my love against whitu can't stop.
what should i do?
where should i go?
my dick claim to me to having child with them.
still less whitu ppl
My love against whitu can't stop
You could at least do yourself a favor and post a white person
need of my asian genes be purified with the white genes
need of beautiful hapa boi children
Asian genes are strong, Hapkaido
wtf they look like chinks
nothing like my anime
where did the white genes go
down the toilet, ahahaha
wifey is happy that her children look like her
let's make an exchange
this white man is not my typical white man.
too weak white man.
mushed in your gook soup genetics
kill whitey
Polish girls is good.
I really want to go to there to find my waifu.
maybe I can find my love at there.
He is a """""""""white""""""""" man :^)
he looks like a finnish man
very mongol powered
don't ruin my thread my country man.
gtfo here.
and over here is where we have your white women waitng
Why are Japs such cucks for white people? Also, if you love white people so much why would you want to destroy their gene pool by adding yourselves into it?
Brits women are also noice!
spic jealous cause no one ever has burrito fever
Because less whitu power here.
and Hollywood movie brainwashed my brain.
They controlled my brain and my brain calculated this which white women are beautiful and qt.
no you
i do whatever i want, and killing whitey is the mandate of heaven
White women are worthless sluts who the fuck gives a shit if they want Mexicans or not
hey buddy.
I think Mexican women are also attractive for me.
i also got the mandate of heaven. my heaven is better than your heaven
wh*Tes are subhumans
c'mon please chill.
I apologize his rude attitude.
sublimer than you, creatura
Wh*tes are horrible Japanon.
im fine with that if it means not being the same as you
you are supposed to a part of white countries.
Swallow the latina pill or gtfo
That's a Finn, so not white.
sure we are. i hope we have one last hurrah before we get destroyed. if we can take out a billion of you fucks that would be great. maybe start a nuclear war and destroy the earths climate completely and let you shits suffer through centuries of decay until you waste away on this shit hole planet trying to desperately grow food for you mutated rat children
no that is this guy
come to think of it, was the ban lifted?
why so many racists in /int??
/int is supposed to know other culture and communicate with foreign ppl right?
his eyes look more asian than her's
I'm a Southern European, not white.
Hmmm... yes, I agree White grills are very QT.
Shame though, in Canada (maybe USA, too?) Pajeets, Muslims/Arabs and Blacks are the new "in" thing.
meds are not wh*te
it's only OP and this faggot
You will die out and Europe will be repopulated by superior Southern Europeans.
Just look at the difference. On left a Souithern European man, on the right a wh*te man.
you arr rooks same for me.
Jap posts are half the reason I come here
fuck off already you scum
Oi Hiro
Giss a root
See the difference here