If our army wasn't sanctionned as fuck by even syria itself we could literally finish hitler's job in a couple of days, with enough time to hunt you rats all the way to Evropa
come home haim
Exactly. Khazars are the master race
Intelligent rebuttal
>Are you racist int?
Goyim are cattle.
Only pure jew is Ethiopian jew, rest are mongrels of various kinds.
>replying to baseless claims with anything but ridicule
>Are you racist int?
Since we refused to take "refugees", we are presented in global liberal media as "racists" and even "nazis", but in reality we are completely not. Nazis were killing us because of our race too, so we are quite oversensitive about such things. We also took almost 100k muslim refugees from Chechnya in 90s when Russia was attacking their country. We also took 3 million of refugees from Ukraine lately, because they were attacked by Russia too. But these brown/black "refugees" are not real refugees. Most of them escape from places where there is no war.
Damn...... you guys sure get along well
what's up palibro
>53% of all murders
What is even left for poor Mexicans to kill? How can the number be so high?
Nothing much
Just feel like kms as always
Why do many Lebanese people claim to be non Arabic?
are you still LARPing as a palestinian you egypsie immigrant, baka
Arabs are those from arabian peninsula, rest are not, they are whatever they are, Egyptians, Maghrebi, Levant, Iraqi, Iranian.
Everyone's a little bit racist, sometimes.
Good, a good levantmutt is a dead one.
Well said.
Phoenicians were Arabs
Banu Ghassan were Arabs
We are the purest Arabs
your flag is missing
I'm not a levantmutt, I am an Arab stallion of the purest stock, you jewmutt piece of shit.
>We are the purest Arabs
No, only the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula are Arabs.
Peninsulars (minus BASED Northern Yemeni bulls) are ugly quadroon baboons that mixed with their slaves. You are lower than the dirt on my sexy Arab feet
Get the fuck out of Europe, Achmed.
I am a Greek
Why are you here? On vacation? Are you tired of getting raped by the t*rks?
It is much more likely that you get raped by a turk in norway than in Greece.
>Raped by a turk
>A turk
>Doesn't even know his own country's history
Be quiet, medmutt. You are not even worthy of kissing my Nordic Aryan feet, swine.
>Australia's alright.
Island niggers gotta stick together I guess
Greeks are pure
while many of you have mongoloid features
Yes. Also, there's a large (by our standards) Maltese population there so.
It's impossible to be pure and middle eastern. Just read your land history and you will know
Genocide is bad my brother. Delete that image.
Lebanese are literally subhuman arabs. Don't worry war is coming to you soon.
sorry friend i just really hate this one leb
Sorry muttraqi shitskin I am immune to your mongrel "banter". Go prep the Amerifat bull, muttraqi shitskin.
*Arab dab*
t. False-flagging kike
Quality posts ya lahad, here have a bump on me.
That's where your wrong
not everyone is mentally retarded like you albanimals
definitely, just not very outspoken about it
Hello my fellow Lebanese stallion. Raped any decadent anglo whores lately?
Let me destroy him, master. Let me go all out... just this once.
>arab subhuman
you are like people here that praise Hitler but are ugly mutts
Embarrassing thread
>jew worlder
Remind me why you care?
>we wuz phoenicians and sheit
Deeply against Poles and Africans like anyone in Lithuania
I don't but I laughed anyway
ar*Bs are lower than aboriginals. goat fuckers shouldn't be considered human beings by any accounts.
but arabs are ugly mutts and they do praise hitler because *muh joos*
Didn't read dickshit
too many ppl called joseph buttigieg
ar*Bs are not even human. I curse myself everyday for being born a sandnigger and I pray to jesus in hopes that I may be reborn as a white female in the next life.
Buttigieg, Really?