istari edition
/v4/ + orcs
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Tolkien you nigger what happened to the blue ones? and radagast?
it feels like you're not trying anymore marcelku
anything happened lately?
btw does aha also mean "yep" in Polish?
I wish I was Polish
I wish I was dead
Tom Bombadil > Gandalf > Aragorn > Legolas > Sam > Merry and Pippin > Frodo > shit >Trolls > Orcs > GImli
why do you post this in every fucking thread
''aha'' is often a disintirested ''ok'' said when someone said something you don't give a fuck about
Ents>wizards>tom bombadil> everything else
yeah that's what I thought, but here we also use it as very casual yes like "you want to go for ice cream" "aha"
I didn't post it in the last one
siege of helm's deep > siege of minas tirith
siege of erebor > siege of osgiliath
Am I allowed to post ITT?
no go and die
of course not
Big Uruk hai Bulls > sissy elf bois
obvious bait
helms deep wasn‘t much of a siege, it was an assault from the start
Űrűk bőgá
I have silmarillion in my shelf but I never read it, should I?
Rhúngarians btfo whiteoid gondor scum
remember how Orcs got BTFO'd by fucking Hobbits in the Scourging of Shire? LMAO
muh warlike race
tolkien orcs are just scum, weak and afraid of the sun
ikr they are like the slavs using waves and mass infantry
yeah, it BTFOs faggots who say
>muh Tolkien Elves are Mary Sue's
you can see they are as eager to fuck each other over as other races and they are quite badass too
a lot like Austrians
name any slavic country that isn't Russia that fought like this
>jews counterparts are arabs (and are descedants of them)
> elves counterparts are orks (who are descendant from them)
>mass infantry at any point in history
lmao retard I thought chinks are supposed to be smart
>plays red land
>plays this fucker
>hits you for 1 hp
what do you do
>muh winged husstards
you‘re not very smart I see.
no one knows what the fuck is that shit but this site is from 18+ only so you have to go back
this so fucking much
what the fuck are you even trying to say? also
>hehe PLC was the entirety of polish history ;)
dumb iranian shitskin
muh hustards meme is in your shit filled brain too
>going against infantry with horses and when the tanks roll in still fight on
>tolkien estate is now controlled by Jew.
>in WW2
are you fucking retarded or what? Hussars stopped existing in the second half of 18th century
ez bevett taktika volt maisztró, még magyaroknál is
mágneses aknát, TNT-t és egyéb könnyen hordozható robbanószerkezeteket röhögve rá lehetett hajítani egy mozgó T-34-re hátulról
no but they surley thought they were when they got moved down
By god slavs are so retarded fucking hungarian and italian cavalry constantly btfod your russhit "big bros" even in 1944-45 even though they were outnumbered and charged with sabres
de pont hogy a reardáltaknak nem volt páncélellenes felszerelésük és a német harckocsik nem arról voltak híresek hogy díszes krumplivagonok voltak amikben képzetlen törpék ültek mint az oroszoknál
igaz, igaz
olvasom, hogy ráadásul szemből vágtáztak a tankok felé
azt mi is csináltuk csak az oroszok teljesen összezavarodtak és nem csináltak ellene semmit mert
a mertet nem akartam odaírni
kurva anyátok
jó az oda
fokozza a hatást
az olvasó képzeletére bízza a szlávok ok-okozati
hi there qtπ
lets start a riot
a riot
törött tököt főzők törpök hejjj
how you doing hunanon?
go home csokó, ur drunk
wanna play games, koto?
are you really 150cm? that is the size of medium sized child
that austrian didn't make one good post in his entire retarded life
>first he shilled some anime girl
>then he was butthurting about fuck knows what
>then he made the infamous ''HURR knights fought mostly on foot because that's how it's like in Mount and Blade!''
if not for the fact that pepiks catch his spit in their mouth he wouldn't get a single (You) because people would think he is mentally ill
literally digged shit with bare hands so my carrots would grow THICC
wait i just started
on different acc
kek yes, I stopped growing at 11 or so, inherited my height from my paternal grandmother tbqh
wew, do you live in a farm or you have an orchard?, I've always wanted to live in a farm tbqh
it's an orchard with some vines
city folk belong to cities imo, you'd suck as a farmer
>you'd suck as a farmer
>mfw i realised ill forever be a hobbit
cow fucker
>poland should be blamed for what russians did
>wake up at 5 am
>shitpost on chans
>6 am grab kaczor knife
>search for worms and insects under tree crust
>kill them one by one
>clean trees from old crust
>17 am sit down and blog
>fucking cows
real men fuck mares here
Daily reminder this is how a (You) starved south american narkoman looks like.
Giving her (You)'s you're not helping her with her addiction but also putting at risk other south ameridian favela wiafus.
Please donate your (You)'s to the red cross Today soo that we can genocide the south american continent and bring about a better world with less suffering
sound comfy tbqh, especially when you have farm animals
how do you store carrots during winter user?
>stopped growing at 11
wtf was there a famine in your childhood?
looks tired & depressed
my kinda girl
Városi értelmiség > Vidéki Zsellér
Only had goats. The small ones are qt and pesky af. Other hunanon has horses if I remember well.
in the soil
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>these eyerings
clearly slavic
enjoy your ban for doxxing btw
ok, I chuckled
have a girl that is 156cm tall in my class
cant imagine being smaller
i am huge compared
>tfw my grandparents and great grandparents who lived in Kőbánya had mangalica pigs and chicken and a horse before Budapest ate it up and ruined that place forever
thanks commies you utter subhuman jews
You cant ban the man
wow hot thigh
no, it's just sp*nish genes
I knew a girl smaller (140 or so), but she clearly had some growing issues
szántani lusta hagymás ánon itt vagyol?
for the last few days, weeks even I was observing /v4/ and it definitely went to complete shit and I thought it's impossible since v4 sucked to begin with
>butthurt ching chongs
>some autist spamming argie
>pepiks catching spit of Western Master in their mouths
>sloevene making abhorrent posts
>romanians making abhorrent posts
>american diaspora making abhorrent posts
>polacks catching spit of everyone in their mouths
>random latvian fagot
Being here is not even amusing anymore it's a cesspool of cirklejerk and mental illness, I took notes from the greek bro who was shitposting here and fuck off to other generals forever. Picrel /v4/
just add adolf qler im to lazy too relog
i actually once saw very small asian girl walking in front of me in riga
she didnt look like a midget
id say 140 cm for sure
this is why im scared of getting asian gf, they are so small
we store them in sawdust since ever but lately they get rotten very quickly
dobra, ale zamknij mordę, marcel
cumfy discord for friends
> he wants to racemix with a different nationality
grandma used hay,
your sawdust may be too moist imo
i am uggro-finnic slavic baltide mongoloid that is 200cm tall
it is not race mixing it is race purifying
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argie user is really pretty
shieet gotta visit my grandma some day
and probably has nice tats too
magyar cigany
True kőbánya bulls used to have piggies even in commieblocks
thanks anons :3
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