I fucking hate the tolerance of nordic countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries
I fucking hate the tolerance of nordic countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries
i agree, fuck n*Rds
Pretty sure you're going to hell for praying for things like that
me too i really hate when people think denmark is nordic
like no
we are part of the benelux
Abu Hashem al Somali
Isn't France playing the whole National Suicide faster than the Nordics though?
No, much slower than Sweden
We are not n*rdic or scandinavian
sure bruv sure
I wouldn't be so sure. You guys + Germany and the Uk sure are giving them a run for their money.
Sure indeed.
That's rich coming from France
You meant Germany. France took almost nothing in refugees
I fucking hate the success of anglo countries. Everyday I pray for disasters in these countries
what the fuck is happening
You guys are at 70% face levels or less.
>tfw no bedenelux union
don't worry, we are taking care of them
A finn guy got bullied by Mouloud and Rachid and he does nothing for his defense
Why do you care
You're not even white.
bosniaks bully swede
Good job Denmark, finally that Island might produce an attractive European.