Who is your favorite Roman?
Who is your favorite Roman?
Tiberius Gracchus
my bro
Marcvs Aurelivs.
We both hate germanic people.
Why? You like traps?
I for one do not believe everything they say about him, but stil a shit emperor.
have had his meditations for a couple of years, still haven't read them
convince me to get out of my reading rut and open this book
A dead one
Pliny the Elder
Mah boi, right here!
Real answer though:
Either Augustus OR Gaius Marius.
It will give you true understanding of the roman power level aswell as the mind of one of the most dignified and important person of all time.
Personaly the book change my life.
Justinian I
>the book change my life.
Hannibal Lecter
Caligula played by Malcolm McDowell
I was gonna say this >Marcvs Aurelivs.
But Constantine the great because of Christianity.
It puts every thought and feelings in proper order without trauma or feelings of guilt.
And it had loads of funny stuff like how he hated physical imperfection and adored moors, greeks and and other darker people because he felt they were better looking.
All and all he was the greatest leader of all time and still maintained great humbleness to the point of buyng a very tall greek slave to tell him every once in while that he was just a men, while people kissed his feet and try to make a God Emperor.
He did not wanted to be emperor.
octavian augustus
My ancestor :)
> That flag...
Yea into the trash that piece of shit goes, his whore of a wife was much better.
>and other darker people because he felt they were better looking.
not reading a cuck book sorry
[spoiler] I'll start reading tonight before, promise [/spoiler]
The guy who did the thing in the place
before bed*, can't spoiler right, can't write right
hope the book can fix this
*videtur quod post te*
suus 'non personnelis......... puer
The book is worth reading.
Have fun and dont rush throw it, try to ponder his words.
Julius was one born to one of richest family in Rome and had a Patrician education.
I like him he deserved a better ending.
Sextus Tarquinius
Julius Cesar >>> POWERGAP >>> Cicero > Lucius Cornelius Sulla
like clockwork
My favourite roman is propertius
It's basically a glorified notebook on bastardised Stoicism. Reminders and such. Really not worth reading.
Gaius Mucius Scaevola
Bigus Dickus
Claudius is very underrated
Gracchus bros, Gaius Marius, Gaius Julius Caesar
the most under-appreciated of them all, of course.
pic related
>Posting emperors
Heh, I am team pliny.
Hercules Gargantua
Nero. Not the IRL one he's trash
Gaio Mario
kek, knew it
Fuck that guy, thing should never have been done, especially in the place.
None. Never forget the celtic holocaust
my ancestor :)
is plebs worth watching?
I really don't get the love for Marcus Aurelius. The guy rote mediocre philosophy and put an end to the reign of the four good emperors, since he didn't care to nominate a competent successor, and was instead followed by his son.
My favourite is Trajan, he didn't give a shit about natural borders and just conquered stuff. Also strted the 4 good empreors period by nominatig an experienced successor instead of a family member.
This, my gallic brother gets it.
The dead ones.
Were any of them not raging degenerates? I know some of them took credit for some great inventions, but I don't care about that if it's on top of pure human tragedy.
Justinian I ofc
>Constantine the great
My Albanian ancestor :)
>Admiring psychotic dictators
Cicero was a man of reason born in a world of madmen. Even Augustus deeply regretted putting him to death.
Cicero obviously
Marcus Aurelius
Cato the Younger
That one guy that destroyed Rome.
Cato the Elder
Any Romans in US films.
Nerva was comfy
Augustus Septimus
nigga what? he was a pedophile and a shitty emperor
>Killed his own mother
>Kicked his pregnant wife in the stomach.
>Probably caused the fire in Rome.
>Castrated a boy and married him, because he looked his dead wife.
>he was a pedophile and a shitty emperor
All lies. His only crime was that he wasn't a people person and the oligarchy hated him. His rule was actually one of the best among Roman Emperors. And he didn't even want to become emperor in the first place.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
no, Gaius Marius!
their descendant i.e. me
>His rule was actually one of the best among Roman Emperors.
you forget about his treason trials and purges, tiberius was a douche
He's a saint compared to Caligula, Nero and those shitty emperors that followed him.
Marcus Tullius Cicero Matrifututor Malus
yeah but tiberius wasn't augustus, trajan, aurelius, hadrian, nerva or even claudius either. saying that he was best among roman emperors is imho wrong.
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