Founders of western civilization

>founders of western civilization
>center of european culture and fashion
>more than 2000 years of interesting history
>great cuisine
>beautiful women and language
>literally everyone loves them
>won 2 world wars
why they are so successful?

Attached: flag_of_kingdom_of_italy_by_llwynogfox.png (2000x1333, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>more than 2000 years
More like more than 3000

we are very successful indeed

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>won 2 world wars
On a serious note - why is Italy such a mess? They were the richest and most developed region in Europe for a long time.

>literally everyone loves them
Thank you Poland, but no


>mfw: 26yo
>old just enough to have a taste of 90s Italy
>it's never coming back
Goddamn life was so good back then

Terroni happened

you posted a shitalian flag
instead the Greek

Geography and their ancient traditions and beliefs

Despite being the light of the continent for such a long time, they just stagnated at some point for reasons I don't understand.

they are still superior to you subhumans

They got lucky desu
imagine an alternative world where carthage beat roma

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>tfw not Italian

Attached: carmelo-borg-pisani.png (600x521, 242K)

But that is a fake country created in 1861.

>inventors of the eiiiiiii
>their language mostly consists of the phrases sto cazzo and porcodio and the rest is sign language
>brown manlets
>slurp pasta with tomato sauce erry day
>no concept of personal space
>kiss and hold hands with other men coz they're Arabs
>basically destroyed Europe forever in 1204
>sided wtih Hitler
>talk too much and too loudly
>controlled by mafia
>half of them are probably Greek-Albanian mutts
>casu marzu
>can't even build a tower that would stand straight
>can't even build a city that would remain above water
>Da Vinci liked little boys
>several Italian film directors like Visconti and Pasolini liked little boys
>their country inspires works of art about liking little boys (Death in Venice)
>think grated cheese goes with meat like some sort of Americans
>invented Catholicism which is about hating women and liking little boys

Is it possible NOT to hate them?

you know that you are just an arab subhuman


We have simply make our duty for our nation and Europe

Italian sounds like a mix of African tribal languages (whitles and ooga booga) with Arabic accent and intonation.

It's the brownest language known to man, if orcs from Mordor spoke arabic, it would sound something like Italian.

Attached: shitalians.jpg (800x922, 115K)

Why are all the stereotypes about Italians actually about terroni?

Because the steriotypical Italian is terroni

dummy kek
Phoenicians are closer to arabs
we are neither arabs neither Phoenicians anyway

I blame american migration

This beacuse all Italian immigrants are terronis

you are arab subhumans

You're genetically predisposed to hate us, and it's perfectly fine
Poland, of all people

you are worse than an arab kek

I am a Greek

yes, we have been at war since 220 BC and soon the Illyrian reavers will seize Italy's shores and take away its women

mexico did none of those thing dumb pole

Serious answer not involving terroni: our parent's generation had richness and could find any job anytime, they became entitled and started draining every tiny bit of wealth from our country, i.e. people stopped working at 35-40yo, with stellar retirement benefts. Now there's no money but we still have that generation as a big parasite draining money for 40 years, those people refuse to die, meanwhile there are no jobs for the youth, the retirement age is now 250years, and the lack of money made us even greedier, at the point that everyone tries to evade taxes, steal and similar stuff, making things worse and worse.
Now the terroni answer: 90% of the people mentoned above are terroni.

slovenians are slavic subhumans

greeker than your huan hong ching chong

we are ethnically ambiguous, shitlord

Selling shit to the Soviets. The Cold War was a pretty good racket for Italy.

That's the history of boomers throughout the whole western world desu, different dynamics to a degree maybe but the essence is the same, the whole "good times create weak men weak men create hard times ecc ecc"

N-no that didn't happen

Actually we sold shit to the Afghans fighting them too

Yeah but in no other countries their boomers are terroni


a croat wrote
that you are so useless
that your government changed your language and added some illyrian meme words to create a new meme identity

It's ok, you only sold them cars and appliances. I have a bunch of Italian made shit around my house and it all works great unless it's August.

Italian fascists gtfo of my land

>the croatian "language"

that's a topic for /bant/

A-actually it was also mines (but those are made in San Marino :^)) and medical supplies

It's easy (well not really, but I'll try to make it so)
First, we never had colonialism bringing us wealth.
Second, since the unification we had an historically underdelevoped part of the nation, the South, and this has never been properly addressed.
Third, what this user said. Basically after the economic boom that lasted through the 50s to the end of the 60s we experienced an umparalled growth. From the 70s and 80s the political class becomes more and more incompetent: people grew up in the richness produced by their parents and didn't really think about the situation or how their insane policies, especially the retirement ones (we call this furto intergenerazionale, intergenerational theft) but also other one like the crazy amout of careless nepotism, corruption etc etc were going to affect the future generations. Then came Berlusconi, who said he was going to liberalize the economy and bring us into the globalized era but instead did nothing but ad-personam law and fuck underagers. 20 years of him completely put the nail on the coffin on this country which has been on decline since then.

a jap wrote
that you are so useless
that your entire country and it's culture was gracefully built by the japanese as an act of pity

>the whole "good times create weak men weak men create hard times ecc ecc"

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Why didn't they colonise and spread their superior culture??? Do you know how freaking embarrassing it is to be of British heritage?

