>asian guys have beautiful white gfs are always korean
really makes you think
>asian guys have beautiful white gfs are always korean
really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Zainichi
Only because some dumb white whore are into K-pop, it's just fetichism
Korean boys are used to hysterical cunts that's why they can deal with white girls
T. Monkey
T. Ahmed
White women are manly as fuck while Asian men are feminine as fuck, so it kind of fits except in reverse, lol.
FUCK this webm how the fuck does this brit toothed slant eyed rice fucker have a cute pale white gf while im virgin this is bullshit
She is married to a Chinese guy
>tfw ywn experience this
And handsome White guys are always with ugly Asian girls
And it is East Asian men (Chinese, Korean and Japanese in that order) who get the best White girls.
Yeah, good for them, i hope they're happy
Her husband
>handsome White guys are always with ugly Asian girls
Fuck you misogynistic scum
t.an ugly Asian girl with an ugly white guy
The same can be said about whi*Te males that are into jap girls. It's just fetishism caused by anime otaku shit.
The previous asian reddit incel thread is still up
>diaspora population : chinese>korean>japanese
>some Korean get the best White girls
>implying this mutt is japanese
this makes me mad tbqh
Hello reverse polland.
dude is also wearing a fucking mickey mouse shirt
Idk man my mom was p qt from her younger photos and my dad is an SEA nigger
Why? Polan?
Imagine being so much of an exception the video you record ends up being spammed on a place like this.
Besides this shit is disgusting no matter if there's an European or an ugly iron-faced chinese, makes me feel bad for all the times i forced my happiness on those around me when i hanged out with my girlfriends.
who is talking about diaspora? i am talking about white girls (who are mostly russian and slavic girls) who travel to East Asian countries to live. And those countries are in this order :
China >>>> Korea >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Japan
Russian girls like this below are common now in China:
>an exception
Meanwhile in Italy
I see so they are mail order brides from slavic cunts
actually it makes sense
do you guys also import girls just for marriage to the US?
Your reddit literally paid a white pornstar to fuck a chinese nobody to make up for the lack of AMWF porn, doesn't matter how many pictures you sad freak hoarded.
>mail-order brides
What makes you think they are mail-order brides? Russian GDP per capita income > Chinese GDP per capita income. Again, Russian girls like this model below is common now in China :
As China gets wealthier and more powerful, more-and-more White girls from all over the world will go there and China will welcome them. As Korean entertainment like kpop / kdramas gets more powerful, more and more White girls from all over the world would want to go there. Meanwhile at the height of Japan's power in the 1980's, the Japanese did nothing to get White girls but prefered to stay in your island and become hikkimori. The Chinese arent like that ...
Imagine how mad the crazy tiger mom of that autistic korean NEET from America who is awake 5am on a Monday to spam amwf couples on an anime image board. I bet she whines every day about him not giving her grandkids or moving out of the house.
This user who lives in the world of interwebs porn and thinks porn = reality. And the sad thing is that despite his porn-obsession, he thinks there is 'a lack of AMWF porn' despite the fact you can type in AMWF in pornhub or any tube site and find every White porngirl that ever existed with an Asian guy.
is this the worst kind of over-shitposted failure of a meme on Sup Forums?
t. travel and enjoy in Japan
Russians are poorer than South Sudan and are Asian, so no one cares. But real white women think Asian men are a joke.
the #1 tourist to Japan are the Chinese
At the end of the vid where that 20 sec webm comes from, those same 'real' white women say YES to numerous East Asian men.
>real white women
This is the subreddit where the autistic yellow incels are coming from
For you Asians even gypsies are considered white, but genetically speaking only Northern Europeans are white, the rest are just mixes.
Also this one where yellow virgin SJWs whine about anti asian "racism"
beautiful white.....
it is hilarious you think a girl like this isnt 'white' just because she prefers East Asian men
God I wish that were me...