>I'm italian but I've never been to italy
I'm italian but I've never been to italy
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your countrymen are retarded
We have these guys in Canada too, unfortunately.
and America has a serious lack of culture problem, when people identify with wherever their ancestors came from instead of the country they live in
I'm not italian but I've been.
>First generation American
>both parents Polish immigrants
>speak Polish
>go to Poland and blend in
>have Polish passport because of citizenship by descent
>autists on Sup Forums will say I'm not Polish but a LARPing Amerimutt
Why is it always """"""""""Italian""""""""""-Americans that do this shit? You never hear about white Americans of English/Scottish/German/French/Dutch/Scandinavian/Portuguese/Polish/Russian/other descent, claiming to be from these cunts.
user i
you hear about all of those except for english.
americans never claim to be of english descent which ironically cements the mutt-meme quite well (given that it was a country created by a bunch of englishmen).
>german american
>surname is jones or williams or some shit
Guess who's missing? Irish-americans!
are you new or something?
Oh fuck. How could I forget about those nigger-tier LARPers.
I remember this yank girl I knew who called herself Irish American even though she came from a Protestant family and her surname was Van berger or some Dutch name
Yeah, but it's pretty funny.
Why do americans hate their nationality so much? Should they start to purge every person with post-1900 immigrant ancestors?
Americans deserve to be gassed.
The best part of the episode is when they were expecting spaghetti with meatballs and they got spaghetti with clams (a real italian dish), pretty funny stuff
I always wonder how mentally people like this are irl
>and you thought the germans were classless pieces of shit
>"...and now I traded my Lederhosen for a kilt :DDD"
t. Kyle
>when you take real life roleplaying to the next level
holy cringe
Imagine being this autistic
I don't know why, but this clip always makes me feel kinda bad for Americans. They just want to fit in. It's one of the reasons I don't like to shit on the "muh heritage" crowd, as annoying as they can be sometimes.
who cares about fitting into to arbitrary standards of other countries, that's conformist bullshit
Pretty much any med here is like that
We have a tv series that invites MUH HERITAGE americans to Sweden
Winner gets to meet their distant family
>why do americans hate their nationality so much?
They don't, it's just that some people crave to be apart of something foreign and unique (atleast relative to their culture) aswell as being an American. When some people hear that their great-grandparents were from Italy or Germany they'll try to larp as an Italian or a German to feel special even though the language and culture died in their family decades ago.
>I'm portuguese because my parents are portuguese
I mean "fit in", as in wanting an actual identity and heritage. They want to feel part of something bigger than themselves, which is hard to do in a rootless, mongrel country (not nation), where consumerism and flag worship fill the void left by actual culture.
So Croatian Italians aren't Italian? Bosnian Croats aren't Croats? Serbian Albanians aren't Albanian? And is that image a self-portrait or what?
Don't feel too bad. My mother and aunt went to Italy to go shopping, and they talked my ear off about the sights and culture when they got back. I know for a fact they didn't see any of them.
It's fine to take an interest in other cultures, especially the ones that comprise your heritage. but these people make it the basis of their identity while never gaining anything but a shallow understanding of it. I honestly deal with this every day.
>people reject their ethnic identity in exchange for some meme civic national identity based on location
>wonder why patriotism is dead in those states
no, croatian italians aren't italian. They're croats
patriotism is just an ideology to get the plebs into the trenches for war
No, they're Italians. And people in Afghanistan aren't "Afghans", they're Pashtun and various other groups, etc. States and citizenship does not define national identity, that's a relatively new Western ideology that needs to die.
>me salio la tanada
The two guys at the dinner table are saying: "And they say the Germans are pieces of shit without class" After he ordered clams
Negros and muslims who're born here are not Italians despite their passports, and there are ethnic Italians in Croatia who were taught Italian language by their parents who are not Croats despite their passports either. There are many shades in this spectrum.
