The real discrimination is against ugly people. Not black people or gay people.
The real discrimination is against ugly people. Not black people or gay people
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It's not discrimination, it's basic free market. You're inferior to the majority of males therefore you'll have a lower value in the sex market.
Keep crying, incelfag.
Black/gay people sometimes are mocked.
Ugly people simply don't exist, their existence is not needed nor noticed
a free market needs some degree of upward mobility
what fucking upward mobility do i have as a 5'6 indian?
wow that's edgy coming from a monkey
Niggers and faggots have thousands of organizations watching their backs. They have special laws protecting them from all forms of discrimination, bullying, and hate crimes. Ugly men don't get any of that shit and to make it worse we're constantly told we're privileged.
>a free market needs some degree of upward mobility
Not really?
It is not just about sex. Ugly people are less likely to get promoted etc.
no one is going to participate in a system where the have no chances (unless they are forced by some authoritarian means like feudalism or something)
They are kinda forced to work really, unless they want to die on the streets
NEETdom isn't a thing really and if it is in some countries it wont last long
A 5'4" creepy ass Indian has zero chances of getting laid in America where every girl can literally download Tinder and meet 100 cute guys in her local area. No amount of "just go lift bro" or "just have confidence" will change this. We don't live in a meritocracy. It's all about genes but people pretend it's about how hard you try.
animals with shit genetics in nature don't get special treatment, they get killed or aborted.
We need to make Chad semen a basic right for womens around the world.
We should make genetic test to see if the baby is incel and just chemically castrate him before his garbage genetics reproduce.
and why should he be able to have sex with a decent girl if he's disgusting? why does this thought even go in people's minds
So he's just supposed to accept his genetic inferiority, be happy, and die as a virgin?
>to accept his genetic inferiority
>be happy
>die as a virgin
Do you expect them all to go down quietly? Or will we see more Elliot Rodgers?
What do you expect man? 5'4 indians to have sex with cute girls from college?
so many edgy idiots in this thread
indians don't have a chance because they are autistics
In the natural world, women have a 17 to 1 reproductive advantage to males.
ugly people need to learn their place
i'm ugly as fuck and i have accepted my permanent virgin status and being alone for eternity
just try to enjoy your life with little to no social interactions. play vidya, watch movies and tv series, read books, listen to music and be a hedonist
Talk about defeatist.
you need to be in the top 20% of your country in terms of looks, money and status to be considered worthy of most females TODAY so you can get a 6/10.
nah, maybe if you're 60yo and want a gold digger
Fun fact: Criminals and psychopaths are over 5x more likely to mate on average.
Aggressive people on general will mate more than timid/shy people
Not if they look like this. If you're aggressive the only place you'll end up is in prison. Must be because he's so privileged.
there's one edit of his picture with decent hair and nothing else and already looks better, incels need to understand why hair is so important, it shows how healthy and clean you are.
Yeah, incels are not needed by society but
>free market
kek, fuck off jew
criminals tend to have higher test, which women are attracted by biology.
I've been to 20 different barbers over the past 5 years. Not one has been able to make my hair look like this guy's. I guess I'm just not trying hard enough. I need to "stop making excuses".
And psychopaths tend to be very manipulative, which is okay because women are stupid to begin with.
>Not one has been able to make my hair look like this guy's
this guy's hair was done on the spot by high-end professionals using various high-end products + photoshopped
those are traits that were usefull when we were just tribal cavemen.
modern society is just extremelly new in history.
most incels died before reaching puberty back in ancient times.
there has been times where 90% of males in a country die because of war or dissease.
I'm sorry but if your hair grows like this and your head is shaped like this. You will never look like Nick Bateman. Your only hope is a hair transplant.
>We don't live in a meritocracy.
We do, having better genes is a merit. And the indian can go and try to get rich.
And that's your fucking problem instead of trying to get someone's else hair you should try to discover what cut fits your own hair.
He's balding you idiot