Kanji ability is a common way to judge someone's intellect and education.
What indicators do you judge people on in your cunt?
Kanji ability is a common way to judge someone's intellect and education.
What indicators do you judge people on in your cunt?
Skin colour.
sucking cock
IQ score, perhaps?
Clothes and accent, for the most part.
tree mountain? tree
tooth? water
how many laws you break without getting caught
being able to speak properly
Pronunciation and spelling.
Koreans walk around and ask people's IQ scores? strange desu
It's a single Kanji character (鬱) meaning depression
The more anglicisms they use, the less intelligent they are.
well fuck. i have been trying to learn radicals and judge kanji based on them. it's quite hard for eesti
Of course not.
We usually judge each other by his/her/xer/xis/its/their degree and graduated university.
Grammar. All the language of course but more specifically tense conjugations is quite telling.
It's really hard and complicated, sort of kanji-level, only people with good education master that.
Mastery of the written language as well as ability to avoid anglicisms.
t. Quebec
who the fuck makes 鬱 into a character and thinks "oh, this is good, this is a good idea, no epidemic of defective eyesight will be caused by this"
Being able to speak properly and correctly.
Basic vocabulary just betray that you don't read often
thank you Mao
but I'm asking to this OP if he is real Japanese or not
the color of one's VW Passat
You're probably using Sup Forums's default font, which is dogshit for chink characters. If you had a better font instead, it would be much more readable.
Tbqh those two sentences are fucking based even if you are a hyper anarcho-capitalist spending your all free time reading ayn rand
Qu'est-ce qu'on considère comme le vocabulaire complexe ?
Democrat smart, Republican dumb
It's a compound of phonetic (pic related) + semantic 林.
Pretty stupid character desu
true, may be you may like Yukichi Fukuzawa, too
btw, this OP is not Japanese lol
It means Brahman. The ultimate reality of the universe
translate this, please. Google Translater has no idea about it.
Vocabulaire soutenu et tournure des phrases.
>Dans un couple, il faut beaucoup se parler pour que tout se passe bien
>La communication est inhérente à une relation de couple harmonieuse
Ca veut dire la même chose, mais l'autre, mais l'autre la ressent différement
Cela exprime des choses similaires, mais le ressenti de l'interlocuteur sera hétéroclite
Power comes from the barrel of a gun.
I'll not attack unless I'm attacked; If I'm attacked, I'll must counterattack.