Why are Latin American laws so shit? Socialists?
This map is the proof you can't blame race in Latin America.
Why are Latin American laws so shit? Socialists?
This map is the proof you can't blame race in Latin America.
Bingo. They ruined this country after 1988's constitution.
the hispanics on the other side are under white law
>zone controled by laws made by the white man to rule over spics
>zone controled by laws made by shitskins to rule over other shitskins
Speaking for my country.
There are right now 3 major crime factions (ADA, CV and PCC) fighting for the control of the drug trade here. Mostly the violence is caused by this fighting.
Yeah, baby. Latin American leftists are mostly Trotskyists
But this is the worst kind of socialists. You are very unlucky my friend
The only socialist country in Latin America is Cuba, Venezuela isn't even close with it's big private industry and Nicaragua has shifted to social-democracy, so why blame socialists?
This is Cold War-tier perfidy
Oh please, the republic was already ruined from day one. Socialists only made it worse, true, but corruption has always been the only thing stopping Brazil from being good
Because they rule media, universities, supreme courts and law courses in many Latin American countries.
Also, Cuba is a shithole.
Mexico, please. Stop implying you are a civilized country.
America was a colony built up under Anglo Law and tradition. Latin America was built to be sin city for evil C*tholics and degenerate Ib*rians
So if supposed socialists control almost everything in Latin America then why isn't there a Soviet Union 2.0 forming in South America?
Where are all the South American Marxists agitators and intellectuals calling for the seizing of the means of production and the end of the capitalist mode of production? Where are they if they're supposed to control almost everything?
Is it the lizard people hiding them from the population?
Socialist and neoliberal governments undoing what the previous one did ad infinitum
I wish they built on what the previous one did but no, ideologies trump everything as you can see in this thread
they don't most of the countries are ruled by neoliberals or right-leaning people
It's a bit complicated. Also there's a bit of a divide between Leftists. Old leftists that want socialism and focuses on the working class and then the new left which only cares about social justice issues like trannies being able to masturbate in front of your kids.
>Venezuela isn't even close with it's big private industry
Its what
You don't even know what is neoliberalism and right wing, Cristina Kirchner
>So if supposed socialists control almost everything in Latin America then why isn't there a Soviet Union 2.0 forming in South America?
Foro de São Paulo
>Where are all the South American Marxists agitators and intellectuals calling for the seizing of the means of production and the end of the capitalist mode of production?
Everywhere in universities.
>they're supposed to control almost everything?
They are trying this since 60's
It probably has to do with state shapes. Border in Mexico are less autistic.
>Old leftists that want socialism and focuses on the working class
Like what? Less than 1% of them? Leftists nowadays suck Soro's and banker's dicks and they protect bandits.
Not even close
Yes. In social sciences but its logical if you think about it
>supreme courts and law courses
Eeeh 50/50. I would say it is pretty balanced
Are there Bolsheviks in Latin America? If all Latin American socialists are Trotskyists, you should kill all them just like Stalin did.
There is no point to support left if thet are
Trotskyists. They really ruin everything. This is why Stalin killed them
Yeah I'm sure the 2001 crisis wasn't caused by unregulated neoliberal policies
So Macri is left wing to you?
>West Mexico is garbage
No news here. Central MX, Yucatan and North East MX are best Mexico.
>Less than 1% of them?
No the ones that you'd meet if you went outside of your house every once in a while. Just look at MST
It's just a bunch of criminal monkeys, you are very delusional.
Muh 2001!
Free market doesn't work with massive corruption, Evita
Thank you for made me laugh, you think these monkeys are bolshevik-tier when every leftard in brazil support disarmament. My sides.
Do you even know what you are talking about?
There are no bolshevik-tier commies in Latin America. Not even Cuba is bolshevik anymore.
Okay, so you don't know what you're talking about.
You are so delusional you thunk MST monkeys are bolshevik commies, when they are just robbers.
the US has to spread libertarianism in LatAm, at least is something better than socialism
North Americans are subhumans
South America is shittier than North America by FAR
why are chileans so autistic?
Rip Mexico
Fuck off you golf-playing imperialist cock sucker, socialism is the light of civilization
Your geography stops you from being as good as the US, Europe or East Asia too. Our cities have much better natural connections with rivers and seas than population centers in Brazil.
Why do Latin Americans import shit laws from Eurocucks?
I hate this so much. Why don't we import laws from Singapore? Or Texas?
T. cabecita
Criollos are spaniard scum and at fault for the demise of the country.
Proud to be CHI :3
>The only socialist country in Latin America is Cuba
>Venezuela isn't even close with it's big private industry
The famous French arrogance.
Good keep thinking that like everyone does
Please ignore our ejidos, the Mexican version of the soviets, our Marxist constitution and remember La Tierra es de Quien la trabaja
Land belongs to those who work it
>social democracy
>not socialism
Stop consuming mexican drugs and the problem will be solved.
>it's another "read Guns, Germs and Steel" and "Why Nations Fail" episode
Seriously, read these two books and you will be able to answer this kind of question for every country and every period of time
Which one is which?
Be my CHI bf
Drugs are not made in Mexico, they come from south america
>everything i don't like is socialism, and socialism is the boogeyman that has managed to cause 500-year old problems in our countries despite not spreading here until the 1950's
What the fuck is wrong with LatAm posters on this board? Are you all fucking slow? The Cold War ended 30 years ago, did you retards just find out about your independence yesterday?
