>the year is 2050, it's been years since the Amerimutts reached the genetic singularity point and engulfed North America in otherworldly dark energies...
>Mexico was only spared complete annihilation because of the wall, nobody remembers for what purpose it was originally built but it has kept las abominaciones at bay...
>"la creatura isn't real, right papi? it's very scary, p-please tell me there's nothing north of la muralla..."
would you lie to your Mexican daughter about the truth behind el ogro de las americas... el monstruo... el luz extinguido...
The year is 2050...
Other urls found in this thread:
el goblino...
I feel in this scenario the CHIs would be like the wildlings and the Amerimutts are the wh*Tewalkers
el depravación
Long ago the land beyond the wall was ruled by a powerful empire. The empire was so powerful they used sorcery to transform lifeless chunks of metal into birds and fish that they used to dominate the air and sea. They also built mountains of steel and concrete where the rich and powerful lived but over time their sorcery caused portals from the abyss to open up and demons flooded into their realm. The people were so wicked that they bred with the demons and over generations they were transformed into horrifying abominations that couldn't even speak the human tongues . They spoke a foul tongue known to us as AMURRIKAN ANGLISH. Within 50 years all the humans were gone and were replaced by these abominations. All the kingdoms of the Earth united to destroy these abominations and cleanse the land but before anyone could act the abominations unleashed an ancient weapon built by the human inhabitants long ago. The weapon destroyed all of the human kingdoms but not before Russia, China and Persia unleashed their own weapons at the abominations. The resulting inferno brought ruin to much of the world but the mutts managed to survive in a series of ancient forts known as McDonald's. We are the warriors of the Int Order. It is our duty to venture into the lands beyond the wall and destroy these forts so that we can prevent more of these creatures from breeding and attacking our lands. The fate of all mankind depends on us
jir user
Oscuridad gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no esposa, farm no lands, play no fútbol. I shall wear no sombrero and win no pesos. I shall live and die at my post. I am the machete in the darkness. I am the watcher on la muralla... I am the shield that guards the realms of Mexico. I pledge my life and honor to the Mutt's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come... Dios nos proteja...
- The Mutt's Watch oath
this needs to be made into a fanfic joao
holy fuck hahaha
Ah muy nino, you ask how la creatura came to be? Legends say that it all began with the mixing of the races combined with artificial and chemical-spiked food and complete disintegration of culture. Then the mutts started breeding with the mongrels, and people started losing sanity even further. Ay caramba, horrible and dark times indeed. Eventually, the even more mixed abominations started being fed meat of deceased by the corporations to cut expenses. When the time was right, Jews opened up the portal to a nether dimension by using the vigin blood sacrifices of few extremely rare blancos that they kept alive for this specific purpose. Unimaginable dark energies descended upon this realm, turning abominations into something, something not of this world ... They were finally ready, the perfected goyim ...
I know it’s a meme but it’s spelled criatura, not creatura. Seeing it misspelled all over is slightly triggering
El chancho degenerada...
You should fight las creaturas, not join them, dumb chicANO.
dios mio, es el diablo
es el punto, la espanol no es supposed to ser bueno
dios mio...
We are reaching autism levels that no one thought were possible. I love it
has oído el cuento de los globinos
this board is garbage jesus chrst
>There will be a time in which I'll have to return to the ancient fatherland to escape the eternal chinaman and el hijo de la oscuro
what a time to be alive
I didn’t know you could shed the leaf...
It's an ancient technique.... passed down from generation to generation... my father Pedro Cvznzlinsvzki taught it to me... but he said only a 100% white person can use it
I feel like if I go to Mexico it's going to be like when Paulie goes to Italy
>be CHI
>paternal side immigrated here after Mexican Revolution
>maternal side has been in SB since Mexico lost there territory (OGs of getting fucked over by the government)
>live in Seattle
>go to California for funeral
>cousins take me to paneria
>employees laugh at me when I say "pan"
>join in on laugh like a fucking momo
>next day have to go to a butcher
>butcher talks english to white customers but talks to me in spanish since I'm a CHI
>too much of a bitch to start talking in English and look rude
>point at carne asada I want
>gives me blank stare
>my porcelain-skinned Aztec larping mother has to step in and talk for me
i should kms
if you visited california what stopped you from learning spanish and getting around in the latin american communities? other than risking a good shank if you're not careful, you could've gotten a qt recent immigrant gf or a qt second generation gf and having the pros of living in a first world country while still enjoying the warm nature of the latin american woman
I hung out with Latin-Americans in Seattle, but they are just CHIs like me and don't really think of their own culture (just as white Americans do with their heritage).
I have only had either white or latina gfs.
I know Spanish to an extent, I just never practice it so I have a weird accent (speak like a gringo)
vocaroo it
you don't even need to hear it
just think of someone speaking to a Spanish speaker from whilst reading from a dictionary
when I was in CA for grad school I took a spanish class and did not learn a thing because the class consisted of basically hispanic people and white people who already knew spanish
again, I should kms
may you one day find peace goblino
Not him, but I learned Spanish in Uni.
Las Americana, minha deus
thank u leaf
are u CHI?
Try to say a part of this
you sound like my roommate
> To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions of goblinos. It is to live with the cruelest and most bloody mutts imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of genetics and heritage, for so much has been dilute, never to be re-absorbed. Forget the promise of purity and whiteness, for in the aberración oscura there is only racemixing.
I'd play this game/watch this movie
>Americano Quarenta K.
she looks like she's asking to be dicked
Classic Indonesia
>some mexicans genuinely believe they are living in a heaven compared to us
.........I don’t know what to say.
.......speaks for itself huh.