There's more to heritage and identity than just blood. How far back do you want to take this argument? I have distant Huguenot ancestry, going back a few hundred years? Does that mean I'm French? Of course not. It'd be ridiculous to ever claim such a thing. I understand that you're from the Balkans, where you guys fought a brutal war just a few decades ago, based on blood. Your opinion on this topic has been coloured by that. Believe me when I say that the rest of Europe doesn't think in these terms and neither will you guys in 50-100 years time, once the wounds heal.
Hello my German, Irish, Italian, Polish, English, Scottish, Swedish, and Cherokee brethren. God it's great to be a pure aryan.
>ethnic Italians
There's no such thing. Italians run the gamut, ethnically speaking. Or are you going to claim that some terrone from the south like pic related, is the same ethnicity as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed person from Veneto, or Tuscany?
The brit gets it. Italy is 150 years old, more or less. I'm from Veneto, and the Republic of Venice lasted from the end of the western Roman empire to the end of the 18th century. That's 1100 years
It's all about the features, not the complexion, you Anglos should wrap your head around it. Statistically, Romagna is one of the places with the least blue eyes and blonde hair, Tuscany is also dark as hell, yet you can see the basic stock differs cause we weren't a Phoenician and Greek colony, and even before wasn't settled by neolithic farmers from Anatolia. Yet, the idea of Italians as a people and as a Nation was conceived on paper since the Roman times. I can't think of many modern nations for which you cannot make the same argument to a degree.
He'll probably claim that there is no such thing as Venetian people nowadays, though, since there is no country of Venice.
Sicilian girls are better
What does Commeditor or w/e he was saying mean?
I'm half italian but I never cared for most shitty, greasy italian food (except pizza) and can't speak italian even though I took it all throughout middle school and for 2 years in high school.
italian food is not greasy at all
yes it is
Commendatore's a high title in the chivalry order.
Commendatore. It's an old military grade and honorific title en.wikipedia.org
I don't know if it means something else in southern Italy, it's probably a generic sign of respect
They truly are
""""italian"""" food is not italian food m8
there is no such thing as venetians, 1/3 of modern day "venetians" descend from albanian Stradiots during the Italian wars and many southern Italians migrated to the veneto area in the 20th century. Venetian as an ethnicity is long dead as is Roman or frank etc....
Met her at my uni the last year
I want anchovys stinky italian feet in my face
Thx. Americans truly are the mutt scum of the world.
>I'm 1/256th Italian, I just love Rome it's my favourite city
t. Amerimutts
Italians are not white. Pic related Swiss Italian.
Kek. You lying cunt. She's French-Cambodian.
same thing
In the sopranos my city is mentioned several time (and no, it's not Naples)
since we're posting sopranos clips
I think gomorrah is in the same universe of the sopranos and salvatore conte is actually furio giunta that went back to italy and became a mafia boss
her look is Italian though and she's 1/4 Italian.
Italians are pretty white
>pic related
autism. Also such a misued character :(
fuck off kike
italians are NOT white, sorry
nobody cares mohammed
I love how the Sopranos could just give a really genuine and realistic feel of certain places.
Same with when the women all went to Paris.
Sure mutt, green eyed blondes are the norm in italy
He has the one ring, so it's from the alternate universe of LotR where Isildur wasn't attacked on his way to Sicily. I think it's clear. Smoking gun right there.
I live in the area the show is set, and pass by some of the locations everyday. It really nails the area.
David Chase is a legit genius
Northern italy has more light eyed people than northern france.
lots of blonde with blue eyes here. It's not that strange still a minority
no it doesn't
Please guys, remain on topic, we were talking about proper Italy
from all the italian words they use you can tell he has a genuine love for italy.
Fuck off, you nasty mutt. You're not Italian and you never will be.
It doesn't, stop.
Not a real brit since he's sticking up for italians and not calling them shitskins.
Filming on location without forcing meme stereotypes helps
Pirate State of Napoli sounds just right, would be pretty cool
How does it feel to be a mutt?
uhh idk
t. Tony the fake Italian from Noo Joizey