Ahh yes, the "muh true socialism has never been tried" fallacy
Shut up commie. Socialism was invented by the Portuguese to keep the Brazilian man down n shit.
socialism was bad but the real problem there is are the elites and the extreme corruption
You have exactly 60 seconds to provide me proof that Venezuela is a stateless, classless, moneyless, society in which the workers control the means of production.
Please note that the following things do not constitute an answer:
>crying, kicking or screaming
>telling me to fuck off
>insulting me
>incorrect usage of the word fallacy
>spamming me with memes because you don't have a response
Real socialism has never been tried because it's fucking impossible.
It might help if the entire Western world didn't try to violently disrupt any attempts at revolution, forcing any revolutionaries to rely on the state. Pretty much every """"""""""socialist"""""""""" state that has ever existed has had to remain in an almost constant state of war to avoid destruction.
Funny how the northern states consider themselves "white" despite being the most barbarian, doesn´t it?
I don't get why right wingers are so scared about him, first of all he is not even that leftist, and second, do you know the other alternatives that we have for this election?, there is literally no better option, or lets say "least worst"
only facism can save latin America
will Mexico get better under AMLO or nah?
No. Pls prepare to receive new paisanos :3
I am CHI so I am whatever
Social democracy was literally created to destroy revolutionary movements by appeasing the working classes.
>soshulisms no wurk cuz erbody get pay da sam n der r no insentivs
definitely, the question is in what way?, I mean, the least he is going to do is to add a new corrupt familie into the already established corrupt families in power, and the result would be a new battle in high hierarchies and there for the opening of new opportunities to expose seid height sphere and consecutively an opportunity to make mexico a more democratic and free country... now starting from that point you can add positive points with every single positive aspect/proposition his government make
why is that good?
I meant like that, thanx
I think it's nice that you don't oppose further immigration from Mexico. Is that bad?
Just to be clear, just because Latin Americans completely sucks at anything related to statehood in general, doesn't mean that socialism itself is a failed ideology.
It just doesn't work without the rule of law.
no i was just asking
imho the Mexican government would be absolute fools not to have much better business ties with china and even the eu and india. They could heavily diversify their trading partners from the US and no longer be under washingtons thumb.
Daily reminder Nordic countries are not socialist, not even close because in Nordic countries public companies work as private companies
>voting for socialists
>expecting anything good
Why are Mexicans doing this?
Let's remember: Bachelet fucked Chile, Mujica fucked Uruguay, Cristina fucked Argentina, Daniel Ortega fucked Nicaragua, Dilma and Lula fuckef Brazil, Chavez fucked Venezuela forever, Evo fucked Bolivia forever.
B-but anons, in Mexico will be different, I swear!
Mexicans are so fucking dumb. I can't believe it. He will only makes your lives 10 times worse. He is a fucking commie. Let's say he will try to fix Mexican violence throwing gasoline into fire HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>Why are Mexicans doing this?
Because PRI and Calderón fucked Mexico, they told us AMLO was dangerous and was going to fuck up the country, then they did it themselves
You are deluded as fuck if you think norway or Sweden are socialist. Yes you have free healthcare and education but that came after you became rich and guess what, if those services weren't free as we speak, your countries would be far more efficient and richer but sadly people think healthcare and education are rights where they objectively aren't. Socialists think everyone should think and act the same and that simply unnatural.
How many parties do you have? This PRI is center-left.
Commies are never an option. NEVER. Say good bye to Mexico. He will try to infiltrate in every public sector.
This ^
I mean, even for being corrupt and a fucking thief you have to be smart.
Estos idiotas ni eso supieron hacer, provocaron que la jaula de los simios se alborotara.
Prove this is wrong
Pro tip: You can't
As a good leftist, he will give amnesty to all the cartel leaders in your country. He will not try to fix anything, actually he will only makes things worse in levels you've never imagined (corruption and violence).
This applies to every single country on earth. Leftist politicians usually have a very deep discourse and are capable of touching the masses in their emotional hotspots. They might have good intentions but the way they carry things forward is inefficient. A public company will NEVER be half as efficient as a private one. The reason is because states can create natural monopolies where competition is nonexistent and, as most people know, where there is no competition there is no innovation or incentives to do things the right way. What you can expect though is an increase in public workers, which in turn will create more bureaucracy, corruption and stagnation. This principle applies to both right and left wing governments, however left wing governments tend to be more statist than their right wing counterparts mainly due to their aversion for private businesses. Idgaf about left or right but I tend to vote for the one who seems likely to have a smaller government and exercise less coercion on the average joe
Nothing unusual. Just socialists roleplaying as victims. This is the best thing they do. Only dumb people fall for this bait in 21th century
There are 3 main parties
PRI (currently in power, new corruption scandals like every week, governors stealing money and running away to Europe and South America, lowest historical approval rates, sold the oil saying it was going to be cheaper that way but it just keeps increasing, etc)
PAN(started the war on drugs and the violence, Fox didn't do anything, ANYTHING)
MORENA(AMLOVE's party, the others always talk shit about him but they can't never prove anything, he did a good job in Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrad who was nominated as world's best mayor supports him)
It's the others who play the victims here
Vote in the least worst, but not in socialists. If you vote in AMLO it will be almost impossible to impeachment. I don't know how Brazilians could an impeachment in Dilme but whatever
Please kill yourself, los KK sucker. Macri is the best president since decades
Too much corruption. Also the media was against us all the time in impeachment. Brazilian media became commie since 2002 when we elected Lula.
>If you vote in AMLO it will be almost impossible to impeachment
But it already is, people has been telling Nieto to renounce since day 1, we're already in the latest months and he's still in power. All our previous presidents have been immune to everything.