The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan

>The Japanese man is out at work for 12 hours in his company office, slaving away for the mightily corporations of Japan
>Meanwhile, his wife is lonely. She is lonely because her husband leaves her alone at home in the morning and only arrives late in the night with the stench of Sake in his breath
>and on the weekends he spends every minute on watching his animes and playing the latest Nintendo products, leaving the beautiful Japanese flower alone and sad in the kitchen to prepare meals for her husband who is a total asexual autist
>One day, a stranger comes into town. He is a dark handsome man with a daring and passionate look in his eyes
>He notices lonely Satomi staring at cherries blooming in the garden
>The charming man aproaches her and she can feel herself heating up like if she was in the mediterranean
>"Querida Satomi, te voy a dar el placer que tu esposo antisocial nunca te podera dar para que pudas vivir en paz por toda tu vida" - whispered the handsome man
>Suddenly, Japanese woman couldn't take it anymore. The passion of Andalusia, the charm of Milan and the nostalgia of Portugal were all combined in the deity that was in front of her
>She takes of her clothes and proceeds to have the most "caliente" sex she ever had in her life
>As she reaches the climax and the epithome of human pleasure she thanks the gods of the Mediterranean for sending this angel of lust
>After passing out she could hear a lonesome guitar sound fading in the distance
>When she waked up her husband was still in the bar drinking Sake with his male friends but now she had a memory of love to cherish in her lonely Japanese days
>and that memory was:
>Fernando Martinez

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>charm of Milan
wtf is wrong with you seiously

is there a gay fernando martinez or a bi one?

Fernando Martinez is not bound by what we know as sexuality. Fernando Martinez is the omnipresent personification of burning passion.

>charm of Milan

What is wrong with milan

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most girls I know think Spanish guys are greasy creeps, second only to the French in list of men they would never fuck

>most girls I know
Your waifu is not a girl lad

>british women being picky

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>pierre will never have her

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I prefer Imogen desu

My British f*ck mate doesn't think so. You seem a little cucked, James.

Japanese women actually like nordic bulls more

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>my crushes told me they would never fuck these subhumans guys. R-right g-guys?

How is it that I'm italian and never had a girlfriend is this is supposed to be true

Well for starters, you're posting on this site. Its an automatic 50% increase to being a virgin

t.35 yo hugless/kissless/NEET


That would be awesome hehe

>The albino monkey jacking in the background
I'm glad the japanese know how to properly paint a Finnish man

Why is there a Brazilian staring at them?

Clearly not Brazilian, he's white

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the MED BVLL strikes again...

Really starting to like Fernando Martinez posting tBh

Time to put an end to this, Felnando

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Good, but a bit more creativity in the second half would improve it. Maybe something about how the heat of the moment made her think her sole mission in life was to fix Japan's plumetting birth rate

Darker Caucasians (meds, castizos, wealthy arabs, some North Africans, the occassional Norman Brit or French hollywood actor) are almost universally the most attractive males to women no matter the country or race. Anybody who denies this is living in their basement or coping hard.

Bermuda coming in with the truth

>timu to puto an endo to thisu

b-but I never had gf

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because you post anime girls instead of meeting real girls

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girls are mean and they have smelly feet because stockings

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>They have smelly feet because of stockings
You say that like it's a bad thing

you need to face your fears if you want a real gf
facing your fears is just part of being a mediterranean bull

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Um okie. I will go out and ruin a blonde + blue eyed girl's lineage with my italian seed.

b-but i'm not used to stinky girl feet

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>I will go out and ruin a blonde + blue eyed girl's lineage with my italian seed.
That's the spirit! Mars will smile upon you Med brother...

what if she BULLY me for being med


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So you have humiliation/femdom/feet fetish? I'm learning so much!

nuh I don't want her to bully me for being med but I would enjoy rubbing her feets and clipping her toenails


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