Why are we the toughest white country?

why are we the toughest white country?

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>white country?

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t. Ahmed

We invest a lot in our military because we know we'd get our asses kicked if we didn't?

>"why are we a brainwashed corrupt non-democratic police state that rules the world through finance?"

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We'll be dropping the last one soon, if that's any consolation.

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Well then we won't be able pay lockheed martin anymore will we? Great job, guys

Even in one on one fighting, white Americans are tougher than any other white people. Unlike Europeans who are mostly full of Arab cum and soy, we are willing to die for our beliefs and kill anyone without a second thought who gets in our way

>Even in one on one fighting, white Americans are tougher than any other white people
No, no ... you're stupid.

why do wh*toids do this?

I guess I have to ask what you mean?




hello frend. You must be new, all the mutt speaking goes on thank you very much

because europeans love makeup

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because of incredibly low standards at the moment

>...white country?


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Enjoying your women getting raped by Arab cock?

Why Murikkka such a shithole?

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>implying you didn't just describe the UK


are you implying that California isn't part of your country?

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We're saying it's the worst part of our country.


Lol look at how sympathetic most of us are to the Austin bomber

In what other white country could that happen?

>most of us

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White america. We even see the bomber as a victim.

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can i see some evidence that most of you think that

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> Americn on WW3.
> Infantry moving from cover to cover on mobility scooter.
> They have to remove armor from tanks to accomodate the fat crew.
> Killer drones were develloped as human crewed planes cannot lift off contemporanean americans.
> Cattles become an importan military objective as they need them to pay the army with hamburgers.

> Still lose against arabs on camels with AK47s.



Why would you want to be wh*Te, they aren't tough and look like pic related.

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You are not. You are the strongest militarily but not the toughest of people. You are glass cannons. The bully who can dish it out but not take it back without throwing a tantrum. We see this everywhere from internet forums to your international policies.

We’ll kill more of them than they will kill of us

Speak for yourself flyover. Only irrelevant backwaters, christfags, and trumptards get asshurt over California

California is good if you are a wealthy hedonist who has a lot of mexican friends and dont mind spending tons of money on water bills so almonds can be grown. Its very bad if you are avoiding liberals and mexicans.

Its true stop embarrassing me you stupid cuntrymen. We are on the fucking precipice of failure, at best.

Trump loves Israel.

>Austin bomber
If this was intentional it got a kek out of me.

>t. volga german

Are there even white people left in Germany or is it all shitposting racebaiting ahmeds? I haven't seen a sane German post in a long while.

The US is more German than Germany at this point


You have the most overrated military in the world lmao. Tell me one war the US won that was legit from them. I can only remember the pacific campaign in WW2.



Crazy America is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, they are weak, both mentally and physically, and yet they threaten me, for the second time, with physical assault. They don't know me, but they would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people America!



We’ve killed 5 million Muslims

How many Muslims has Europe invited in?

Yeah easy to be tough on the Internet. How about people come to the south and talk shit to the average white southerner. See what happens

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By kill count we also raped Vietnam

Pathetic they only killed 58,000 Americans while we killed literally millions of Vietnamese and Cambodians

we are anglo-german mutts

dios mio... el ogre...

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