Why do Amerisharts worship guns?
Why do Amerisharts worship guns?
Circumcision trauma
>Why do Amerisharts worship guns?
They're more real than G*d.
>dat lack of trigger discipline
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
"well regulated" being the key words, a Sup Forumstard with an ar-15 killing mexicans is the complete opposite of well regulated
Because they're fat and retarded and should be genocided so we can replace them with better people from South America, Africa, and the Middle East.
Every American male must register for conscription at age 18, carry proof of registration on them and keep the Selective Service System updated with their current address until the age of 26. Seems pretty well-regulated to me.
>claims to be well regulated
>is fat
I bet you voted for DRUMPF
What about mental illnesses and physical performance?
he meant well maintained not government regulation. Thomas Jefferson was an autist.
>missing the chance to put a meme in the White House
Yes, I believe that even Liberals can own guns.
Are you unironically mocking another country for allowing and enabling the right to self-defense? Fuck off, cuck. I hope you get shanked by some native as he robs you.
Sorcerer-priests of la luz extinguido probably have far greater knowledge than most
There is nothing wrong with natives killing wh*toid invaders to acquire resources that systematic white supremacy has denied them.
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>starts at medium
If they ever bring back the draft my fat ass is gonna be on the first plane to Canada.
Canada doesn't take American immigrants.
Welp, there's always suicide.
and in america god is more real than science
small penis complex, same reason why they drive monster trucks