>i voted brexit
good thread
>that guy who rests in between sets
very nice 'let
i saved it to my collection
superb edition
>i pick stuff off the ground and put it down for fun
>we are coming for your guns!!!
I wish Liberals could keep this up for another 2 years, so Trump can get re-elected.
Any GLOM man in?
>not making your body as strong as possible
The Oxbridge boat race never fails to get leftymongers frothing and bashing at their keyboards
>We, without guns, are coming for you with guns
they want whites disarmed so they cannot defend themselves
um sweety x
Greamed gams and glams?
quick burn the constitution the television man did a little cry!
Bought two Guinea pigs
when did the national rifle association of america hurt people
wassup NEUROATYPICALS u gona be alone all night? haha sucks to be you i'm gona be raving with my queer crew
im a white supremacist
interesting how rorkes love the soyboy meme and leftypol love the brainlet meme
it speaks a lot to what the two sides value and respect: rorkes respect masculinity, strength, maturity, and look down at effeminate, childish, weak men
leftypol respects intellectualism, academic vigour, intelligence, and looks down on stupidity, the dumb masses, ignorance, uneducated people
that's my take on meme analysis today
think they just dont want people massacring schools and that
love both t. radcen
south asians ought to be genoicided
our guy
what trousers do people wear nowadays?
dark slim jeans?
based brown frankie boyle
they should come for the negroes instead
no they dont fucking care about them
their fantasy is going to a white christian mans home and ripping his guns from him in front of his family
Did the man splash his paddle?
i like to wear slim fit black jeans idk bout others, most people dress badly
Levi's 510s
he would not be persecuted for this
gf looks like her but she's a bit thiccer
american media and politicians have convinced the drones that groups such as the NRA are really rich evil corporations trying to destroy the country. if you tell them that they're comprised of millions of members, they won't believe you.
dont know why tommy robinson gets so much hate
there will come a point in time when people realise he was right, but it'll be too late
>leftypol respects intellectualism, academic vigour, intelligence
then why does leftymong love black people and dysgenics?
steady on mate where did you get that idea
surplus gore-tex camo trousers is the practical man's habit of choice
assless chaps
>it'll be too late
No such thing
because they openly say it
how do you wear black trousers lmao it just looks like suit trousers
odometer passed 200k today. was expecting the car to just fall apart or explode or some shit
He's a whiny race-baiting fuckwit obsessed with muslims for no bloody reason.
based optimistic redpill
leftymongers already acknowledge he's right in private, that's why white flight is happening at an ever accelerating rate
stubbed my toe on a dumbbell and think its broke
for fucks sake, start a new job on monday, dont need shit shite
Russia did it
What's worse is all the coke
The ice that numbs my throat if only for the night
My muscles will contract, your bones will crack
It's just a fact 'cause I'm here to win this fight
*deep breath*
*ungodly screeching*
>for no bloody reason.
this is the most barefaced lie I've ever read
when communists say hate speech they just mean white people saying things they dont like
where did somebody say they dont care about massacres and want to walk into a white christian mans home and rip his guns from in front of his family
Business idea: Turn Texas into 5 different states so they can elect 10 members of congress instead of 2 and hold complete control over the US elections
tim wise
they're not going to fuck off until 8 or 9 i know it
all i ask for is one day a week i can smoke weed all day and relax. i don't need this.
oh do fuck off back to pakiland you stinking nonce cunt, the world would be better off without you
Do you want people to start attacking random Jewish people in the streets??
There's rasheeds in this very thread. I won't point them out but you can probably guess.
>for no bloody reason
>there will come a point in time when people realise he was right
very good goy
America has a perfect government system, but unfortunately we took a wrong turn somewhere in the 1970s and everyone here decided to compete in a competition of who could act the most stupid
why do you assume this would happen?
i would not have a problem if this did happen though hahaha
>Downloading Windows 10
>Progress: 56%
are you Cathy Newman?
do you not believe context matters at all? he was making a joke
If only leftymongers responded to terrorism like they do with the shooty man hitting the gen Z runtlets
install gentoo
*trains cute dog to play dead whenever someone says "Lee Rigby"*
at least you're not arresting people for making jokes
not watching this yank e-celeb shit
haha thats moghreni crying in number 3
business idea: A strip of bacon on every street corner
Used to be a football hooligan, he's manipulative and while its true he does draw attention to real issues, his videos are often fundamentally misleading. Propaganda.
Blame Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan
>oi you got a license for that nazi dog m8?
christ what a fucking hag