Wtf country

Why Russia don't annexes this shithole??

Attached: 240px-Poland_in_European_Union.svg.png (240x205, 44K)

t. bydlo subhuman who learned how to proxy

>Why doesn't Russia annex this shithole??
fixed there 4 u

>t. negro subhuman

They're already working towards annexion themselves

Why would they?

dam right

Attached: qt243t23424.png (960x678, 469K)

Visiting Gdansk next Sunday


romanian gypsy bootlicking lmao
i see the same shit on reddit

r u excited?

Not overly. It looks like it'll be rainy and still a bit chilly. Should've gone more south and try Poland again during the summer.

Because we would cause far more trouble than we are worth. Imagine having exclave full of unruly, rebellious and crazy people who's hobbies include :
-arguing with everyone
-finding way to bypass every law
-hating on ruskies since before Russia even existed.

>not wanting the eternal russian to steal some more land is bootlicking
you should stay there

Give it back to Germany if you don't want it.

so it can be repopulated with Arabs and Niggers just like Sweden?

Germans don't want it either. If Poland was annexed by Germany tomorrow then Poles would be rather angry, but I guarantee you that after a decade Germans would regret it much more.

What for?

It is the property of Germany people because it is East Germany.

Get nuked.

Attached: Polen_960-992.png (1037x1024, 994K)

>i see the same shit on reddit
I bet you do. You have to go back.

t. gypsy sumhuman who doesn't know how to use proxies

Attached: NsE3cflVwI.png (800x820, 309K)

rly maeks u tink

Everything about Pooland is shit

Attached: 1519362252954.gif (400x208, 277K)

It would be extremely painful



Because Russia is a democratic nations that deeply respects the territorial sovereignty of it's neighbours

whu not just genocide and then annex