how do i grow a beard as an asian with almost no body hair? i don't even have pubic hair.
How do i grow a beard as an asian with almost no body hair? i don't even have pubic hair
why do you want one
You don't /thread
I want to look like a real man
you don't need to a beard to look manly, friend :3
embrace your race's uniqueness
peppermint extract
Eat a more western diet perhaps.
Asians raised in the west tend to look more masculine.
>tfw hairy Asian
>tfw non-hairy Indian
>Asians raised in the west tend to look more masculine.
lol they don't
>be seamonkey
>hairy as fuck except chest part
Are SEA's actually hairy in general?
I have a beard but its a small one
more than the guy in your pic though
sort of looks like Gordon Freeman in half life
I imagine I could grow longer but it would look weird since being Asian with a beard is weird enough for many people
>i don't even have pubic hair.
liar, post pic of fuck off.
they look like sissies, they just have more money for the gym
Become Japanese
order rogaine, spread it on your cheeks and throat every night for 2 years
you may think I am joking but many people do this (google it), I did it for 6 months and can grow a beard now
>tfw patchy beard
R8 my facial hair
is it non-black?
also, you need chapstick
yes, just like mexican but browner, more hairy, and have chinky eyes with double eyelids
What the fuck is wrong with your mouth
desu, in this kind of threads about asians not having hair i always see sea flags complaining, too. are you from eastern indonesia?
>more hairy
Thais and Cambodians are completely hairless wtf
Buy Rogaine or something.
nope from sumatera islands. west indonesian
It's not the beard on the outside that matters, it's the beard inside.
>No pubic hair
Please be a girl
Never bother to grow facial hair desu. My facial hair is like Confucius'.
>tfw beard looks gud except it doesn't fill out on my cheeks
beards are overrated OP
white girls like clean shaven Asian men
Average Filipino bull
looks Mexican and therefore ugly
All Asian women love dominant Filipino cock
>tfw middle easterner who can grow magnificent beard at 19 years old
Feels good not being Asian or indian
If you were a real arab you'd have a beard by the age of 12
>Mfw Iberian genes kick in and can grow a full beard since 16
Indians are really hairy tho
kys criollo
be happy you don't have to deal with that shit
tfw i'm also a mutant which causes patched of hair to grow on my chest
Stay mad.
post hairiness
I am envy desu.
I think it's just the Ainu that are hairy. Most Japanese I've seen aren't that hairy.
Searching yangbans on Google gives bearded Koreans so maybe become a yangban
You can put minoxidil on your face and it will stimulate hair growth, but it wont grow anything extreme and there are some side effects.
If you have the money you can travel to Turkey and they have facial hair transplants. Those will give you a flawless beard, but it's expensive- around $2-5,000 , not including travel and stay costs.
Good luck friend
Cell phone lenses distort images at close distance.
If you want to do that, use generic minoxidil instead of rogaine.
When meeting someone new, it's important to shave in order not to give disgusting impressions here
I have too much of it, we can share.
>but it's expensive- around $2-5,000
That's not expensive. Most cosmetic surgery starts around $20k
I might even consider that if it really works. My facial hair is patchy as fuck
Move to a western country and adopt a western diet
Or just adopt a western diet
I'm getting too hairy and baldy from this shit
Do you idiot unronically think that changing your diet is going to make you hairier?
What's wrong with you right Now?I'm sure you look fine. Korean men look nice
>That's not expensive.