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>Second, since the unification we had an historically underdelevoped part of the nation, the South, and this has never been properly addressed
It was addressed, they're just subhumans

Nice post you heap of shit

They did... In the worst possible country.

we had colonized Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia, but it did not work

Can any of you anons give me a quick rundown on the character and habits of a hypothetical Gennaro 'lo Strunzo' Carafa, straight out of Potenza?

I am a Greek


NIGtalians are the lowest moors to have ever been spawned from the nameless pits of the North African deserts.
Big nigger lips, wide noses like a chimp, hairy like apes and short like hobbits. What are Italians? During medieval times they were often mistook by little demons from Arabia, and so their name was born Ita- means brown and -lian 'little shit'
Brown little shits, according to early medieval records, such documents can still be found in Czechia, back then Bohemia.

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Romans were in ice caves while sumererians were discovering writing and math. Italians did jack shit for civilization.

Sumerians are as ancient to the Romans as the Romans are too us.

Oh boy
>fuck the north, they are keeping us down (emigrates and works in the north)
>why nobody takes care of the south (the south receives billions of euros every year from the north)
>recicling? What am I? A cuck?
>why is there garbage everywhere? Fucking northeners
>a receipt? Nah, we are among friends, you don't need that
>car insurance? Why lol

Stuff like this

sumerians died out
Rome lives on in Greece

kys wog

It's funny how foreigners ask non meme answers but no one replies to them, I've seen this a lot of times. I guess believing in memes is easier

is rome north or south?

It's centre, I personally would consider it north although they're still welfare leeches

>Turn tv on
>Journalist in Genova interviews woman with three children with a failed business, 10k euros debt and no money to buy groceries, dramatic music in the background
>tarantella in the background
>news about over half of Siracusa inhabitants not paying trash taxes

My hatred reaches the heavens


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It is center but it has been colonized by southeners too hard


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Don't forget how they were crying in tv when half their houses were destroyed by the heartquake, but then it was discovered that half of the houses were built illegally and weren't following safety standards

As ridiculous as it sounds, Sup Forums currently is much better than Sup Forums for this kind of subjects.
Sup Forums nowadays is a cesspool of avatarfags, (You)beggars and underage dank meme spammers.

>pretends to be disabled to get the disabled welfare gibs
>pretends his father is still alive to get his retirement money eternally
>has a job without contract (we call it "in nero") by his cousin's workshop so he doesn't have to pay income taxes
>since the govermnent doesn't know about his hidden job he can say "I'm unemployed!" and get the unemployment welfare gibs
>since he has no job and he pretends he has no house, no car (no insurance) and stuff like this, he gets more benefits because the goverment sees him as poor, and also lower taxes, which he doesn't pay anyway

This describes 90% of the south Italian population

dios mio...

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How can I go illegally to Italy, build a house there illegally and live illegally from welfare till I die?

Just be a terrone

do they all pay for protection to the cosa nostra instead or is that just a meme?

>what is hungertinia
>what is u r gay

He's right though. Taking History as being circular is a considered a common fallacy.

Some of them do, but >muh mafia is mostly an excuse
They are just lazy

The original Aryan Romans have nothing to do with moorish Italians today. Same with the ancient Greek and modern T*rks who happen to live in Greece.

It's funny to me when people larp as a group of people their real ancestors wiped out. Mudshits are the worst for this they think every levantine and mesopotamian invention is theres even if they were invented a thousand years before the sand monkeys left their peninsula with their sand cult.

science > shitskin

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>good in any way

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>ur cunt tree is bad

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>founders of western civilization is by middle east
>centre of european culture and fashion back in the days
>2000 years of history about losing land to others
>pasta and pizza copied chink and gook cuisine (according to gook commercial)
>no problem with that
>no problem with that
>shitaly lmao
>won 2 world wars because they're irrelevant and picked the winning side at the end
Not to even mention that Italy now and roman empire is absolutely unrelated
That being said, Italy is shit but roman culture and history is great
Restore roman empire when?

I recognize you in every Italy-related thread, between you an me, having a constant posting-style to farm replies gives an idea of how shallow and uninteresting you are IRL

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were romans browner than we are towday? Like wtf

>beautiful women

Attached: 1500724197122.png (613x533, 303K)

>pic not related

>consider it north
south, but is a bit richer because of all the stattal work parasited and the church stuff. The way romans think is a lot closer to nap*ls than to milan

Centre, but south

I bet if Italy colonized Latin America instead of Spain, this hemisphere would be a lot better

Aren't you mistaking the roman empire with the kingdom of italy/republic of italy?

But italians colonized latin america?