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he looks angry at the end
Hi baltanons, anyone can tell who is she and where the fuck can I find her? Bonus point if you share pictures of her.
fuck off
It is raining again
mmm wouldn't mind poluting her bloodline with my polack genes
I just came home and there was nigger in same bus as I.
I am still in shock. How can something be so disgusting?
How often do you see them?
I know they look disgusting, should've shanked that monkey desu
>Getting in prison because of some monkey
obviously not with the current governments that we have, but one day
sandnigger are getting quite common, that one was nigger from africa. They are not that common.
Tho some of the prisons in Finland are like hotels
He's whiter than you tho.
I just came home and there was 3DPD in same bus as I.
I am still in shock. How can something be so disgusting?
>but one day
pff yeah
So you hate regular niggers more than sandniggers?
You better not look in the mirror, I'm warning you
nigger is a nigger
however there are few cute 2D niggers
what do you mean?
just did, no revelations that I didn't know about have been seen
same desu
true, you should kill them and get into comfy prison(hotel)
>what do you mean?
You are too optimistic
>just did, no revelations that I didn't know about have been seen
Did you noticed that you are 3D?
This is a dark elf not a nigger
Where are Estonians and Lativians? it seems like this is more Lithuainian general
This is a nigger
>You are too optimistic
>Did you noticed that you are 3D?
3 dimensional pig disgusting referring to a person of female (pig) subtype
what about this cutie then?
You should get into politics rise to power and be the second hitler
oh ok
Very cute nigger
I'd rather release thinly disguised propaganda
sup faggots
good taste
Oh ok, but you need a platform from which a lot of people could receive the info
Thanks, this loli nigger is also cute
you too
no u
tomboys are also nice
I could also play this game but I don't feel like it
Ok so I win, thanks
you win a victory in your own and no one's else head yes
Yes and that is what matters the most
Yeah I guess you're right
gonna play a game desu
Ok have fun
>Click on youtube video
>it is in spanish
>Can't sleep for more than 6 hours
>Be tired most of the day
Stupid body
Why are you here blogposting?
wake up
Why are Lithuanians literally a more subhuman version of russians
Do you have any proofs on that
Then post
for some reason my oldest "watch later" video that I have no idea why I clicked on to watch later is dragon ball dubbed in spanish
I am awake
Oh you finished playing quite quickly
>for some reason my oldest "watch later" video that I have no idea why I clicked on to watch later is dragon ball dubbed in spanish
you watch dragon ball videos on youtube?
yeah got tired quickly of it
>you watch dragon ball videos on youtube?
I don't watch dragon ball at all that video is like from 2012 I probably missclicked on it back then
eye see
>I don't watch dragon ball at all that video is like from 2012 I probably missclicked on it back then
ok, and you haven't watched it at all as a kid?
of course I have, I don't anymore there is much better Anime that I can spend my time on now
True, as a kid I thought it was the best show ever, but now that I saw other shows it seems nothing that special
don't see a point of having so much fighting and death and they pretend like it matters if everyone can be revived
yeah same
yeah kek those deaths have zero impact
americans are fucking pathetic
I do the same
third season some day....
What did you think about season 2? I have heard that a lot of people disliked it
I thought it was better than the first season though a lot less side chars development
>I have heard that a lot of people disliked it
I have heard about that
>hurr durr Hei is kidnapping children torturing them and turning them into soldiers
>hurr durr Hei wasn't a killer in the first season
Hei is the one that made the most sacrifices, almost all of his friends are dead except for like Mao and he even had to kill Yin himself after how much he fought to save her in the OVA, he even made that July and Pavlichenko get a happy ending and don't have to be used forever by others
Hei did nothing wrong
Oh ok I liked it too
she's awfully wet
My classmate
Yeah she accidentally peed in her leggings
good I like leggings
but do you like soaked wet leggings?
oh ok
is there a problem with that?
Gonna make a pizza
Nope not at all,
Do you like them even if they are wet with pee?
good luck
oh very good
>Do you like them even if they are wet with pee?
>Have a little brother
>Tell him all kinds of made up stories about ghosts and satanist that go to abandoned church near the city and that they capture little children and sacrifices them and other bullshit stories.
>He believes me
Those little fools
Oh ok *write in my notebook*
*log off for like 30min*
>Oh ok *write in my notebook*
>tomboy doujins
cannot imagine dying in a fire
why is balt so gay?
fuck off peninsula
What is wrong?
don't like people collecting information about me
don't worry I'm not gonna do anything with than information
oh very good then
it is good that you trust me
you say that like I shouldn't trust you desu