Why are Americans so obsessed with Europe's racial purity?

Why are Americans so obsessed with Europe's racial purity?

Attached: american.png (932x514, 40K)

Flyovers have no culture besides meth and obesity, so they desperately try to associate themselves to Europeans by way of skin color.

the same reason why some europeans pretend that america is a third world shithole.






Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-15 um 01.38.01.png (478x429, 108K)


Because if Europe is lost when it used to have 100% native European. Then what does that say for the rest of the world

>rest of the world
Africa will be the most populated continent in our lifetime.
There is no future.

we dont want to see you become us

Africa is held on life support thanks to foreign aid, if the Chinese and Middle East take over the world then Africa will starve to death.

After the fight is over a new council must be ready

this in all honesty

>22.43% less free time
Every time is free time in America


>US has cheaper oil and electricity
>US actually jails their raping niggers rather than commending them
>these are supposed to be bad things

Do you really believe what you just wrote ?


>life support
Serious? Africa has been consistency fucked over by rich European based businesses. The most violent regions are involved in mineral extraction and the violent regimes are being funded by western billionaires protecting their diamond market income, their firearms industry connections, etc.
There has been at least a hundred fold more wealth in and out of the subcontinent directly related to backing dictators and protecting paramilitary style protected western business than whatever foreign aid gets sent. The region would be a lot better if it wasn't swimming with foreign blood money and foreign weapons.

>Africa will starve to death
You pig ignorant mongrel.


Attached: punch.png (580x385, 259K)


Attached: ThirdWorldShithole.png (493x477, 55K)


>30% more babies
>and they're all black

Attached: 1514379232885.jpg (5000x5000, 1.76M)


Attached: 1520538203696.png (1080x1180, 149K)

>twice as likely to have AIDS
>twice as likely to get murdered

>American education



Europe is finished.


>US has cheaper oil and electricity
Ever question why?
>US actually jails their raping niggers rather than commending them
You just took the highest incarceration rate backed by the wealthiest for profit private prison industry and span it into a Sup Forumstard taking point that makes you look like an ignorant, racist moron. Stupendous.
>these are supposed to be bad things
Your country is a corporate ran shithole with the largest civilian spying systems, the largest wealth inequality in the "western world", has the most number of people working poor and living off below minimum wage and food stamps. The USA has the most gun crime and most corrupt gun legislation and lobbying relationship in any liberal democracy. It also has a history of the government snatching people off the street, locking them up and submitting them to humans rights violation tier torture and all without a single court trial.
Your country is broken and needs to frequently plunge itself into another war just to distract the braindead masses from the mess that is the domestic situation. Even it largest terrorist attack on American soil was at the hands of rich, American trained, educated and funded religious nut jobs. Everything your country gets involved in makes rich people richer while poisoning the well for everyone else.

So yeah, those are bad things. It wouldn't be so bad if America would just isolate itself from the rest of the world and fucking collapse on it itself but the problem is that, like a plague, the cancer that is your nation spreads itself were it can gain a foothold. Like a kid throwing a tantrum: if you can't get your way, you've got to go out of your way to make sure no one else can, either.

I hope you get gunned down before the end of the school year.

It's like being a dying alcoholic that's too far gone to save, and then you see your friend start going down the slippery slope but he ignores your warnings because you're an alcoholic too


Fuck e*rope.

Who's ready for another wave of dead Americans, lads?

It's been way too long!

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-24 um 19.26.29.png (631x643, 319K)

Quality post.

That feel when "pretend" in Portuguese means intend to. Why do these Anglo idiots defile the meaning of the words?


I’m surprised John Bolton hasn’t been subject to memes already. Guy’s about as “Muriga” as they come.

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China can't save the world soon enough.

Literally Bandit Keith

America is better than Sh*taly

Put me in the screencap too fellow redditors.


>be American
>btfo of brown people
>brown people go to Europoos
>Europoos btfo

All according to the Keikaku


>Why are Eurooeans so obsessed with America's racial purity?
Besides is it more disturbing that a Homeland for a people is becoming saturated with other areas people? America was founded in native lands and always had people's from all over. Suprisingly we aren't a homogenous mixture but still distinct groups.

>America's racial purity

No such thing.

Attached: white americans.jpg (1580x3391, 1011K)

Thanks for proving my point with a photoshopped picture. You guys have issues if you care this much.

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